Volume Ii Part 5 (1/2)

Allow me to a.s.sure you with much sincerity, that I am highly gratified by having been elected one of the first honorary members of that establishment. Nothing could have enhanced my interest in so important an undertaking; but the compliment is all the more welcome to me on that account.

I accept it with a due sense of its worth, with many acknowledgments and with all good wishes.

I am ever, my dear Sir, very faithfully yours.

[Sidenote: Mr. Edmund Yates.]

TAVISTOCK HOUSE, _Monday Night, Nov. 16th, 1857._


I retain the story with pleasure; and I need not tell you that you are not mistaken in the last lines of your note.

Excuse me, on that ground, if I say a word or two as to what I think (I mention it with a view to the future) might be better in the paper. The opening is excellent. But it pa.s.ses too completely into the Irishman's narrative, does not light it up with the life about it, or the circ.u.mstances under which it is delivered, and does not carry through it, as I think it should with a certain indefinable subtleness, the thread with which you begin your weaving. I will tell Wills to send me the proof, and will try to show you what I mean when I shall have gone over it carefully.

Faithfully yours always.

[Sidenote: Mr. Frank Stone, A.R.A.]

TAVISTOCK HOUSE, _Wednesday, Dec. 13th, 1857._


I find on enquiry that the ”General Theatrical Fund” has relieved non-members in one or two instances; but that it is exceedingly unwilling to do so, and would certainly not do so again, saving on some very strong and exceptional case. As its trustee, I could not represent to it that I think it ought to sail into those open waters, for I very much doubt the justice of such cruising, with a reference to the interests of the patient people who support it out of their small earnings.

Affectionately ever.


[1] The part played in ”The Frozen Deep” by its author, Mr. Wilkie Collins.

[2] The Earl of Carlisle was at this time Viceroy of Ireland.

Book III.

1858 TO 1870.



All through this year, Charles d.i.c.kens was constantly moving about from place to place. After much and careful consideration, he had come to the determination of, for the future, giving readings for his own benefit.

And although in the spring of this year he gave one reading of his ”Christmas Carol” for a charity, all the other readings, beginning from the 29th April, and ever after, were for himself. In the autumn of this year he made reading tours in England, Scotland, and Ireland, always accompanied by his friend and secretary, Mr. Arthur Smith. At Newcastle, Charles d.i.c.kens was joined by his daughters, who accompanied him in his Scotch tour. The letters to his sister-in-law, and to his eldest daughter, are all given here, and will be given in all future reading tours, as they form a complete diary of his life and movements at these times. To avoid the constant repet.i.tion of the two names, the beginning of the letters will be dispensed with in all cases where they follow each other in unbroken succession. The Mr. Frederick Lehmann mentioned in the letter written from Sheffield, had married a daughter of Mr.

Robert Chambers, and niece of Mrs. Wills. Coming to settle in London a short time after this date, Mr. and Mrs. Lehmann became intimately known to Charles d.i.c.kens and his family--more especially to his eldest daughter, to whom they have been, and are, the kindest and truest of friends. The ”pretty little boy” mentioned as being under Mrs. Wills's care, was their eldest son.