Chapter 130 (1/2)
Chapter 130
New Realms, Old Friends
Chu Shen and Lucas waited for a while inside the Heavenly Treasure Pavilion. After a little while, they suddenly disappeared before reappearing in a large open s.p.a.ce.
Lucas sat down and sighed. “Ugh. Having to be on guard all the time just in case we have to move….SO FRUSTRATING!”
Chu Shen sighed as well. “I know, but at least we get to meet some new people every time. Like the twins. I liked Aslo a lot.”
Lucas nodded. “Yeah, Aslo wasn’t too bad. His sister wasn’t that bad to look at either.” He leaned back. “I guess we have met some good people. Except that leg destroying dude. He did make up for it I suppose, but it still sucked.”
Chu Shen sighed. “Come on, just let it go, alright?”
Lucas shook his head. “Nope.”
“Fine. We should at least take a look around, right?” Chu Shen got up and did exactly that. He saw blue gra.s.s growing wildly all around him. Buildings made of a white material could be seen. Scorch marks covered the buildings though, and most of them had sections falling in.
Lucas shook his head. “I really don’t like this. I know those kids should be alright, they have far more power than those other sects do. I just can’t stop worrying about them though. How about this, I still have the Chains of Transportation with a charm connected to the first hunting area we were at. Why don’t I go there and check up on them before coming back?”
Chu Shen smiled. “Great idea. I also have a charm there as well. Why don’t we both go back?”
Lucas nodded. “Sure.”
With a thought, a metal chain appeared around their arms. Reaching down, they touched the ground with the chain. As they did, they both channeled energy into the chain. A small charm appeared around it, with the Chinese symbol for 3 (三) on it. The first charm led to the Black Night Sect. The second led to the first magic beast hunting zone. The third now led to this open field.
Chu Shen looked at Lucas. “So, are you ready to go back?”
Lucas smiled. “Of course.”
They channeled energy into the “2 ( 二)” charm and disappeared.
What they didn’t know about was the large metal behemoth that appeared five minutes later. It looked like a huge man covered in metal scales. A harsh hissing sound impossible to replicate with the human voice came from the metal creature. It paused for a second before hissing something else.
In a flash of blue light, the creature disappeared from the area.
Chu Shen and Lucas reappeared in the first magic beast hunting zone. Lucas suddenly smacked his head. “You know, I forgot to get the coordinates to teleport us there.”
Chu Shen sighed. “Well, it would also be suspicious if we just appeared out of nowhere.”
Lucas smiled. “Luckily, I still have my s.p.a.ces.h.i.+p. It has stealth systems on it as well, the true kind. It can jump into hypers.p.a.ce and it’s cut off completely from this world.”
Chu Shen gestured forward. “Be my guest.”
Immediately, a large teardrop shaped craft appeared in front of Lucas and Chu Shen. It had no outer hatches or viewports and was 928 ft (300 meters) long, with the wide end measuring 246 ft (75 meters). It appeared to be completely solid. Chu Shen looked at it in confusion. “Just how are we supposed to get into this thing?”
Lucas grinned at him. “You walk through the wall of the s.h.i.+p of course. This thing is made of nanites coated in Durasteel X, the strongest material we had in my universe. The weapons it has are limited, only a couple stealth missiles which I made on the side. The power is broadcast from the anti-matter generator I have. Most of the s.p.a.ce on it is for the hypers.p.a.ce system and gravity drive. The rest is used for cabins, missile storage, the weapon vault, food, and a simulation room.”
Chu Shen waved his hand. “I don’t need a step by step breakdown right now, all I need is to check up on those kids.”
Lucas sighed. “Fine. Have it your way.” Lucas approached the s.h.i.+p and touched his hand to the outer hull. The s.h.i.+p’s hull seemed to sink around his hand, enveloping it in liquid metal. Lucas continued walking forward until his entire body seemed to become one with the s.h.i.+p before disappearing inside.
Chu Shen shrugged and then walked inside himself. It was like being enveloped in metal putty. It gave at his touch. Eventually he found himself standing on a metal walkway inside the s.h.i.+p. Lucas faced him with a smile. “Let’s go then.”