Chapter 7 (1/2)

Martial Void King Action 18140K 2022-07-22

Authors Note: Okay it's the end of the combined chapters so enjoy!

Chapter 7 - The Pillars Warriors (1)

A serious look overcame Chu Shens face. He looked at the s.p.a.ce in front of him. The leftmost pillar lit up with white light before a shadow appeared before him.

The shadow had a short sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. With such short range weapons it was obvious that this shadow specialized in speed.

Without giving the shadow time to react Chu Shen swung the huge hammer down like lightning. The shadow looked at the hammer and Chu Shen could have sworn he saw a smirk on its face.

The shadow didn’t block the hammer or jump away, it merely stepped slightly to the side. Seeing this Chu Shen smiled.

The hammer hit the ground, creating a dent in the ground. The shockwave from the powerful hit made the shadow pause.

Chu Shen used the hammers recoil to swing the hammer in a circle sideways. Without giving the shadow any room to counterattack the hammer smashed into it, blunt side first.

The shadow flew sideways when it was. .h.i.t, flying outside of the circle of pillars. As the shadow flew out of the circle it merged with the gloominess of the surrounding air. The pillar stopped glowing.

“Impressive, I didn’t think you actually had some skills in using the hammer” Ti Wu exclaimed.

Chu Shen grinned at his master. As far as he knew, Ti Wu was very stingy on praise. His next sentence verified this.

“You are actually able to use the momentum of the recoil to increase your strength. Good, good. It’s too bad you’re not able to control it very well. You also need to work on your speed.”

Actually, it was only natural that Chu Shen was skilled with a hammer. Since Chu Shen knew that his only hope for power was through blacksmithing he had only practiced techniques that could help him during forging.

The first martial art he had learned, quite recently too, was called

This was extremely helpful during forging because of the precision needed but it had one requirement that stopped most people from practicing it.