Part 22 (1/2)
Fine. He wanted to pout? He could do it alone. ”I'm hanging up now.”
”No.” Heath's voice, raw with appeal, called out to her. ”Don't.”
”You have to stop calling me, Heath.”
”I can't.”
His ragged breathing stole some of her anger. She had dated this man for months, she'd been as intimate with him as she was capable of being, so some level of compa.s.sion remained. ”Are you okay?”
”Come home, Yvette.”
Her shoulders sagged-in relief. Obviously he hadn't left California as he'd claimed, or he wouldn't want her to return there. She knew the nicest thing she could do for him was to make him understand that things were over. Gently, but with firm insistence, she said, ”I can't.”
Defeat left his tone, replaced with a surprising explosion of rage. ”Or you won't?”
She was so tired of his anger, of his mood swinging from adoration to loathing. ”Both. But, Heath, it doesn't matter.” As calmly as she could, she laid it out for him. ”Even if I was there, we weren't together anymore. We'll never be together again. Please believe me. It's over.”
A chilling laugh sounded through the phone. ”You can be such a f.u.c.king b.i.t.c.h sometimes.”
”Does your new boyfriend know that? Does he know what a lousy lay you are? Does he realize your heart is so f.u.c.king frozen that all you do is lie there and-”
Breathing hard, her compa.s.sion blown, Yvette disconnected the call. Shaking all over, she badly wanted to throw the phone, but what good would that do?
”What is it?”
At the sound of Cannon's voice, she screeched and jumped a foot. When she whipped around, Cannon stood there in the open garage door, his gaze far too astute.
”Dear G.o.d, you startled me.”
He didn't move toward her. ”That was Heath?”
Expelling a big breath, she nodded. ”Yes. He was... unhappy.” She almost snorted at herself. Such an understatement.
”How many people have your number?”
”Not many. You. Vanity.” She made a face. ”Heath.”
”Let's get you a new phone and a new number.”
Since he didn't come to her, she felt uncertain of his mood. Always, every single time, Cannon greeted her with soft kisses and smiles.
”I can just block him.”
Suspicion brightened his blue eyes. ”Then why haven't you?”
”He wasn't that nasty before.”
”And you feel sorry for him?”
More like guilty-but not anymore. Sweat gathered between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and at the small of her back. Loose hairs from her braid stuck to her temples.
Cannon was in much the same shape, his T-s.h.i.+rt sticking to his skin in several places, his glossy dark hair damp with sweat.
Setting the phone aside, Yvette plucked at her s.h.i.+rt, letting some air underneath. ”Did you jog in this heat?”
His attention sharpened as he looked her over. ”No.” He peeled off his s.h.i.+rt and used it to swipe over his chest. ”I usually shower at the rec center, but it was packed today, so I figured I'd shower here instead.”
Despite Heath's recent attack, a smile tugged at her mouth. ”More guys are showing up because you're there.”
”Yeah.” He strode closer, his gaze locked with hers. ”Armie says I'm good for business. I think he signed up ten new guys today alone.”
From what she understood, the more MMA devotees who signed up, the more programs they could offer to the at-risk kids in the neighborhood.
”That's nice.”
Focused on her, he got closer.
She tried to pull her gaze away but couldn't. ”Cannon...”
He stopped in front of her, looking all over her, especially at where her s.h.i.+rt stuck to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. ”It's hot as h.e.l.l in here.”
Staring up at him, suddenly breathless, she whispered, ”No air circulation.”
With a touch of awe, Cannon trailed his rough fingertips down her throat, back and forth over her upper chest, then teased down into her cleavage. ”How can you look so f.u.c.king s.e.xy even now?”
He rarely cursed in front of her, and hearing it now with that particular rasp in his voice shook her. ”I don't. I'm a mess.”
”No.” He bent to open his mouth on her throat, his lips lingering against her heated, damp skin. One hand opened on her waist, then slowly, so d.a.m.n slowly, moved under her s.h.i.+rt and up, until he covered her breast.
They both went still, Yvette breathing heavily, Cannon growling softly.
Sweltering hot, humid air hung heavily around them. Outside the garage, a bird chirped. Somewhere nearby a car door closed.
With his face still against her throat, Cannon moved his thumb up and over her nipple.
”Hope I'm not intruding,” said an amused female voice.
Yvette tried to jerk away, but Cannon held her still for a heartbeat, then turned, tucking her behind him.
”Hey,” he said to their visitor. ”Wasn't expecting you.”
Yvette peeked around Cannon's bare shoulder and saw the lawyer's a.s.sistant. Despite the heat wave, she had on full makeup, including bright red lips. Beneath a silky blue sleeveless blouse, tan tailored skirt and high-heeled sandals, she looked cool and chic.
And even with Yvette watching her, she ogled Cannon's naked upper body.
After a slow lick of her glossy lips, she murmured, ”You've healed up nicely, though I can still see a few faded bruises.”
Yvette's hair nearly stood on end. Had Mindi seen Cannon s.h.i.+rtless already? Had she- ”Should have seen it before,” Cannon told her, alleviating Yvette's worry without even knowing it. ”I was pretty colorful there for a while. But yeah, I heal quick.” He c.o.c.ked his head. ”So what's up?”