Part 24 (1/2)

He smiled with her. ”Bean soup and ham with corn bread was one of my favorites. I could finish off half the corn bread all on my own. Rissy would have a fit when she wanted seconds and it was gone.”

”When do she and her roommate get home, by the way?”

He went still, making Yvette shake her head.

”What, you thought I wasn't paying attention? I realize you wanted to be here, so here you are. But you did have options.”

”True enough.” He watched her take a bite, then moan with pleasure. His eyes darkened. ”Glad you like it.”

”It's amazing.”

As casually as he'd stroked her rear, he said, ”You'll like me touching you, too.”

Her turn to go still-only that didn't slow Cannon down at all.

”But if there's anything you don't like, I want you to tell me. Or if there's something you especially enjoy-”

Already overheated, she interrupted him. ”We were talking about your sister.”

”Safer subject, huh? Okay, I can work with that.” Watching her intently, he ate another big bite before answering. ”I could have gone to Rissy's, true, but it is her place now, not mine. I respect her privacy and with her and her roommate out of town it didn't seem right to just make myself at home.”

”She wouldn't welcome you there?”

”Course she would.”

”What about her roommate?”

”Cherry Peyton. I don't know her well, but she seems nice enough. Denver might be interested, remember?”

”Yes.” Denver was definitely interested, from what she could tell.

Moving right on past that, Cannon added, ”There's always the Colonial. I've stayed there before.”

She gave a tight smile. ”Mary expected to find you at a hotel.” And if Yvette hadn't shown up at the bar that night, he'd have taken Mary back to his room with him.

”Forget Mary,” he said. ”Forget Mindi. I wanted to be here. With you.”

Petty jealousy had never been her way. Because he was so special to her, Cannon deserved the truth. ”I'm glad it worked out this way.”

He picked up her hand and kissed her knuckles. ”Now, if that's settled, let's eat. The sooner we get done, the sooner I can get my hands on you.”

With the fork halfway to her mouth, she paused.

He glanced at the clock. ”It's early. We'll have hours to play before bedtime. I'm already half-hard just thinking about it.” He forked up another big bite of pasta.

l.u.s.t, apparently, didn't dent his appet.i.te. But then, he stayed more active than any person she knew.

For her part, Yvette wanted to melt right off her seat. ”You know I can't-”

”Climax?” More gently, he said, ”It's okay. Touching, that's all we're going to do, remember?”

But why? Surely he'd want more than that. Just because she couldn't didn't mean he- Then he finished by saying, ”Tonight anyway. Eventually I'm going to want all of you.”

Thinking about it, him over her, in her, sent a sweet clench of desire into every muscle. ”Okay,” she whispered.

Gaze playfully stern, he said, ”But not tonight. Tonight is for touching only. Touching and kissing and going a little nuts.” He drew in a slow breath. ”So finish up. I've tortured myself enough already.”

Yvette had been quiet through the rest of dinner and the cleanup afterward.

Maybe feeling nervous, as soon as the last dish was put away she'd gathered up dirty laundry and disappeared into the bas.e.m.e.nt for an hour. Unwilling to rush her, he'd used the time to do other cleaning. When she'd heard the vacuum, she'd charged back up the steps.

It was kind of funny how she'd reacted. Even after he'd told her he was a neat freak and could d.a.m.n well handle housework, she'd seemed put out. Reluctantly she'd put away the laundry and taken a seat, mostly so that he would sit, too.

As he joined her, her gaze went watchful and wary. Did she expect him to jump her? To strip off her s.h.i.+rt and start pawing her? If so, he'd disappoint her by going so slow, she'd be the one asking him to take the s.h.i.+rt off her.

Eventually she'd ask for everything.

But as he'd told her, tonight would be a sweet torment. They'd both end up frustrated, but she'd get comfortable with him.

Eventually comfortable enough to let herself go.

She'd put her cell phone on the coffee table, so he did the same, then put his wallet and keys there, as well.

She went wide-eyed, maybe thinking he was going to stop. h.e.l.l of an idea, because he'd love to have her hands all over him, but not yet. His iron control, strong as it might be, had limits.

Facing her as he sat, one arm along the back of the couch so he could toy with her long hair, Cannon did his utmost to sound casual instead of primed. ”Did I tell you that Rowdy and I agreed for me to work the bar on He advertised it all week. Should be a big crush.”


”Yeah.” Twining his fingers in her hair, he used it to tug her closer. ”You'll be there, right?”

Her lips parted and she breathed deeper. ”I don't know.”

Well, he did. She'd go with him, and they'd have a blast. It was important for her to understand the chemistry between them wasn't just s.e.xual.

As he leaned down toward her, her thick, dark lashes lowered over her eyes. Big, beautiful, green eyes.

But then he found everything about her appealing.

Taking her mouth gently, he kissed her lower lip, then her upper before aligning their mouths perfectly in a soft, hungry kiss.

It gratified him, encouraged him, when she melted against him.

Surely a woman who reacted so easily could be taken over the edge to the big O. With the right man.


”I want you there,” he told her while kissing a path to her ear.
