Chapter 124 (1/2)
Chapter 124
A Kid’s Life
At the end of the week every student was a.s.signed to a team and a teacher was also a.s.signed to oversee the team. There was 16 teams of 5 students and 9 teachers. Because of this, every teacher had a second team they oversaw and the 4 extra teachers guarded the camp. The schedule was the teachers would take their first group into the forest one day and the their second group the next day once the hunting started.
Talia, Sam, George, Sarah, and Jason were all part of team 4. a.s.signed to oversee their team was Teacher Alfred. Alfred was also a.s.signed to team 3. The schedule for when they started hunting was on there would be a required cla.s.s. Sunday would be a resting day. Monday through Friday was the days to hunt.
Hunting wasn’t starting until two weeks from now though. First, everyone had to learn how to at least hold their weapon properly. Alfred took team 4 to the armory to pick weapons. Sam and Jason chose swords. George and Sarah picked spears. Talia chose a bow.
Alfred took them to the training zone the teachers had made while the students were in the cla.s.srooms. There, targets and dummies had been set up for training. The students were required to train while Alfred watched them.
Talia looked like she knew what she was doing. She strung the bow properly and had an armguard on. Her shooting was decent as well, only missing the target completely every twentieth shot. George swung his spear around pretty fluidly and was able to stab a vital spot like the heart or head every once in awhile. Everyone else was very nervous and awkward with the weapons they chose.
Alfred sighed. It seemed like he had his work cut out for him. For the entire week, Alfred taught the students how to thrust, parry, attack, counterattack, and dodge. He taught George and Sarah how to thrust forward with the spear and then swing the b.u.t.t end of the spear to hit an opponent trying to close in on you. He didn’t have a whole lot to teach Talia. Instead he gave her advice on what kind of targets to aim for and what kind to avoid.
Next he taught everyone how to use spells. Talia, Jason, and Sam were all excellent at using magic. Sarah was moderately good but George wasn’t any good at all. George hadn’t been a mage until Chu Shen awoke him so it was to be expected. Talia and Jason had ice mana. Sam had lightning mana. George had earth mana and Sarah had darkness mana.
After that week of training, it was time to hunt. It went as expected, disastrously. The first magical beast they met was the Scorching Horned Rabbit, the same kind Chu Shen and Lucas had hunted in droves before. They were quite lucky since they were rare to meet if one didn’t cheat and use a tracking program.
The rabbit jumped out, taking Sam down instantly with a surprise attack in the form of a fireball to the back. Alfred sighed as he watched George try to stab the rabbit with his spear. The spear missed and stabbed into the ground as the rabbit jumped out of the way. A fireball was shot from it’s horn and into George, sending him flying back. He had some serious burns from the fire and collapsed where he landed, writhing in pain.
Ice shot towards the rabbit’s leg as it landed, trying to trap it. The ice hit the rabbit but the rabbit melted it in less than a second with a stream of fire from it’s horn. Jason tried to strike it with his sword while it was stuck but missed. An arrow shot past Jason, inches from his arm towards the rabbit before sticking into a tree.
The rabbit shot towards Sarah horn first. Sarah panicked and tried to get her spear up. Unfortunately, the rabbit kicked off a tree, adjusting it’s flight by less than an inch. That inch was enough for the rabbit to skim past Sarah’s spear and stab it’s horn into her shoulder, piercing her armor. Crying out loud from the pain, Sarah let go of her spear and collapsed.
Talia held her bow nervously. She was afraid of accidentally striking her comrades after barely missing Jason. The rabbit came after her next. She drew her bow instantly. She aimed at the figure of the rabbit as it hopped towards her. Jason ran over to a.s.sist her. Talia fired her arrow. It missed.
The rabbit was now coming straight at her. The horn was pointed right at her chest. Jason dove forward, thrusting his sword at rabbit. He was too slow. The sword missed the rabbit by a foot. The rabbit continued it’s path towards Talia’s heart. Talia tried to react by swinging her bow at the rabbit. The bow was. .h.i.t by a fireball and throw to the side as the rabbit continued straight at her heart.
Right as it was less an inch away, an earthen spear skewered the rabbit to a nearby tree. Alfred shook his head. Indeed these kids had a lot to learn. The next day, after Team 4 was re-equipped they were trained by one of the teachers that guarded the camp. Alfred couldn’t since he was taking Team 3 into the forest. All of them became extremely earnest in their learning after Talia had almost died.
It took many tries over the rest of the month but eventually they managed to kill their first Rank 2 magical beast. They sold it’s core to the store while they had their first meal in over two weeks that didn’t consist of dry biscuits and hard meat.
By the end of the month, Team 4 had killed eight Rank 2 magical beasts and two Rank 3 magical beasts. Using the money earned over that period they were able to buy spells, techniques, and upgrade their gear.