Part 50 (1/2)
10. A good time for bathing is just before retiring. The morning hour is a good time also, if a warm room and warm water can be secured.
11. Never bathe a fresh wound or broken skin with cold water; the wound absorbs water, and causes swelling and irritation.
12. A person not robust should be very careful in bathing; great care should be exercised to avoid any chilling effects.
All the Different Kinds of Baths, and How to Prepare Them.
For the itch, ringworm, itching, and for other slight skin irritations, bathe in water containing a little sulphur.
To open the pores of the skin, put a little common salt into the water.
Borax, baking soda or lime used in the same way are excellent for cooling and cleansing the skin. A very small quant.i.ty in a bowl of water is sufficient.
1. For catarrh, bronchitis, pleurisy, inflammation of the lungs, rheumatism, fever, affections of the bowels and kidneys, and skin diseases, the vapor-bath is an excellent remedy.
2. APPARATUS.--Use a small alcohol lamp, and place over it a small dish containing water. Light the lamp and allow the water to boil. Place a cane-bottom chair over the lamp, and seat the patient on it. Wrap blankets or quilts around the chair and around the patient, closing it tightly about the neck. After free perspiration is produced the patient should be wrapped in warm blankets, and placed in bed, so as to continue the perspiration for some time.
3. A convenient alcohol lamp may be made by taking a tin box, placing a tube in it, and putting in a common lamp wick. Any tinner can make one in a few minutes, at a trifling cost.
1. Place the alcohol lamp under the chair, without the dish of water. Then place the patient on the chair, as in the vapor bath, and let him remain until a gentle and free perspiration is produced. This bath may be taken from time to time, as may be deemed necessary.
2. While remaining in the hot-air bath the patient may drink freely of cold or tepid water.
3. As soon as the bath is over the patient should be washed with hot water and soap.
4. The hot-air bath is excellent for colds, skin diseases, and the gout.
1. Have a large basin of water of the temperature of 88 or 95 degrees. As soon as the patient rises rub the body over with a soft, dry towel until it becomes warm.
2. Now sponge the body with water and a little soap, at the same time keeping the body well covered, except such portions as are necessarily exposed. Then dry the skin carefully with a soft, warm towel. Rub the skin well for two or three minutes, until every part becomes red and perfectly dry.