Chapter 87 (1/2)
Chapter 87
Entering the Black Night Sect
“So Chu Shen, do you have a plan or are you going to fly around aimlessly?” Lucas asked with the jetpacks speakers. They had taken off less than five minutes ago and so far they were only following the road away from the mercenary city.
“Of course I have a plan.” Chu Shen huffed in exasperation. “I need to buy a map to Wildent and then go see that man who blew off your leg on accident.”
Lucas’ stunned voice shrieked out. “That LUNATIC! No! NO! I still haven’t forgiven him for blowing off my leg, that b*stard!”
Chu Shen shook his head. “Oh it wasn’t that bad. You were able to make another, though it didn’t help much since your body is ashes now. Besides, he promised to help us in repayment for all the trouble and I need a place to breakthrough.”
“Breakthrough to what?”
“To the Martial Practicioner stage of course. I need to become stronger and that is about the most I can delay. With that, I should be able to collect the materials needed to build you an improved body.”
“Alright then. The scanners on this thing are limited to radar and some cameras, so I can tell we are coming up on a town but that’s all. It is fairly large, as big as the one we just left so we should stop here. I’ll let you down not too far so you can walk in.”
“Thanks Lucas.” Chu Shen didn’t have to wait long before the town was in sight. They were among the clouds to avoid detection but the toy like houses were evidence that they didn’t steer wrong.
Lucas started diving for the forest. At first, Chu Shen wasn’t too concerned. At least, not until the forest was less than a hundred feet away with no sign of slowing down.
“Hehehe. Don’t worry, your body’s pretty strong, it won’t break from just this. Fortunately I armored the jetpack so it won’t break either.”
“I HATE YOU SO MUCHHHH!” Chu Shen covered himself in Qi and covered his head with his arms. SNAP CRA-CRA-CRA-CRA-CRACK THUD. He crashed through several trees before landing heavily on the ground.
Chu Shen stumbled to his feet, feeling a bit battered. Groggily shaking his head, he finally stopped seeing spots. Lucas meanwhile, was feeling very ashamed.
“I thought he knew I was joking. Dangit man, why do you have to be so serious! I was going to slow down before we hit the tree line but how was I supposed to know you were going to store me inside the spatial ring before I even got the chance. DANGIT!”
Shaking off the impact, Chu Shen walked into town with a couple dirt marks on his clothes but no worse off than before. Buying the map and a bite to eat, he quickly left the town. He was a bit hesitant, but he still brought out the jetpack.
Unexpectedly, instead of Lucas pulling another prank, he started apologizing fiercely. At first Chu Shen was a bit stunned. It wasn’t until he paid attention to what Lucas was saying that he nodded and agreed with Lucas. Even Lucas knew when to stop a joke so his whole talk about cras.h.i.+ng was just his bl.u.s.tering, nothing more.
Sighing, Chu Shen forgave him and quickly started on his way to Wildent city. Two days later they arrived. As they neared the city though, Chu Shen had Lucas bring down the jetpack.
“Why should we set down here, we are still a mile out from the city?” Lucas was puzzled. It was still pretty far, why walk when you could fly?
“Because I heard from the shop I bought the map at that Wildent city is a very prosperous trade town. It is supposed to be the third best city in the entire kingdom.”