Part 12 (1/2)

”Possibly, father,” she said, ”though I had been thinking my staying at home might make Vi more comfortable in leaving her little ones for a day or two.”

”I do not care to go, and will gladly take charge of the babies if Vi and the captain will trust me with them,” Grandma Rose hastened to say, and was warmly thanked by both parents, and a.s.sured that they would have no hesitation in doing so except on the score of giving her too much care and trouble and missing her pleasant companions.h.i.+p on the contemplated trip.

However, after some further discussion of the matter, it was decided that Mr. and Mrs. Dinsmore would remain at Viamede in charge of house and little ones during the short absence of the others on the contemplated trip.

”Papa, dear papa,” Lulu said, with tears s.h.i.+ning in her eyes, and putting her arms lovingly about his neck when he had come into her room to bid her good-night, as his custom was, ”you are so good to me, your own bad, quick-tempered little daughter! Oh, I do want to be good and make you glad that I belong to you.”

”I am that, my darling, in spite of all your faults,” he said, caressing her tenderly. ”You are very dear to your father's heart, and I am not without hope that you will one day gain full control of the temper which causes so much pain to both you and me.”

”Oh, I do hope I shall, papa, and I want you to punish me every time I indulge it,” she said, ”but I'm so glad, so thankful to you that you have said I may go with you and the others to-morrow. I feel that I don't deserve it in the least, but I do intend to try as hard as possible to rule my own spirit in future.”

”I am glad to hear it, daughter,” the captain responded, imprinting a kiss upon her forehead. ”But I must leave you now, for it is growing late and you ought to be in bed, that you may be ready to rise betimes in the morning.”

”Yes, sir; but oh, do stay one minute longer; I--I----” she paused, blus.h.i.+ng and a trifle shame faced.

”What is it, daughter?” he asked, smoothing her hair and cheek caressingly. ”Never be afraid to tell your father all that is in your heart.”

”Yes, sir; I don't think I'm really afraid--yes, I am a little afraid you might be displeased, and I don't want to do anything to vex or trouble my dear, kind father, but if you're willing, papa, I would like to be allowed to choose for myself what I'm to wear to the wedding.”

”Your taste and wishes shall certainly be consulted, daughter,” he replied kindly, ”yet I am not prepared to promise that you may have in every case exactly what you would prefer; we must take your mamma and Grandma Elsie into our counsels in order to make sure of getting what will be most becoming and appropriate.”

”Dear me, I would like to be grown up enough to be considered capable of choosing things for myself!” she exclaimed with rueful look and tone.

”But oh, don't be grieved and troubled,” as her ear caught the sound of a low breathed sigh; ”I'm determined I will be good about it. It certainly would be a very great shame if I were anything else, papa, after all your undeserved goodness to me.”

”I do not like to refuse my dear child anything she asks,” he said, drawing her into a closer embrace, ”but I know too much indulgence would not be for her happiness in the end. And since life is short and uncertain with us all, it may be that she will not be long troubled by being subject to her father's control.”

”Oh, papa, please don't talk so!” she exclaimed, sudden tears springing to her eyes. ”I can't bear to think of ever losing my own dear, dear father. I hope G.o.d may let you live till he is ready to take me too.”

”If he sees best I hope we may long be spared to each other,” the captain said, holding her close to his heart. ”But now about the matter of which we were speaking. Wise as my dear eldest daughter considers herself, her father thinks Grandma Elsie and Mamma Vi, by reason of their superior age and knowledge, will be better capable of judging what will be most suitable for her to wear as one of the bride's-maids. And as they are very tasteful in their own dress, and her father is ready to go to any reasonable expense that his dear little girl may be suitably and tastefully attired, also entirely willing to allow her to decide for herself wherever there is a choice between two or more equally suitable articles, do you not think, as he does, that she should be ready and willing to take what the ladies and he deem most suitable in other things which she would perhaps prefer to have somewhat different?”

”Yes, you dear papa,” she returned, with a look of ardent affection into his eyes. ”I do always find out in the end that you know best; and I'd even rather wear any of the dresses I have now than not have you pleased with me; for I know I'm never the least bit happy when you are displeased with me.”

”Neither am I,” he sighed; ”it troubles me more than I can tell when my dear daughter Lulu is disobedient and wilful. But it is high time you were in bed and resting. G.o.d our heavenly Father bless my dear child and keep her safely through the silent watches of the night.” And, bestowing upon her another tender embrace, he released her and left the room.

She was quite ready for bed, and as she laid her head on her pillow, ”Lulu Raymond,” she said to herself, ”if you do the least thing to vex or trouble that dear father of yours, no punishment he could possibly inflict would be equal to your deserts.”

In another minute she was fast asleep, nor did she move again till awakened by some slight sound to find the sun already s.h.i.+ning in at her windows.

Her father had directed her the night before what to wear as most suitable for making the trip to the city and back again, and she now made her toilet in haste, but with the care that he required, and which her own neat taste made desirable. She had just finished when he came in.

”That is right,” he said, with an approving smile, and bending down to give her the usual morning caress; ”my little girl looks neat and bright, and I hope is quite well.”

”Yes, papa,” she returned, putting her arms round his neck and her lips to his in an ardent kiss; ”and are you and all the rest?”

”All, so far as I know, and all who are to take the little trip with us full of pleasurable excitement. We must now go down to breakfast, which is earlier than usual this morning, for we expect the boat in an hour or so.”

He took her hand and led her from the room as he spoke. ”The others have nearly all gone down already,” he added, ”and there is the bell now; so we have no time to lose.”

Lulu was full of pleasurable excitement. ”Oh, I'm so glad and so thankful to you, papa, that you will let me go!” she exclaimed, lifting to his eyes sparkling with joyous antic.i.p.ation; ”for I know I don't deserve it in the very least. But I do intend to be as pleasant tempered and obedient as possible.”