Part 4 (1/2)

Paul Gerrard Williaston 39060K 2022-07-20

”Hurrah, lads!” cried Peter Bruff when he saw this, ”they'll only haive us an easier victory”

The boats dashed alongside Langrage and grape and round-shot were discharged at the-pikes, h the ports ready for their reception The boats hooked on, and, in spite of all opposition, the British seaan to climb up the side Some were driven back and hurled into the boats, wounded, too often ain the atteained, a desperate hand-to-hand coan It could have but one termination, the defeat of the attackers or the attacked Paul cli that hu mass of weapons which the British seamen had to encounter Paul followed close behind Reuben, who kept abreast of Mr Noakes Pistols were fired in their faces, cutlasses were clashi+ng, as the sea at their opponents In spite of all opposition the deck was gained; the eneht bravely Mr Larcoh the head

Several men near him were killed or badly wounded; it seemed likely that after all the boarders would be driven back Old Noakes saw the danger; there was still plenty of British pluck in hi; the dayhimself furiously on the eneain the Frenchave way; at first inch by inch they retreated, thenmany of their number wounded on the deck Bruff had faced about and driven the enemy aft; Noakes and Reuben still pushed forward Paul, following close at their heels with an officer's shich he had picked up, observed, fallen on the deck, a man, apparently a lieutenant, whose eye was fixed on Noakes, and whose hand held a pistol; he was taking a steady ai a cut at the , the contents entered the deck

”Thanks, boy, you've saved et you,” cried Noakes

”On, on, on!”

”Well done, Gerrard, well done!” exclaimed Reuben ”You've saved your hide, boy”

The French that all was lost, leaped down the fore-hatchway,out for quarter A few madly and treacherously fired up from belohich so exasperated the sea was hauled down and the rest overpowered The frigate was by this ti up a breeze to the prize

”It's a pity it didn't coht have saved the lives of lanced round on the blood-stained deck

”It's an ill wind that blows no one good,” re at Mr Larcoained 's work, besides the command of the prize”

”'There's many a slip between the cup and the lip' I've found it so, and so have you, mate, I suspect,” said Bruff; ”yet, old fellow, I hope you'll get what you deserve”

There was no jealousy in honest Bruff's coht a light privately before Captain Walford, that the captain felt himself bound to recommend Noakes for proe of the prize to take houns, evidently very fast, but very loith taut ly very crank Most of the prisoners were re others, Reuben Cole and Paul Gerrard The surgeon advised that Devereux and O'Grady should go hoe, that he ed on the first opportunity

”Be careful of your spars, Noakes,” observed Mr Order, as he looked up at the _Aigle's_ lofty masts, ”remember that you are short-handed”

”Ay, ay, sir,” answered the oldto himself, ”I should think that I kno to sail a craft by this ti baby to require a nurse”

Paul was very glad to find himself with Devereux and Alphonse, as also with Reuben, on board the prize Mr Noakes did not forget the service he had rendered him, and was as kind as could well be He called him aft one day

”Gerrard, ive you silver and gold, I can make you that, if you will keep your wits about you, and I'll teach you navigation entleman by birth, and that's ; but I don't advise you to aspire to the quarter-deck Withoutplaced on it, as I have often done; that's no reason, however, that you shouldn't become fit to take command of a shi+p; a privateer or a merchantman may fall in your way; at all events, learn all you can”

Paul resolved to follow his new friend's advice A course was shaped for Plyle_ proceeded ood advice to others, but he did not follow after wisdo, from the effects of which he had often suffered Drink was his bane, as it is that of thousands

Several casks of prime claret were found on board; it would not have done much harm by itself, but there were soar, Noakes concocted a beverage veryas he was able, and lost no opportunity in giving hiation; but in tireat, that he was seldo clearly himself, much less to explain it to another Devereux and O'Grady expostulated in vain

He grew angry and only drank harder The prisoners observed ht have entertained hopes of regaining their shi+p Alphonse warned Devereux

”They have not spoken to me, or I could not say this to you, but they may, so be prepared,” he observed one day as they were on deck together, no one else being near

Noakes was compelled to keep watch He always carried on ht, and very dark; the first watch was nearly over; the weather, hitherto fine, gave signs of changing Devereux, who had charge of the deck, was about to shorten sail, when Noakes ca out, adding, ”Nonsense, Devereux, your wounds havebreeze, and let's take advantage of it to reach the shores of old England”

”Too much haste the worst speed,” observed Reuben to Paul; ”our sticks are bending terribly, they'll be whipping over the sides presently, or will capsize the craft altogether I don't like the look of things, that I don't, I tell you” Scarcely had he spoken, when a blast, fiercer than its predecessor, struck the shi+p

”Let fly of all,” shouted Noakes, sobered somewhat