Part 1 (1/2)
Nature Myths and Stories for Little Children.
by Flora J. Cooke.
Feeling the great need of stories founded upon good literature, which are within the comprehension of little children, I have written the following stories, hoping that they may suggest to primary teachers the great wealth of material within our reach. Many teachers, who firmly believe that reading should be something more than mere _word-getting_ while the child's _reading habit_ is forming, are practically helpless without the use of a printing press. We will all agree that myths and fables are usually beautiful truths clothed in fancy, and the dress is almost always simple and transparent.
Who can study these myths and not feel that nature has a new language for him, and that though the tales may be thousands of years old, they are quite as true as they were in the days of Homer. If the trees and the flowers, the clouds and the wind, all tell wonderful stories to the child he has sources of happiness of which no power can deprive him.
And when we consider that here, too, is the key which unlocks so much of the best in art and literature, we feel that we cannot rank too highly the importance of the myth in the primary schoolroom.
For instance the child has been observing, reading, and writing about the sun, the moon, the direction of the wind, the trees, the flowers, or the forces that are acting around him. He has had the songs, poems, and pictures connected with these lessons to further enhance his thought, interest, and observation.
He is now given a beautiful myth. He is not expected to interpret it. It is presented for the same purpose that a good picture is placed before him. He feels its beauty, but does not a.n.a.lyze it.
If, through his observation or something in his experience, he _does see a meaning_ in the story he has entered a new world of life and beauty.
Then comes the question to every thoughtful teacher, ”Can the repet.i.tion of words necessary to the growth of the child's vocabulary be obtained in this way?”
This may be accomplished if the teacher in planning her year's work, sees a close relation between the science, literature, and number work, so that the same words are always recurring, and the interest in each line of work is constant and ever increasing.
The following stories are suggested in the standard books of mythology and poetry, and have been tested and found to be very helpful in the first and third grades. A full list of myths, history stories and fairy tales for the children in the different grades can be found in Emily J.
Rice's Course of Study in History and Literature, which can be obtained of A. Flanagan, No. 262 Wabash avenue, Chicago.
Clytie was a beautiful little water nymph who lived in a cave at the bottom of the sea. The walls of the cave were covered with pearls and The floor was made of sand as white as snow.
There were many chairs of amber with soft mossy cus.h.i.+ons. On each side of the cave-opening was a great forest of coral. Back of the cave were Clytie's gardens.
Here were the sea anemones, starfish and all kinds of seaweed.
In the garden grotto were her horses. These were the gentlest goldfish and turtles.
The ocean fairies loved Clytie and wove her dresses of softest green sea lace.
With all these treasures Clytie should have been happy, but she was not.
She had once heard a mermaid sing of a glorious light which shone on the top of the water.
She could think of nothing else, but longed day and night to know more of the wonderful light.
No ocean fairy dared take her to it, and she was afraid to go alone.
One day she was taking her usual ride in her sh.e.l.l carriage. The water was warm and the turtles went so slowly that Clytie soon fell asleep. On and on they went, straight towards the light, until they came to an island.