Chapter 28.2 (1/2)
Deep in the Act
Translator: Kotoni
Editor: Cien
Quality Check: Isalee
First Published on Chaleuria
Chapter 28.2
”You were punis.h.i.+ng me, of course. Because I was disobedient.”
Fang Chi's pen stabbed through the paper on which he was writing and sank into the fresh pages underneath. His heart sank. Gao Zhun had placed him in a position of dominance, which stood for absolute authority and control in a patient's world.
”I'm just your therapist,” Fang Chi explained. ”I don't have the right to punish you.”
”No, you reward me when I do something well. If you get angry, it must be because I've done something wrong.”
This mode of thought was a clear symptom that an abuse of power had taken place. Fang Chi was at a loss as to what to do. Such a situation had never occurred in the course of his treatments before, because he had always taken care to avoid manipulating his patients.
”Look at me,” Fang Chi urged. He tried to peel Gao Zhun away from himself, but his efforts were in vain. Gao Zhun stuck to him tightly, as if he had taken root on Fang Chi's body and become a part of him.
”Don't punish me anymore in the future, okay?” Gao Zhun implored, a pitiful quaver in his voice. ”The way you were just now… was really frightening.”
Fang Chi's heart ached despite the mess it was in. What could he say? What else was there to say? He could not help but promise in his gentlest tone, ”Okay.” Then, patting Gao Zhun on the back, he continued with his previous subject. ”Let's pick up where we left off. Where do I rank in your list of fears?”
”Sometimes at the top. Sometimes at the bottom,” Gao Zhun answered, his soft lips moistening the fabric of Fang Chi's s.h.i.+rt with each word.
”What do you mean?” Fang Chi asked. He felt his skin begin to tingle under the dampened spot.
”When you hold me like this, I don't fear anything even if the sky crashes down on me. But, when you ignore me, it's even more terrifying than being forced by that man again!”
”When have I ever ignored you?” Fang Chi felt wronged and hurt. ”How could I ever ignore you?”
”Last night, for example,” Gao Zhun replied with a note of complaint in his voice, ”when you left even though I begged you to stay.”
Like an anxious boyfriend driven into a corner, Fang Chi rushed to explain himself. ”I can't satisfy every one of your demands, can I?”
”Then…” Gao Zhun pressed on in a daze, ”what must I do in order for you to satisfy all of them?”
”I…” Realizing that he no longer had any control over the topic at hand, Fang Chi redirected the focus of their conversation. ”Let's stay on track. As I was saying, how would you place those… actions that I did to you just now?”
”Not too scary.”
Fang Chi did not believe him. ”You were clearly terrified.”
At this, Gao Zhun raised his head and peered at him with reddened cheeks. ”I'm not scared of you no matter what you do to me.” Then, dropping his gaze with an air of shyness, he added, ”Even if you hurt me… like that man did… I won't be afraid of you.”
A sharp pang shot through Fang Chi's temples. Even if he were raped by Fang Chi - Gao Zhun seemed to be saying - he would never blame him.
Fang Chi's throat and mouth went dry. ”Let's… carry on with the treatment.” Picking up the sheet with his notes, he explained, ”I have written down your list of fears, arranged in the order of how much they frighten you. I want you to imagine these items one by one, from the least terrifying to the most.” He began pus.h.i.+ng Gao Zhun back onto the couch. ”Go on,” he coaxed. ”Lie down on the couch.”
Gao Zhun refused. As they s.h.i.+fted their bodies against each other in the brief struggle, Fang Chi felt a little hardness between the other man's legs. His expression changed, and Gao Zhun realized that he had been found out. Bending at his waist, he tried to back away, but Fang Chi grabbed him immediately and forced him to unfurl his body - revealing the slight bulge at the apex of his well-fitted trousers. ”Sorry… I'm sorry…” Gao Zhun apologized in mortification.
”Go on,” Fang Chi's voice was cold as he repeated his instructions. ”Lie on the couch.”