Part 1 (1/2)
Presbyterian Wors.h.i.+p.
by Robert Johnston.
The wors.h.i.+p of the sanctuary is a living subject of discussion and practice in the Presbyterian Churches of the world at large, and, within late years, in that of the Canadian Dominion. Many earnest minds are approaching the study of the subject from various standpoints, each worthy of attentive consideration. One regards it from the dogmatic position of scriptural precedent, or from the larger one of Christian principle; the aesthetic mind comes to it with visions of order and beauty; the practical, with his view of the Church's needs in mission fields and in mixed congregations. There is room in the discussion for the largest statement of lawful opinion, founded on conviction of absolute right, and on Christian expediency, and for the exercise of abundant charity.
Dr. Johnston gives no uncertain sound on the subject. To his mind the duty of the Church, first and last, is to preserve spirituality of wors.h.i.+p, and to discountenance everything that may tend to interfere with the same. But, while this spirit pervades his work, his method is historical, and thus preeminently fair and impartial in statement. The presentation of the argument in concrete or historical form invests it with an interest which could hardly be commanded by either dogmatic or practical methods, while it excludes neither.
Dr. Johnston brings to his task ripe scholars.h.i.+p, including extensive knowledge of Church history and ecclesiology, his proficiency in which he has recently vindicated in such a manner as to leave no room for doubt. To this he adds the teaching of pastoral experience in mission fields, prior to his ordination, and, since then, in large and influential congregations; and, to crown the whole, heartfelt devotion to the Church of his fathers, and unswerving personal loyalty to its King and Head.
With adoring thanks to the great Teacher of us all, who rewards professors in their declining years with the affectionate regard of their whilom best students, now become wise and strong men in the Church's service, I cordially commend to all who may read these words, this outcome of Dr. Johnston's Christian erudition and conscientious literary labor.
(signature of John Campbell)
MONTREAL, March, 1901.
The purpose in the following pages is a simple one. It is to discover the trend of thought in connection with Public Wors.h.i.+p within the Presbyterian Church, particularly in Scotland, during the course of her history since the Reformation. The spirit of the Church in her stirring and formative periods, especially if that spirit is a constant one, is pregnant with instruction. Such a constant spirit is readily discovered by a study of the att.i.tude of the Presbyterian Church towards the subject of Public Wors.h.i.+p during the course of her history, and to the writer it seems very evident that that spirit indicates an increasing suspicion of liturgical forms in Wors.h.i.+p, and a growing confidence in, and desire for, the liberty of untrammeled approach to G.o.d.
Whether this spirit be the best or not, it is not the purpose of these pages to discuss. The great principle of the liberty of the Church in matters of detail, is fully recognized, a principle ever to be sedulously guarded, but an appeal is made to the record of history for its evidence as to the historic att.i.tude of the Presbyterian Church, on a question which to-day is claiming the earnest attention of those who desire for that Church fidelity to her Lord and efficiency in His work.
My indebtedness in the study of this subject to Dr. McCrie's Cunningham Lectures on ”Scottish Presbyterian Wors.h.i.+p,” Brown's ”Life of John Knox,” Sprott's ”Scottish Liturgies” and Baird's ”Eutaxia,” as well as to various Histories of the Reformation in Scotland, and for American Church History to Moore's and Alexander's valuable digests, I gladly and with grat.i.tude acknowledge. An abundant and increasing literature upon the subject of Public Wors.h.i.+p is an encouraging sign of the attention which the Church is giving to a matter so vital to its best life.
R. J.
ST. ANDREW'S MANSE, LONDON, January, 1901.
The Law and the Liberty of Presbyterian Wors.h.i.+p.
”While it is admitted that there is a form of government prescribed or inst.i.tuted in the New Testament, so far as its general principles or features are concerned, there is a wide discretion allowed us by G.o.d in matters of detail, which no man or set of men, which neither civil magistrates nor ecclesiastical rulers can take from us.”--HODGE.
Chapter I.
The Law and the Liberty of Presbyterian Wors.h.i.+p.
”The Word of G.o.d, which is contained in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him.”--WESTMINSTER CATECHISM.
The Church of Christ, as a divine communion, exists in the world for a definite and appointed purpose. This purpose may be declared to be twofold, and may be described by the terms ”Witness” and ”Wors.h.i.+p.”