Volume Ii Part 6 (1/2)

_Blepharida rhois_ (_Family Chrysomelidae_).

131-132. First spermatocyte, spireme stages, showing the heterochromosome group.

133-135. First spermatocyte, beginning of metakinesis.

136. First spermatocyte, equatorial plate, _x_ the unequal pair.

137. First spermatocyte, late anaphase, showing the heterochromosomes _l_ and _s_.

138. Second spermatocyte, equatorial plates.

139-140. Second spermatocyte, daughter plates of the two cla.s.ses.

_Silpha americana_ (_Family Silphidae_).

141. Equatorial plate of spermatogonium, 40 chromosomes--39 large, 1 small.

142. Resting nucleus of spermatogonium, showing 2 plasmosomes (_p_).

143-144. First spermatocyte, spireme stage.

145. First spermatocyte, prophase.

146-147. First spermatocyte, metaphase.

148. First spermatocyte, equatorial plate.

149. Second spermatocyte, equatorial plates.

150. Second spermatocyte, showing metakinesis of the small chromosome.

[Ill.u.s.tration: STEVENS PLATE XI.

N. M. S. del.



_Doryphora decemlineata_ (_Family Chrysomelidae_).

FIGS. 151-152. Equatorial plates of spermatogonia, 36 chromosomes--35 large, 1 small.

153. First spermatocyte, synizesis stage.

154. First spermatocyte, synapsis stage.