Part 48 (2/2)

”Simmer?” She was already boiled over, d.a.m.n him!

”It's hot enough, but antic.i.p.ation will make it more so. We can shower together. What do you think?”

”You'll have s.e.x with me again?”

He grinned. ”Count on it.”

She wanted him now, but she also needed to visit the restroom, and brush her hair, and clean her teeth. ”I like it. It's a good plan.”

Skeptical at her quick agreement, Cannon stood. ”We can head to the shelter later today to check out the dogs. And I want to talk to Margaret, make sure she knows everything that's happened.”

She took his extended hand and left the bed. ”I was thinking it might not be a bad idea to get hold of Vanity, too. She can see if Heath's posting anything online.”

”Good idea.” He retrieved the SBC s.h.i.+rt from the floor and pulled it over her head, smoothing it into place, then lifting her hair out of the neckline. His gaze warmed. ”I like you in my s.h.i.+rt.”

Sighing, absorbing the sight of him in the bright morning light, she admitted, ”I like you naked.”

Without an ounce of modesty, he nodded. ”Good to know.”

His smile did it for her as much as his amazing body.

”But how about jeans until we get back in bed?”

Making a face, she said, ”If you must.”

As he stepped into the denim-commando-he reminded her of what he wanted. ”I think we might get more talking done that way, don't you?” Not bothering to zip or snap the jeans, he put a perfunctory kiss on her forehead. ”Do what you need to do and I'll go get the coffee started.”

She watched him walk off, antic.i.p.ation and dread both warring inside her. This morning he had the kid gloves back on, but with an edge. All that teasing had been... She hugged herself. Delicious.

Somehow she'd convince him it wasn't necessary to be so careful with her. He didn't need to cater to her psyche, to understand her fears and weaknesses.

Overall, she'd rather he just ignore them.

Maybe once she totally opened up to him, she'd be able to get him to treat her like any other woman.

She'd been private so long, it wouldn't be easy. But she wanted him, all of him, with no holding back.

And with that in mind, she decided just how to make it happen.


C annon stopped in the hall bathroom and braced his hands on the edge of the sink. G.o.d almighty, she packed a powerful punch to his libido. Walking away from her had almost taken more than he had in him.

He'd meant what he said. The buildup would be mindblowing. Given how new she was to this, the pleasure part anyway, he wanted to ensure she was as comfortable, as ready, as he could get her.

Last night... He shook his head. He'd been lacking patience and was high on l.u.s.t. Not the best combo to throw at someone who struggled with reaching the peak.

Not that she'd struggled much with him, but still... Using cold water, he splashed his face, ignored the morning beard shadow and quickly brushed his teeth. Knowing Yvette would primp a bit, brush her hair and probably put on jeans, he headed toward the kitchen. He'd just gotten to the end of the hall when a very light, tentative knock sounded on the door.

Lifting aside a curtain from the window, he saw Armie standing there. Good. With Armie he wouldn't have to be overly polite. He opened the door for him, saying, ”You can't stay long.”

A note in his hand, one foot in the doorway, Armie paused. He glanced beyond Cannon and when he didn't see Yvette, he whispered, ”Want me to just take off?”

”Nah. Five minutes is fine.” Knowing Armie would follow, he went on into the kitchen. ”I wanted to talk to you anyway.”

While Cannon filled the carafe in the sink, Armie pulled out the table chair closest to the wall. ”This was in your door.” He handed him the note.

Cannon turned it over and read, ”Rissy was here.” He smiled. ”She must have come by this morning, a.s.suming I'd still jog.”

”But you didn't.”

He shook his head. No, he'd stayed put, enjoying how beautiful Yvette looked in peaceful slumber. ”I guess when Rissy didn't see the usual lights on inside, she knew we were sleeping in.”

Armie sprawled back in the chair, his legs stretched out, at his leisure. ”She was probably worried.”

”Yeah. I didn't get a chance to talk to her much last night, but I know by now she's heard what happened.”

”She took off early,” Armie said.

Cannon shot him a look. ”Noticed that, did you?”

Shrugging, he slumped a little more.

”I'll give her a call later, maybe take her to lunch. I think some jacka.s.s must have hurt her feelings.” Cannon measured coffee grains into the basket. ”When she came over to tell me she was taking off, she looked... I don't know. Sad.”

Armie was so silent that Cannon glanced back at him again.

Clearing his throat, his friend sat a little straighter. ”You see her with anyone?”

”No, you?”

Armie shook his head. ”I mean, she hung with the guys some, but none of them would do anything to upset her.”

”No,” he agreed. Everyone liked Rissy, and why not? She was funny and smart and pretty.

Armie sat forward. ”You don't think she got involved with that idiot ex of hers again, do you?”

”No way.” He turned to face Armie. ”She's not a dummy.”

”Right.” He started to relax again.

Seeing the perfect segue, Cannon said, ”But speaking of”

”Were we?”
