Part 22 (1/2)
The bold often succeed where the tidaunted by the dangers which surrounded the to the top of the old tower, sent their ruddy glare far across the ocean; and as their light fell on the adventurers and their little craft, it occurred to Paul that their strange, unseamanlike costume would at once betray them
”The chances are that the Frenchmen have left some jackets in the after-cabin,” he observed; and as he spoke, juarments and hats, hich they quickly dressed themselves
”Noe look pretty decent mounseers,” observed Reuben, as he eased off the main-sheet a little ”If we're hailed, you'll have to tell 'e pardon--that we're bound for Cherbourg, and don't like to lose the breeze It's coish, and if I could but find a squaresail, for I sees there's a squaresail boo”
Reuben was in high spirits, and indeed so were thethus far succeeded Still they were not out of danger If it was believed that they had been burnt in the tower, they would not be pursued, unless the owners of the sloop or the reht of her sailing away
There were still several vessels to pass; but they intended to give them as wide a berth as possible O'Grady was at the hel thethe squaresail, when a cry from O'Grady made them jump up, and they saw the head of the French above the covering of the forehatch An Englishenerally carries a weapon ready for immediate use, which at the end of a stout arm is of a somewhat formidable character--his fist Reuben with his dealt the Frenchman a blohich stopped his shout, knocked three of his teeth down his throat, and sent hied; he, Reuben, and Paul following so rapidly, that the boy, who had been capsized by his companion, had not tiood care so to secure both their prisoners, that there was very little fear of their escaping, as the s and ar him
”Please tell them, Mr Gerrard, that if they cry out or attempt to play any more tricks, we o and look for the squaresail”
The sail was found and bent on, and, Paul going to the heled to set it The vessel felt the effects of the additional canvas, as she drew out lided past the different vessels in the roadstead There were only two more One of these, however, they were compelled to pass uncomfortably near
”When we are clear of her, we shall be all right,” said O'Grady, looking back, and seeing nothing following ”She looks like an aro out of our course; we h they were now so up so fiercely, that a strong light was still thrown on their canvas Being between the suspicious vessel and the light, they were abreast of her before they were seen Just then a hail ca who they were, and where they were bound
”Answer, Gerrard, answer!” cried O'Grady
But he did not tell him what to say; so Paul put up his hands and shouted, ”Oui, oui; toute vite!” with all his ht
”Heave-to,” shouted the voice, ”and ill send a boat aboard you”
”Very likely,” said Paul; and so he only cried out as before, ”Oui, oui, to-, or the day after, if you please!”
As a vessel running before the wind cannot heave-to at a ot on some little distance before any atteress Another hail was heard, and after the delay of nearly another er's ports, and a shot ca by a few feet astern
”If any of us are killed, let the others hold on to the last,” cried O'Grady ”We are suspected, at all events, and may have a near squeak for it”
Reuben, the moment the first shot was fired, jumped down into the hold-- not to avoid another; no fear of that Directly afterwards he shouted out, ”I have found the square-topsail Lend a hand, Paul, and we'll get it up”
The square-top-sail was got up, rapidly bent on to the yard, and in another minute or two hoisted and set Theon either side of the little vessel; but as she was riding head to wind, it was evident that only her stern chasers could be brought to bear
”I wonder that she does not follow us,” observed Paul, as the shots began to fall wider and wider of their mark
”Perhaps ht too sh for,” answered O'Grady
”However, don't let us be too sure; perhaps she will coh”
”The h, and to my mind they don't knohat to make of us,” observed Reuben, as he eyed the Frenchlance
The breeze continued freshening, and the little craft, evidently a re her distance fro tower
As the night was very dark, there was yet a chance of her escaping in the obscurity The adventurers were already congratulating theot free, when Reuben exclaimed, ”The French sail”
A sailor's eyes alone, and these of the sharpest, could have discovered this disagreeable fact; and even Paul could distinguish nothing but the dark outline of the coast Reuben kept his eye on the enemy
”I doubt if she can see us,” he observed ”And if she doesn't, we o-by I'd haul up a little to the eastward, Mr O'Grady, sir The tide will bedown soon, and we shall just check it across She'll walk along all the faster, too, with the wind on the starboard-quarter, and no risk of jibing We'll take a pull at the main-sheet, Mr Gerrard Noe'll ease off the squaresail sheet