Chapter 13.2 (1/2)
Deep in the Act
Translator: Kotoni
Editor: Isalee
First Published on Chaleuria
Warning: Contains descriptions of attempted s.e.x with dubious consent.
Chapter 13.2 (NSFW)
Captivated by Zhang Zhun's singing, Chen Cheng-Sen had made a beeline for the younger man immediately after his number ended and pulled him onto a couch in the corner. Zhang Zhun was wasted. He swayed bonelessly in his seat as Chen Cheng-Sen forced two more drinks on him. ”Xiao-Zhang, you're a pretty good kid. Some of the things I've done - they're nothing personal, you understand?”
Giddy with alcohol, Zhang Zhun nodded in a daze. His vulnerability reminded Chen Cheng-Sen of the various times in which Chen Hsin had lost his cool and forgotten himself on the set. A flicker of curiosity came to life within the older man. Under the influence of alcohol, he placed a hand on Zhang Zhun's thigh, kneading a little, and slid the hand upward to Zhang Zhun's waist. Without a doubt, Zhang Zhun had a tantalizing body. Although Chen Cheng-Sen was straight, he was just as open to experimentation as anyone else in the entertainment industry. After all, this industry was a hedonistic world in which all kinds of desires ran rampant with no holds barred. If someone caught his fancy, he had no qualms trying a taste even if it was another man.
Just as he was about to act on his whim, Chen Hsin charged out of nowhere and shoved him away. ”What do you think you're doing! Take your hands off him!”
Chen Cheng-Sen's mind cleared. He watched as Chen Hsin hauled Zhang Zhun to his feet and guided him towards the door. Chortling, he called after Chen Hsin, ”I was just getting him warmed up and ready for you!”
Xiao-Deng was waiting a short distance away. Circling Zhang Zhun with an arm, Chen Hsin approached Xiao-Deng and stretched out a hand. ”I'll send him back to his room. Give me the keycard.”
In an unguarded moment, Xiao-Deng did as he was told. When he saw Chen Hsin pus.h.i.+ng the door open, he finally regained his wits and tried to follow the two men. But Chen Cheng-Sen's order stopped him in his tracks, ”Whats-your-face! You! Zhang Zhun's a.s.sistant! Come 'ere and drink with me!”
On their way back to the hotel, Zhang Zhun pa.s.sed out, and Chen Hsin had to carry him back to his room. Holding Zhang Zhun in his arms, he got off on the 37th floor, swiped them both into the room, switched on the lights, and closed the door behind them. After depositing Zhang Zhun on the bed, he pulled the thin covers over the unconscious man and sat down on the edge to catch his breath. A couple of moments later, he stood up again and prepared to leave. He made it to the door. He turned the handle, and reached for the main light switch by the doorway. Darkness descended on the world around him with a single flick. But he did not open the door.
He stood still for a long time. Then he let out a long breath, as if finally making up his mind, and released the handle. Something clicked softly in the dark. He turned from the door and stalked towards the bed. It was too dark to see anything. He started stripping; the room was eerily silent apart from the sound of breathing weighed down by a guilty conscience. He climbed onto Zhang Zhun's bed, pulled the covers away, and stripped the other man down to his bare skin as well.
Not daring to touch Zhang Zhun, Chen Hsin reached for Zhang Zhun's hand instead. He pressed it against his erection, maneuvering it into a loose, gentle grip around his aching flesh. Then he started rubbing himself with slow, slight tugs. In the end, he lost all control as he pulled that hand up and down his swollen length in a blur of frenzied strokes. There must be something wrong with him, he thought, to be so perverse and base. He was little better than an animal, and yet - horrifyingly - he was utterly incapable of stopping himself.