Chapter 4.2 (1/2)
Deep in the Act
Translator: Kotoni
Editor: Drogan
Quality Check: Isalee
First Published on Chaleuria
Chapter 4.2
”A scene?” Gao Zhun asked, his voice low and warm, a stark contrast to his showy appearance. Sometimes, when questioned by Gao Zhun, Fang Chi would find himself transported into a state of dream-like comfort as the mellow tones washed over him.
”For example, is there a scene that you find most memorable, which you recall most often?”
Gao Zhun's brow twitched slightly, as if in recollection. ”There was once…” he began, somewhat embarra.s.sed. ”I was seven or eight then. Another child made fun of me for being fatherless, and I hit him for it. At that moment…” - a look of shyness came over his features - ”… his father came by. I was so terrified I couldn't even move as he walked up to us, but he said nothing, not even to ask his son how he was. All he did was pat me gently on the head.”
He paused for a while before adding, ”I suppose that's how it feels to have a father.”
”What happened after that?” Fang Chi asked.
”After that, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me home.” Suddenly animated by uncharacteristic excitement, Gao Zhun gushed, ”He didn't even carry his own son. He only held his hand.”
”What did you do then?”
”I clung to his neck and placed my cheek against his.” Very quickly, his face fell again. ”But Mother cried after he left.”
Fang Chi began to understand his curiosity toward adult males and his dependency on them. ”What was he like?”
”I heard that he was a doctor,” - Gao Zhun glanced lightly at him - ”a medical professional just like you. You are both very friendly and willing to help others in need.”
”What else?” Fang Chi pressed on, feeling a little stifled as heat began to creep over his face.
”Both of you are very similar,” Gao Zhun answered as he fixed his gaze on Fang Chi, his eyes clear and bright. ”You are both tall, and you both have wavy hair. When I saw you at our last meeting, I knew for sure that you would be able to help me.”
Fang Chi fell silent then. He remained quiet for a long time as guilt emerged from the dark recesses of his soul, reminding him of the choice he made to torment the other man when he could have treated him with kindness. In the remaining time, Gao Zhun shared more about his family and personal experiences. Just as he began to talk about Zuo Linlin, Fang Chi cut him off to discuss the timing of his next appointment. Gao Zhun chose the 4 p.m. slot on Wednesdays.
When Gao Zhun was about to leave, Fang Chi came out of his office and walked him to the elevator. On parting, Gao Zhun flashed him a polite smile through the slowly closing elevator doors. As Fang Chi continued to follow the elevator's descent on the number display, he was suddenly a.s.sailed by an intense newfound desire to understand and help the other man.
That night, Fang Chi received a call from Zuo Linlin in the midst of his research on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). She asked in a lowered voice, ”So, you've begun treatment with him?”
”Yes,” he removed his and replied with mixed feelings.
”He's in a really good mood today. Couldn't stop talking about you.”
Fang Chi laughed wryly. ”What did he say about me?”