Part 38 (1/2)
He flung her back against the kiosk wall, and encircling her with his arms drove them fiercely down and against her as he met his splendid teeth in the whiteness of her shoulder--in love; and taking her hand sped with her to the inner places of the city, shouting as he ran in the frenzy of his religion.
”Neither let her take thee with her eyelids.”--_The Bible_.
”And making a tinkling with their feet.”--_The Bible_.
The bazaars were moving in one solid ma.s.s in the direction of, but not to, the Cow Temple.
For hours the endless streams had moved inch by inch through the narrow streets lined with shops and gaily painted houses, towards the heart of India's Holy City.
Young women and old, young men and old, children, fakirs and holy men pressed patiently forward, impelled and called by some mystic summons they could not explain.
There was no pus.h.i.+ng nor striving, neither was there laughter nor any kind of merry-making, although a flower garland hung around every neck, although the multi-coloured raiment was of the best and cleanest and brightest, and the different marks of the different religious sects shone as though fresh painted between the eyes and upon the face and body.
The holy cows walked slowly with the people, hung with garlands and painted on the face and sides; holding up the traffic as, unafraid, they snuffled their velvety muzzles in the unguarded baskets of grain, and pushed their way unconcernedly and by holy right across the human stream into the Cow Temple as they pa.s.sed the ever-open door.
There was certainly no pus.h.i.+ng nor striving to get one before the other, but underneath the calm pulsated a certain restrained excitement, to be read in the light of the thousands of eyes, and the extraordinary spasmodic, almost uncontrolled, movements of the delicate dusky hands.
Mothers would suddenly jerk their children up into their arms and press their little faces against one of the thousands of tiny shrines, where the G.o.ds sit all day and all night behind the bars through which are thrust offerings of flowers, of food, of jewels.
Men would suddenly strip themselves of all except the loin-cloth and, casting their clothing at the feet of some holy man, proceed calmly upon their way. One out of a number of beautiful, fragile girls, with cast-down painted eyes and half-veiled face, for no apparent reason would sidle up against some man; rest for one moment against him, and continue with him upon the road, his arm about her, crus.h.i.+ng her body to his; and the drums throbbed, and the horns screamed in and around the temple of their G.o.ddess.
Yet one did strive, and, heedless of rebuke, did push her way ruthlessly through the throngs, slipping on the greasy pavement covered with refuse and cow-dung; sliding, ducking, squirming her way in and out, breathless and dishevelled, with a simple brown _sari_ slipping from about her sleek head and pock-marked face.
Her monkey eyes flashed this way and that in search of something or someone she could not find; her withered hands beat her withered breast; the sweat streamed down her face until at last the crowd gave way, and looking upon her as one mentally afflicted, helped her stumbling pa.s.sage up to and through the temple gateway.
Priests stood at the entrance to the outer court of the temple. They did not stand there, as do the ushers in the West, in order to keep the riff-raff, those humble, poverty-stricken children of G.o.d, from occupying the plush-covered seats in His House; but knowing the intimate connection between religion and the senses, and the limited s.p.a.ce of the court of sacrifice and the temple itself, they stood there in order to keep a finger upon the pulse of that ma.s.s of humanity's pa.s.sions.
The full moon flung her silver on to the stained worn flags of the roofless court; hundreds, thousands even of tiny wicks in tiny earthenware saucers flickered in the niches and on the outer edge of the walls; hundreds of torches flung a smoky veil around the restless figures pa.s.sing in and out of the narrow entrance, and over dark heaps which lay at the foot of the walls and in the corners.
Black heaps which, lay upon dark carpets, heaps big and small which seemed to move, around which hung an overpowering, sickening stench of blood.
Heaps revealed when touched by the fluttering drapery of some wors.h.i.+pper to be the decapitated bodies of goats and bullocks lying in their blood, and from which would rise the millions of ever-moving flies which had given them a semblance of life in the torch-light.
Millions of flies, bloated offences, which settle for a second heavily on your face or arm and fly slowly back to their feasting.
It had been a day of stupendous sacrifice, and the place ran blood.
From the inner temple came the sweet never-stopping clang of a silver bell, as in one continuous stream the wors.h.i.+ppers climbed slowly up the flight of steps, pa.s.sed in, struck one note by swinging the tongue of the bell to announce their arrival to their G.o.ddess, and pa.s.sed out; while babies of both s.e.xes, naked save for a silver bead upon their rotund little bellies in the male, or a profusion of tiny bracelets and a nose-ring in the female, heaped the flower offerings in at Kali's feet.
Kali! Ah! formidable, terrible image graven in stone!
Pictures, highly coloured and blatant reproductions which will shock your artistic sense, can be bought for a few annas at the native shops which swarm outside the temple walls; but it is probable, nay, it is certain that not a single one of the Europeans who may read this book will ever see the original G.o.ddess in all her terror, and all that inexplicable power with which she holds the Hindu mult.i.tudes in the palms of her black hands.
Black, and crowned and heaped with jewels, she looks down at, or through, or over you with her slanting fish-shaped eyes. Her small ears, her flat nose, her arms, her pendant b.r.e.a.s.t.s are smothered in priceless gems; a huge red tongue protruding through the stretched mouth hangs far down upon the chest, ready to lick up the flames of sacrificial fires; a magnificent tiara binds the black hair which streams in behind her small distorted body; rows of pearls, flower garlands, and a string of skulls hang about her short neck; one hand holds a knife, the other a bleeding head, two are raised in blessing, while behind her s.h.i.+nes a sun of flaming tongues of fire, and over all is spread an umbrella.