Part 12 (1/2)
”Here they coed from the darkness They must be their friends; the pirates would have approached with cries and threats of vengeance O'Grady led the way, staggering under the weight of a cask; the men folloith still heavier burdens
”Wein the hut,” he whispered
Not another as spoken; it was a moment for prompt action, if they would save their lives, for if captured by the pirates they would be treated with scant ceremony orof the shape of the lagoon, or of the passage which led from it to the sea There were oars for each of the party
They pulled on in perfect silence, placing their handkerchiefs in the rowlocks to lessen the noise of the oars There were nuoon, which prevented the soale was blowing directly into theup after they had visited the schooner, or they would have felt it before
A loud roar of breakers was heard, and the white surf could be seen breaking wildly over the surrounding reefs
”We are in a trap, I fear,” remarked O'Grady
They were the first words which had been spoken since they e heard
”Let us ascertain what the black thinks,” said Devereux
This was no easy matter in the darkness He seemed disposed, at all events, to proceed, for he continued steering towards the sea The rocks on either side were tolerably high, with numerous indentations, an to feel the seas as they rolled in It see through the rollers which ca rapidity towards then to hi He waited for a few minutes They were full of suspense Then he shook his head, and again signed for the starboard oars to pull round, and running back a little way, he took the boat into a sh rocks The disappointreat It would clearly have been suicidal to have atteh the surf It would be better to face the anger of the pirates Poor Charcoal wasor shoot him, or beat him to death to a certainty
”Could we not land him, and perhaps the pirates would not find out that he assisted in our atteet, Mr O'Grady, that he could not have got his crutches without our help,” observed Paul
”The wind ht,”
remarked Devereux ”We could not leave him behind”
The question had not, however, been put to the black; indeed it was difficult to ascertain his wishes He kept his seat, and n
This oon before daylight It was possible that the pirates ain as soon as they awoke; and if so, more time would be obtained for their escape These and sihts of the party as the dark hours of night passed by
Still the wind blew, and the seas, as they dashed over the coral reefs and broke on the sandy beach, roared as loud as before The black ; indeed they all kneould be useless At length, with sinking hearts, they saw the first pale streaks of dawn appear
There is but little twilight in those southern latitudes; but the first harbinger of day is speedily followed by the glorious luht
”I wonder if it's pleasant,” soliloquised O'Grady ”I don't knohether I should prefer being hung or having my throat cut”
”Hush,” said Devereux, ”see the black is signing to you not to speak”
”Nor will I, blessings on his honest face,” answered O'Grady, whose spirits nothing could daunt ”But I propose that before we put our necks into the noose we have our breakfast We shall have aentle for us”
The proposition met with universal approval, and in another instant all hands were busily e a substantial breakfast of biscuit, dried meat, and fish, washed down by claret in as quiet a manner as if they were out on a pleasant picnic party When it was over, some of the party scrambled up the rocks to ascertain if any of the pirates were yet on foot; but no one was to be seen ht suppose that they had alreadyfor them
It was clearly their best chance to remain quiet, and so they all returned on board and lay down in the bottoht had done, passed slowly on Their hopes again rose; they ht, and then ale abate
”We have reason to be thankful that we are not outside now,” observed old Croxton, who had said little all the ti”
”If we are discovered we ht for it,” observed Reuben Cole
”We are ascoundrels as they are, I hope”
”I will play the us if they hear that going,” said Alphonse, evidently perfectly in earnest