Part 33 (1/2)
Having acquired the pernicious habit of eating biscuits and reading before going to sleep, she frowned upon the discovery that her ayah appeared to have left the books upon Howrah Station; and had stretched her arm to rap upon the wall to summon the woman, when her eye caught sight of a paper volume lying under the opposite bunk.
India is certainly a most dusty land, but a traveller can keep his railway compartment and boots spotless by distributing a few _pice_ to the dusky, cheery youngsters, who, salaaming, solicit the favour of using boot polish, or floor brush, to the mutual benefit of self and the sahib. Leonie, therefore, felt no repugnance when, clutching the table with her left hand, she made a long arm and secured the book, which proved to be a guide to India's most famous beauty spots.
She turned the leaves casually and laughed.
”Why! I'd completely forgotten it,” she said aloud, turning the book sideways to look at an ill.u.s.tration. ”The wonderful tomb Guy Dean insisted upon my visiting if I ever went to Benares. How beautiful!
Must be the tomb of some ancestor of that young prince he was talking about. Oh! how beautiful, and--oh! how helpful! I suppose some Englishman must have left the book in the train by mistake.”
She had picked up a bit of paper which had fallen from the book; a rough time-table with directions in English as to the best means of getting to the world-famed monument.
”That decides it,” she said sleepily as she switched off the light, pulled a miniature mosquito net, deftly arranged by the ayah, over her head, and the sheet up to her neck. ”We get to the station to-morrow--sometime--disembark--put luggage into cloak-room--find elephant and--and dak bungalow--and--oh! almost full moon--how--_how_ delicious---ride out and see the--the----”
She slept, oblivious of the fact that she was carrying out implicitly the programme mapped out for her.
Travelling in India is real sport when the train doors are likely to swing open at no given spot, soft-footed natives to enter surrept.i.tiously and disappear as quietly upon sight of your open eyes; and guards to clamour for your ticket, while a mob collects outside your door at the junction to look at the pretty unveiled mem-sahib awakened from her slumber by a dignified bearer with his offering of _chotar hazri_, which means the thrice blessed early tea-tray.
Her restless spirit was soothed by the rush of the train through the endless plain; strange scenes, strange sights wrenched her mind from the terrible question everlastingly throbbing in her brain; and her eye was not quick enough to distinguish one delicate oval face from another, or to notice that at each stopping place her ayah meandered down the length of the train to a compartment where, in consequence of his high caste and rank, a man sat utterly alone--unconcerned and totally oblivious of the screaming, chattering crowd upon the platform, of beggars, pilgrims, and _bona fide_ native travellers.
True, for one moment at the station where she alighted for the world-famed tomb, she glanced back hurriedly at a native who placed himself between her and an unsightly epileptic; and she looked back once again as her intuition rapped out a message she did not grasp, and her ayah suddenly besought her help with the coolies.
A dilapidated tonga, drawn by a pony of the same description, took her and her servant to the dak bungalow, built on a concrete platform in a jungle clearing about two miles outside the village.
There she gave carte blanche for the arrangement of the evening trip to the guide who materialised serenely, all smiles and extreme deference.
Bathed, and fed, she had her hair brushed for half an hour by her ayah; refused the offer of ma.s.sage, which process she abhorred, and turned in and slept the afternoon away upon her own bedding spread on a charpoy.
Later she bathed again, attired herself in a simple low-cut, white silk dress, dined, and wrapping herself in a heavy white Bedouin cloak, wedding present from Jill Wetherbourne, who had got it from her G.o.dmother in Egypt, seated herself on the verandah to await the arrival of whatever means of locomotion the guide had chosen to take her to the tomb.
And down the jungle path loomed the shape of a great elephant, moving at a gentle shuffle but an almost incredible speed.
Without audible instructions it stopped in front of the verandah, threw back its trunk, twined it gently about the middle of the _mahout_ or driver, lifted him from his seat behind its ears and placed him on the ground; then on a word, trumpeted shrilly in greeting to Leonie.
”Oh!” said she as she almost sprang from her chair in delight. ”Oh!”
The _mahout_ salaamed, standing in the moonlight at the animal's head.
He made a vivid eastern picture, dressed as he was from head to foot in white, with two pleated side-pieces to the turban, hanging in suchwise as to conceal half the face; and the guide, who had been squatting on the edge of the path, also salaamed, smiling in glee at the mem-sahib's delight.
”Behold, mem-sahib,” he said, ”is the elephant even Rama, the pearl of the prince's stables.” His English was not quite as intelligible as these printed words, but Leonie made s.h.i.+ft to understand.
”I have never seen such a beautiful elephant,” she said, walking up to the great beast, followed by the guide, the ayah and the bungalow factotum.
The mem's statement was quite within the range of possibility seeing that her elephant lore had been gathered from the Zoo and other low-caste specimens with their straight backs, mean tails, and long stringy legs.
”Does the--the _mahout_ speak English, because my Hindustani is not very good. I would like to have the--the beauty of the animal explained to me, and why it has its face and body painted; and why does he, the _mahout_, I mean, wear those side pieces to the turban, they are very unusual.”
A moment's pause, during which the _mahout_ stood like a rock, and then the guide, shuffling his feet, answered to the effect that the driver could not speak English, but that her humble servant would translate if the mem-sahib would deign to listen to his mean speech; that the man was the prince's best beloved--_mahout_, he added after a second's pause, and that the side pieces were part of the uniform worn by the prince's head-mahouts.