Part 31 (1/2)
Cannon nodded. ”Don't sweat it, hon. We're taking off anyway.”
”Well, if you do need to go back in, Cherry will be here, but I think she might be going back to bed.” She pointed at Armie. ”Not a word out of you.”
Forgetting what he'd been about to say, something to do with Cherry and a bed and not sleeping, Armie closed his mouth.
Keeping a cautious eye on him, Rissy slowly moved her gaze back to Cannon. ”If you find yourself with extra free time, give me a call.”
Cannon hugged her close. ”Will do.”
She leaned her head against him. ”I like her, Cannon.
Don't screw it up, okay?”
Laughing, Cannon mussed his sister's hair, kissed her forehead and let her go.
Armie made a point of not looking at her. h.e.l.l, he tried not to look at Cannon either. But Rissy had no sooner pulled away from the curb than Cannon stared him down.
Cannon was good at that, but then, so was Armie.
”Why the h.e.l.l didn't you tell me it was Steve you fought with?”
Seeing no reason to deny it, Armie snorted. ”There was no fight to it, that's why. He and his punk friends jumped me, got in a few licks and then ended up limping away. You heard Rissy. The wuss is still lazing in bed, no doubt milking it for her benefit.” Disgruntled by the idea, he muttered, ”b.a.s.t.a.r.d is probably hoping to appeal to her softer side.”
”What do you know of my sister's softer side?” ”Only that she hides it well.” He clapped Cannon on the shoulder. ”We going to call someone about the tires or what?”
”Roadside service is on the way. Soon as they get here we can take off. I just need you to drop Yvette and me off at home. We'll use her car to go to the rec center.
Stack wants me to meet some of the new kids. As it is, I'm cutting it close.”
”Let's get to it, then.”
”Right.” Folding his arms over his chest, Cannon went all stern and insistent. ”Soon as you tell me what happened with Steve.”
”I already did.”
”Not by a long shot.”
Knowing Cannon well enough to see he wouldn't let it go, Armie shrugged. Why not? He'd censor appropriately and if anything, Cannon would thank him. ”I heard him shooting off his mouth, that's all.”
His expression went dark. ”About Rissy?” Shaking his head, Armie said, ”No.” He'd have done more than knock him around for that. ”About some other chick he's banging. As in, sleeping with while Rissy was in j.a.pan.”
Cannon's arms dropped. ”He was cheating on her?” Just the umbrage Armie had counted on. ”Yeah, and from what he said, it's happened before. He went into a nauseating amount of detail about how the chick was desperate and easy-and finished off by saying with Merissa out of town, he had to take his pleasure where he could.”
”So he did talk about her.”
Rus.h.i.+ng, Armie said, ”You don't need to do anything.” ”Because you already did?”
”Uh...” Yeah, that about covered it. But he didn't want to give the wrong impression. ”You heard Rissy. He's already a beaten dog. Why dirty your hands finis.h.i.+ng him off?”
Cannon seemed to be considering things. ”They weren't really locked down.”
”Don't defend him.”
”Wouldn't.” He looked at Armie. ”I'm just saying, Rissy doesn't like to get too tight with anyone. They might have had an understanding, I'm not sure on that.
But any guy who'd go bragging to his buddies is an a.s.shole anyway.”
”Exactly.” He'd followed the putz, not trusting him after he'd also made a few jokes about getting the woman high and needing to stock up his supply before Merissa got home.
Unfortunately, Steve was a paranoid putz, so when he felt he was being followed, he'd reacted by having his buddies circle around on Armie.
”How bad did you hurt him?”
”Bad enough.”
”I might've broken his jaw, probably a finger or two.
Possibly even his hand.” Armie gave it some thought. ”I wasn't exaggerating about him limping either, but his knee should be okay. Just sore for a few days.” ”Jesus.” Cannon choked on a laugh. ”Anything else?” Armie narrowed his eyes. How the h.e.l.l could Cannon find any humor in this? ”I landed a nut shot, so even if Rissy makes up with him, he won't be any use to her for a while.”
That wiped away all signs of humor. ”I don't want to think about that.”
”You're a wuss, too.”
”Says the guy without a sister.” Cannon started moving stuff from his truck to Armie's SUV. ”I have to say, though, you play the big brother well. Thanks for looking out for her.”
Yeah...brotherly thoughts had never occupied his mind, not where Merissa Colter was concerned. ”My pleasure.”
”I'm wondering now, though, if we should tell her before she sees him.”
”Naw.” Rissy was smart. She'd see through Steve's bulls.h.i.+t, if she hadn't already. ”If she suddenly makes up with him, then sure, we'll tell her.” Or rather, Cannon could tell her. Because he'd be keeping his distance. By the time they finished jawing and moving stuff to Armie's ride, roadside service showed up. While Cannon talked with them, Armie went inside to get Yvette. He followed laughing female voices to the kitchen table. Yvette and Cherry sat together discussing fighters, and he listened in without a speck of remorse. Still giggling, Cherry said, ”Guys just crack me up.” ”They do keep things interesting,” Yvette agreed. Now, what was that about? Armie listened, but apparently he'd missed the joke.
”It's too bad you couldn't have gone to j.a.pan with us.
We had a great time.”
”I bet. I've only ever seen one live fight.”
Armie was fairly certain Cannon would change that.
If he knew his friend, and he did, Cannon would want her close by from now on.
”Hopefully Cannon will have some time off before he's offered another fight.”
Yvette sat back in the chair, long legs crossed, one arm folded under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the other hand playing with the ends of her hair.
It was one of those feminine habits that Armie adored.