Part 33 (1/2)
”But you took us in the boat, captain,” argued the little fellow; ”he can't catch us in here, can he?”
”But the lady caught you in her arms long before the boat came up, my dear, or else you would have been drowned over and over again; that confounded tackle caught, or else we should have been up long before.
It's a good thing they were not lowering for a whale, or my first mate's language would have been something to remember till the voyage after next. However, here we are all safe, Charlie, and there's your mother looking out for you.”
A painfully eager face was that which gazed from the vessel as we rowed alongside. Every trace of the languor partly born of the tropic sun and partly of aristocratic _morgue_ was gone from the countenance of Mrs.
Percival, as her boy, laughing and prattling, was carried up the rope ladder and lifted on deck. His mother clasped him now pa.s.sionately in her arms, sobbing, blessing, kissing him, and crying aloud that G.o.d had restored her child from the dead. ”Oh, my boy! my boy!” she repeated again and again; ”your mother would have died too, if you had been drowned, she would never have lived without you.”
By this time Miranda had reached the deck, where she was received with a hearty British cheer from the s.h.i.+p's company, while the pa.s.sengers crowded around her as if she had acquired a new character in their eyes.
But Mrs. Percival surpa.s.sed them all; kneeling before Miranda she bowed herself to the deck, as if in adoration, and kissed her wet feet again and again.
”You have saved my child from a terrible death at the risk of your own and your husband's lives,” she said. ”May G.o.d forget me if I forget your n.o.ble act this day! I have been proud and unkind in my manner to you, my dear. I humble myself at your feet, and implore your pardon. But henceforth, Miranda Telfer, you and I are sisters. If I do not do something in requital it will go hard with me and Charlie.”
”Now, my dear Sybil,” interposed the husband, ”do you observe that Mrs.
Telfer has not had time to change her dress--very wet it seems to be--and I suppose Master Charlie will be none the worse for being put to bed and well scolded, the young rascal. Come, my dear.”
Colonel Percival, doubtless, felt a world of joy and relief when the light of his eyes and the joy of his heart stood safe and sound on the deck of the _Florentia_ again, but it is not the wont of the British aristocrat to give vent to his emotions, even the holiest, in public.
The veil of indifference is thrown over them, and men may but guess at the volcanic forces at work below that studiously calm exterior.
So, laying his hand gently but firmly on his wife's arm, he led her to her cabin, with her boy still clasped in her arms as if she yet feared to lose him, and they disappeared from our eyes. As for Miranda and myself, such immersions had been daily matters of course, and were regarded as altogether too trifling occurrences to require more than the necessary changes of clothing.
We both appeared in our places at the next meal, when Miranda was besieged with questions as to her sensations, mingled with praises of her courage and endurance in that hour of deadly peril.
”And _her_ child, too,” said Mrs. Craven; ”what a lesson of humility it ought to teach her! Had you, my dear girl, been swayed by any of the meaner motives which actuate men and women her foolish pride might have cost her child's life.”
”Oh, surely no one _could_ have had such thoughts when that dear little boy fell overboard! I couldn't help Mrs. Percival not liking me. I really did not think much about it; but when I saw the poor little face in the sea, more startled, indeed, than frightened, I felt as if I must go in after him. It was quite a matter of course.”
After this incident it may be believed that we were indeed a happy family on board the _Florentia_. Every one vied with every one else in exhibiting respect and admiration towards Miranda. Mrs. Percival would not hear of a refusal that we should come and stay with her, when we had done all that was proper and dutiful in the family home. Miss Vavasour and Mrs. Craven depended on me to show them all the beauties of Sydney harbour; while Captain Carryall pledged himself to place Mr.
Frankston's yacht at the service of his pa.s.sengers generally, and to render them competent to champion the much-vaunted glories of the unrivalled harbour to all friends, foes, and doubters on the other side of the world.
Colonel Percival privately interrogated the captain as to the nature of the commercial undertaking in which he was about to arrange a partners.h.i.+p for me, and begged as a favour, being a man of ample means, that he might be permitted to advance the amount of my share. The captain solemnly promised him that if there was any difficulty in the proposed arrangement on account of my deficiency of cash he should be requested to supply it. ”He seemed to feel easy in his mind after I told him this, my boy,” said the commander, with that mixture of simplicity and astuteness which distinguished him, ”but fancy old Paul and your father admitting outside capital in one of their trade ventures!”
”This time to-morrow we shall be going through Sydney Heads,” said the first mate to me as we walked the deck about an hour after sunrise one morning, ”that is, if the wind holds.”
”Pray Heaven it may,” said I, ”then we shall have a view of the harbour and city worth seeing. It makes all the difference. We might have a cloudy day, or be tacking about till nightfall, and the whole effect would be lost.” I was most anxious not only that Miranda's first sight of my native land and her future home should impress her favourably, but I was naturally concerned that our friends should not suppose that the descriptions of the Queen City of the South, with which the captain and I had regaled them, were overdrawn. We sat late at supper that night talking over the wonderful events and experiences that were to occur on the morrow. Plans were discussed, probable residence and inland travel calculated, the Fish River caves and the Blue Mountains were, of course, to be visited--all kinds of expeditions and slightly incongruous journeys to be carried out.
Colonel and Mrs. Percival had been asked to stay at Government House during their visit, which was comparatively short; while Mr. and Mrs.
Craven and Miss Vavasour were to go primarily to Petty's Hotel, which had been highly recommended; and the gentlemen had intimation that they would receive notices of their being admitted as honorary members of the Australian and Union Clubs. With such cheerful expectations and forecasts we parted for the night.
The winds were kind. ”The breeze stuck to us,” as the mate expressed it, and about an hour after the time he had mentioned we were within a mile of the towering sandstone portals of that erstwhile strange, silent harbour into which the gallant seaman Cook, old England's typical mariner, had sailed a hundred years ago.
I had been on deck since dawn. Now that we were so near the home of my childhood, the thoughts of old days, and the parents, brothers, sisters, from whom I had been so long separated, rushed into my mind, until I felt almost suffocated with contending emotions. How would they receive us? Would they be prepared to see me a married man? Would their welcome to Miranda be warm or formal? I began to foresee difficulties--even dangers of family disruption--consequences which before had never entered into the calculation.
However, for the present these serious reflections were put to flight by expressions of delight from the whole body of pa.s.sengers, headed by Miranda, who then came on deck. By this time the good s.h.i.+p _Florentia_ had closely approached the comparatively narrow entrance, the frowning b.u.t.tresses of sandstone, against which the waves, now dashed with hoa.r.s.e and angry murmur, rose almost above us, while a long line of surges, lit up by the red dawn fires, menaced us on either hand.
”Oh, what a lovely entrance!” said Miss Vavasour, after gazing long and earnestly at the scene. ”It seems like the gate of an enchanted lake.
What magnificent, and what light and colour the sun brings out! It is something like a sun--warm, glowing, irradiating everything even at this early hour--and what a sky! The dream tone of a painter! I congratulate you, you dear darling Miranda, and you, Mr. Telfer, on having such a day for home-coming. It is a good omen--I am sure it must be. Nothing but good could happen on such a glorious day.”