Chapter 418 – The Boy Who Seeks Trouble (1/2)

Chapter 418 – The Boy Who Seeks Trouble

Translated by: Berrrybunz

Edited by: TN and DeAndreR

Duke Huo Fu Man looked at Xi Lin. Initially, he thought that his mission would have brought Xi Lin to see the majesty. Little did he know that it would have ended in a huge loss.

With the might of four Gold Rank Martial Artists, it was considered an easy task and would take little effort to conquer a small planet or destroy an entire city.

But the Bronze Camp in that constellation managed to engulf the four Gold Rank Martial Artists.

He should have known that with the strength of Duan Mu, even if he could not obtain his victory, it should not have been hard to escape, but up to this date there were no information from him.

He had underestimated the power of the Three Spirit City.

Duke Huo Fu Man felt that he was partly to blame. Xi Lin, who looked dull and helpless, had taken this recent defeat personally. The loss of the four Gold Rank Martial Artists did not affect Huo Fu Man. But Xi Lin’s current state, made him worried.

Huo Fu Man did not display his emotions explicitly. He glanced towards Xi Lin: “Hey, raise your head up.”

Xi Lin slowly forced his head up.

Huo Fu Man frowned and continued: “Stand up!”

Xi Lin quivered as he stood up immediately.

Huo Fu Man frowned even more as he stood up from his chair: “Look at yourself. I am not dead yet! You are so affected by something so trivial. The four Gold Rank Martial Artists have died then so be it. Everyone dies eventually. Even if you were to fail in the future, do not worry. Stand back up whenever you meet failure. You have the capabilities to do so. If you ever admit defeat, you are not fit to be my son.”

Xi Lin felt ashamed of himself.

“Go and wash your face.” Huo Fu Man told him gently.

Xi Lin rushed to the toilet and washed his face to freshen up from the emotional ordeal.

Huo Fu Man passed him a piece of tissue: “Go, pack your stuff. The majesty wishes you to travel south. There was some restlessness among the aboriginals.

“What about Three Spirit City?” Xi Lin was reluctant.

“I will settle that.” Huo Fu Man patted Xi Lin’s shoulder: “You should settle your own assignment first.”

He did not tell Xi Lin that the failure of this assignment would require them to lie low.

A small troop of martial artists scoured across the plains but were stopped short of their track by three martial artists.

“Li Du has such a sensitive sense of smell.” The middle martial artist smiled.

The leader of the small troop replied: “Honourable Martial Group!”

The martial artists were interested: “Do you all want to support Adrian? What a shame. I have always admired The Hunter.”

The expression of the leader of the troop changed drastically. A ring that was donned on a martial artist standing behind him suddenly gave out a burst of light.

Three Spirit City.

As the ring of Adrian’s subordinate brightened up, an unknown voice blurted out: “Do you all want to support Adrian? What a shame. I have always admired The Hunter.”

The three men grew pale.

“Let’s go!” Adrian said without hesitating.

“To where?” Liu Zhong Guang asked.

“To find Tang Tian.” Adrian replied softly.

“To find Tang Tian? Why?” Liu Zhong Guang could not understand why they needed to do that. Ah Xiu knew what master was trying to do.

Yan Tu heard Wu Xia’s report and let out a smile at the edge of his mouth: “Ah, Adrian will go look for Tang Tian?”

“Yes your majesty.” Wu Xia replied respectfully.

“That’s good too. It would save us another trip down.” Yan Tu replied as he displayed his killer intent on his face: “Bring your men and capture Angelina. There shouldn’t be a problem, right?”

Wu Xia replied: “There won’t be.”

“Let go, I have waited too long for this.” Yan Tu said to the two Ursa Major martial artists beside him.


The manor that Tang Tian was residing in.

Adrian did not try and conceal any information as he repeated everything that he knew.

Crane mused silently as Tang Tian was surprised: “Wa! That is cunning! So crafty!”

Ling Xu was feeling so bored that he ran to a corner to practise his spear techniques.

Ah Xiu felt weird. Ling Xu was similar to the rumors, that he was a hot tempered crazy individual. But he simply could not comprehend an individual like Tang Tian.

How could a person like him be the leader?

Adrian was instead calm as he stood silently after finishing what he had to say.


The laughter drifted from outside the wooden doors of the hall. Three shadows slowly strutted into the manor. Yan Tu looked proudly on as a smile appeared on his face: “I have heard so much about you, Tang Tian, as a powerful individual. I certainly did not expect you to be like that. What a disappointment.”

Tang Tian was curiously and asked: “Hey, who are you?”

Crane palmed his forehead. This was a typical problem of Tang Tian that made him feel ashamed since they were only just discussing about Yan Tu…

Ling Xu stopped his training and walked towards Tang Tian side. Based on what had transpired, it looked like there would be a great fight today.

Yan Tu ignored Tang Tian and turned his attention to Adrian: “Mr. Hunter, I have always respected you. If you could provide your strength to the Ursa Major Constellation, we would fulfil any demands that you might have.”