Chapter 165 - Race Against Time Part II (1/2)

There was no time for blunt dissection. Zheng Ren’s scalpel cut through skin, subcutaneous tissues and adipose layers.

Then, he parted the muscles with blunt instruments. A moment later, the peritoneum was visible.

[The surgeon’s brutal knife work reminds me of ‘surgeries’ 200 years ago…]

[You remember the case where three people died?]

[That was such a long time ago. The surgeon most likely evaluated the severity of the bleed and decided to open up the abdomen. From the looks of it, they might have to perform CPR soon.]

The doctors on Xinglin Garden understood the urgency behind Zheng Ren’s cruel incision but it did not stop their hearts from jumping up to their throats.

In the early days of surgery, speed was of utmost importance as there was no anesthesia. There had been an amputation in which the surgeon sawed off a patient’s leg and in the process, injured himself and his a.s.sistant.

The surgeon, patient and the a.s.sistant soon pa.s.sed away due to infection from the wound.

The fatality rate of this surgery was 300%, the highest ever recorded in the history of surgery.

With modern technology, minimally-invasive procedures were becoming the gold standard for surgery and incidents like those were few and far between.

The audience of the livestream was simply taken aback by the unexpected barbarism in this new age.

Zheng Ren placed the scalpel on the surgical drape that covered the patient’s leg and took the curved forceps. He gripped the aspirator in another hand.

The metal forceps pierced the peritoneum. The aspirator was immediately inserted into the cavity.

Warm, dark blood flowed out of the body through the drainage tube.

Within a few seconds, Zheng Ren completed the necessary procedures to safeguard the peritoneum. He did not wait for the pool of blood to be drained before accessing the peritoneal cavity.

Stomach… Colon… Posterior…

The bleeding site was correctly identified and without any hesitation, Zheng Ren used his fingers to locate the left gastric artery and plugged the leak.

Su Yun had just put on new scrubs and was about to take his position as the a.s.sistant surgeon.

He figured the surgery was still at its opening stages but when he came back into the operating room, Zheng Ren already had his hand inside the patient.

‘That was quick!’ Su Yun was shocked.

Zheng Ren’s surgical skill was beyond Su Yun’s initial estimates.

How long had he been gone? Ten seconds? Twenty seconds? How was Zheng Ren already plugging the leak?

What was this man’s upper limit? Su Yun eyed Zhen Ren suspiciously as the man worked with fervor.

Zheng Ren noticed Su Yun was standing idle and demanded, “You. Press here.”

His tone brooked no dissent.

It was a direct order from a senior doctor.

Su Yun was snapped out of his daze.

This was an emergency surgery. A misstep could lead to the death of the patient.

Su Yun immediately took up his duty as an a.s.sistant surgeon and helped Zheng Ren with the bleed.

His hands free, Zheng Ren took the scalpel and made a 6cm incision on the anterior wall of the stomach.

He got down to business once the leak on the left gastric artery was controlled.

His hands were quick, accurate and steady as if he had done the procedure a thousand times.