Volume Iii Part 48 (1/2)
And I think this is the whole of my news. We are always talking of you at home. Mary Boyle dined with us a little while ago. You look out, I imagine, on a waste of water. When I came from Windsor, I thought I must have made a mistake and got into a boat (in the dark) instead of a railway-carriage. Catherine and Georgina send their kindest loves. I am ever, with the best and truest wishes of my heart, my dear Mrs. Watson,
Your most affectionate Friend.
[Sidenote: Rev. James White.]
OFFICE OF ”HOUSEHOLD WORDS,” _Monday, Nov. 22nd, 1852._
First and foremost, there is no doubt whatever of your story suiting ”Household Words.” It is a very good story indeed, and would be serviceable at any time. I am not quite so clear of its suiting the Christmas number, for this reason. You know what the spirit of the Christmas number is. When I suggested the stories being about a highwayman, I got hold of that idea as being an adventurous one, including various kinds of wrong, expressing a state of society no longer existing among us, and pleasant to hear (therefore) from an old man. Now, your highwayman not being a real highwayman after all, the kind of suitable Christmas interest I meant to awaken in the story is not in it. Do you understand? For an ordinary number it is quite un.o.bjectionable. If you should think of any other idea, narratable by an old man, which you think would strike the chord of the season; and if you should find time to work it out during the short remainder of this month, I should be greatly pleased to have it. In any case, this story goes straightway into type.
What tremendous weather it is! Our best loves to all at home. (I have just bought thirty bottles of the most stunning port on earth, which Ellis of the Star and Garter, Richmond, wrote to me of.)
I think you will find some good going in the next ”Bleak House.” I write shortly, having been working my head off.
Ever affectionately yours.
[Sidenote: Mrs. Gaskell.]
OFFICE OF ”HOUSEHOLD WORDS,” _Wednesday, Dec. 1st, 1852._
I send you the proof of ”The Old Nurse's Story,” with my proposed alteration. I shall be glad to know whether you approve of it. To a.s.sist you in your decision, I send you, also enclosed, the original ending.
And I have made a line with ink across the last slip but one, where the alteration begins. Of course if you wish to enlarge, explain, or re-alter, you will do it. Do not keep the proof longer than you can help, as I want to get to press with all despatch.
I hope I address this letter correctly. I am far from sure. In haste.
Ever faithfully yours.
[Sidenote: Mr. W. H. Wills.]
TAVISTOCK HOUSE, _Thursday, December 9th, 1852._
I am driven mad by dogs, who have taken it into their accursed heads to a.s.semble every morning in the piece of ground opposite, and who have barked this morning _for five hours without intermission_; positively rendering it impossible for me to work, and so making what is really ridiculous quite serious to me. I wish, between this and dinner, you would send John to see if he can hire a gun, with a few caps, some powder, and a few charges of small shot. If you duly commission him with a card, he can easily do it. And if I get those implements up here to-night, I'll be the death of some of them to-morrow morning.
Ever faithfully.
[Sidenote: Rev. James White.]
TAVISTOCK HOUSE, _Thursday Evening, Dec. 9th, 1852._