Chapter 45.2 (1/2)
Deep in the Act
Translator: Kotoni
Editor: Isalee
Quality Check: Isalee
First Published on Chaleuria
Chapter 45.2 (NSFW)
Like a dumb fool, Chen Hsin stared in a trance at the fine wine in his hand. It gleamed between his fingers, resplendent as the setting sun. All of a sudden, he looked up once more and shot a hardened glare at Zhang Zhun. He, too, was ready with his answer. With all the recklessness of a desperate man who was risking everything he had, Chen Hsin raised his gla.s.s and knocked back his drink.
Zhang Zhun watched the Adam's apple slide up and down Chen Hsin's throat. Once the gla.s.s was emptied of its contents, the younger man flung it onto the floor. It hit the carpeted surface with a m.u.f.fled thud and rolled towards the door after several frantic spins. Swiping the back of a hand across his lips, Chen Hsin set his steely gaze back on Zhang Zhun, his silent challenge flas.h.i.+ng clear in his relentless stare: Your move now.
Yet, as if he did not dare to meet those taunting eyes, Zhang Zhun brushed by the younger man and walked up to the table. Clink - he put down his gla.s.s, and Chen Hsin felt his heart close to shattering. A single teardrop tumbled from the corner of his eye. It rolled down the side of his nose, slipped between his lips, and filled his mouth with bitterness. His hands tightened into fists as he watched Zhang Zhun lower his arm - just to see the older man raise it again to grab the opened bottle. At last, lifting his eyes and reaching out to Chen Hsin with a gaze full of tender longing, Zhang Zhun started chugging the wine like a lost wanderer about to die from thirst in a desert.
But Zhang Zhun knew that he would not last; half a bottle later, the alcohol kicked in. He felt the burn in his gullet and the throbbing in his temples. His racing heartbeat thundered in his ears. Without any warning, strong arms enfolded him from behind, ripped away his clothes as if they would tear him apart, and flung him naked onto the sheets. Then, the full weight of another heated body was upon him, pressing him deeper into the bedding. Almost at the same time, he caught the sound of a bottle being uncapped, and a heady fragrance wafted into the air.
Everything that followed was little more than a blur: Zhang Zhun's thighs were pried apart; his cleft was fingered, slicked with oil, and torn wide open by a fully erect c***. Everything happened so fast. Too fast. In the mere blink of an eye, it seemed, his body was racked with the searing pain of being penetrated by another man. The alcohol rushed to his head, but there was no dulling the sheer agony within him. No amount of intoxication could numb his senses to such a brutal attack on the softest, most intimate part of his flesh - and there was nothing Zhang Zhun could do besides enduring the onslaught with helpless tears and gritted teeth. He was no stranger to pain, after all; years of training had taught him the pain of stretched muscles and pressed legs, of beatings and injuries, of torn tissues and broken bones. Now, struggling to give his lover an easier time, he tried his best to relax the muscles in his lower body while anguished moans fell from his lips.
Chen Hsin gasped. A guttural grunt escaped his throat as if his breath were choked off by an unexpected stranglehold, and it was hard to tell whether he was in pleasure or in pain. ”G.o.d, you… you're too tight!” Zhang Zhun was squeezing so hard that it was impossible for him to move at all. He could neither push on nor pull out; he was stuck, and he pressed at Zhang Zhun's thighs in frustration like a virgin boy fumbling through his very first time. Much to his surprise, there seemed to be no limit to Zhang Zhun's flexibility. Under those toned muscles was a most pliant body that bent easily into unimaginable angles and blew Chen Hsin's mind away.
”P-pa.s.s me the wine…” Zhang Zhun was hurting so much that even his fingertips trembled. As soon as Chen Hsin handed him the bottle, he gulped down its contents and yanked his a.s.scheeks further apart with a hand. ”Hurry the f*** up!”