Chapter 15.2 (1/2)

Deep In The Act Tongzi 57080K 2022-07-22

Deep in the Act

Translator: Kotoni

Editor: Isalee

First Published on Chaleuria

Chapter 15.2

After lunch, the core production team visited the new filming location together: an underground parking garage, which was one of the key settings in the film. The film crew had constructed the set in the suburbs. The setting was recreated in full realistic detail, complete with parking lots, appropriate lights, and even elevators. Some of the cars required for the set were already in place, but they were still short of five Volkswagens and seven Hondas. At the center of the field of vision stood Zhang Zhun's Porsche Cayenne; its newly-waxed, deep Prussian blue1 surface gleamed luxuriously in the light from the welding that was still going on around them.

After instructing Zhang Zhun to stand by the car, Chen Cheng-Sen began examining the image in the viewfinder over and over again, scrutinizing the composition down to its finest details. A Hunanese girl from the costume department stood beside him. With her phone in hand, she noted down every change he wanted to make to Zhang Zhun's outfit. He wanted the waist of the jacket to be taken in further, for example, and the color of its sleeve b.u.t.tons to be changed to ultramarine. His list of proposed changes included even alterations to the cuff length of the jacket and the material of Zhang Zhun's shoelaces. In Chen Cheng-Sen's words, ”The upcoming scene is a real killer.  We'll be using extreme close-ups in this one.”

Meanwhile, Chen Hsin and Zhou Zheng were taking a smoke break off the set. They stood along the sidelines, listening to the conversation between several crew members and Xiao-w.a.n.g from the logistics department. ”I heard that Wu Rong will be arriving this evening.” All of them were still very young; all of their faces lit up with eager antic.i.p.ation at the news. ”Work out a proper order among yourselves. Remember to take turns later on when you're taking photos with him. No cutting queues!”

”Wu Rong's coming later?” Chen Hsin asked casually, feigning indifference despite the displeasure roiling in his gut. Zhou Zheng glanced at his watch and replied, ”He'll come straight from the airport. This upcoming scene is a major one for him.”

Chen Hsin snorted. ”Why do you need me here if you're making this visit in preparation for his major scene?”

”You and Zhang Zhun will have several scenes here as well, later on in the film,” Zhou Zheng added in haste, realizing that his unwitting remark had ruffled Chen Hsin's feathers. ”The director intends for you to be present tomorrow as well for the actual shooting.”

Chen Hsin was about to reply when he suddenly caught Zhang Zhun glaring in his direction with a face that was as white as a sheet. They were about eight or nine meters apart. Standing in the distance between them were Chen Cheng-Sen and the girl from the costume department, as well as a Land Rover Evoque. In a split second, Zhang Zhun sprinted away from the Cayenne at lightning speed. Bracing himself with a perfect single handstand on the hood of the Evoque, Zhang Zhun flipped himself over the vehicle, his long legs - accentuated by his tailored trousers - scissoring through the air in sharp, clean arcs. Chen Hsin's mind went blank. All words escaped him except for a single monosyllabic exclamation, ”d.a.m.n!” That was hot! - Zhang Zhun was freaking hot!

Sailing through the air, Zhang Zhun dashed towards Chen Hsin, knocking Chen Cheng-Sen over in the process. Chen Hsin almost stretched out his arms to catch him, but Zhang Zhun gave him a hard shove in the chest instead. The force of Zhang Zhun's push sent Chen Hsin falling backwards. After a few stumbling steps, Chen Hsin rammed into the door of the Buick behind him.

Everyone was stunned. All eyes stared at Zhang Zhun in shock, as if he had gone mad. His movements had been so fast that no one was able to make sense of them. Just then, the three workers overseeing the construction of the ceiling called out from above, ”Everything's fine now! We got it!”

Following the sound of the voice, everyone looked up in unison and finally saw the steel board hanging over Zhang Zhun's head. It was 10 cm thick, and a cold gleam ran down its razor-sharp edges as it hung precariously in the air by a thin rope made out of hemp. Pulling on the rope, the workers slowly lifted the board back up the way it had fallen just moments ago.

Zhang Zhun panted heavily as his sweat soaked through his s.h.i.+rt - not the sweat from his sprint, but his cold sweat. Standing at the center of attention, he wished that the board had fallen all the way onto him instead. If it had crushed him on the spot, no one would care about the motivation behind his actions anymore. Chen Hsin was the only one he had pushed away. He did not care about Zhou Zheng or any of the film crew standing nearby. Even he himself had trouble believing it: he only had eyes for Chen Hsin, literally.

He could hear the chatter that had started all around him: ”Wow that was some mad skills… freaking awesome… Chen Hsin was the only one he pushed… are they really so close that he'd act without caring for his own life?”

Overcome with shame, Zhang Zhun wished that he could crawl into a hole and pull it in after himself. Chen Hsin watched him from the side with heat in his eyes. He was about to move towards Zhang Zhun, his lips half-open as if he wanted to say something, when Zhou Zheng clamped a hand on his shoulder and stopped him. ”Thank goodness it was a false alarm,” Zhou Zheng said. ”Did you injure yourself, Zhang-laos.h.i.+?”

Zhang Zhun did not register the pain on the left side of his waist until now. He seemed to have sprained his waist. The problem lay with his trousers; they were too constrictive. ”I'm fine,” he replied.

Chen Cheng-Sen got up with the help of the girl from the costume department. Perhaps he was still in shock, or perhaps he was still stunned by Zhang Zhun's strong presence - the director addressed the younger man for the first time as 'Zhang–laos.h.i.+'. ”Is everything alright, Zhang-laos.h.i.+?” he asked. ”Do you think this will affect your performance tomorrow?”

Zhang Zhun replied with certainty that it would not. At this, Chen Cheng-Sen shot a brief glance at Chen Hsin. The fleeting look did not escape Zhang Zhun's notice, and his face promptly reddened. When the director instructed him to return to the Cayenne, however, Chen Hsin lost it. ”He could be injured, whats-your-face! Are you even human?”