Part 1 (1/2)


No Limits.

Lori Foster.


C oiled tight with tension, Cannon sat in the leather chair and faced the lawyer's desk with loaded impatience. From head to toe, his battered body ached, but at present his mind focused on less-physical issues. After finally landing back in the States, he'd planned to spend the day in the hot tub, and the night in bed-with enough female company to help him forget how close he'd come to losing his last fight.

Three days ago he'd taken on the biggest challenge of his career, his most publicized bout on the main card for the Supreme Battle Champions.h.i.+p-in j.a.pan with a packed house and a lot of expectation from the organization.

Though he'd taken plenty of hits himself, he'd been beating his opponent on points...and then he'd f.u.c.ked up.

After catching a kick to the liver, he'd lost his air, bent double in excruciating pain, and was going down. Only pure instinct had helped him throw one last punch when his opponent had charged in for the kill.

That punch had landed dead center on the Pit Bull's gla.s.s jaw. Lights out.

He'd struggled to stand upright while the other man came back around, and the fight had ended with him as the winner. But d.a.m.n, it had been close, and being the winner didn't negate the hits and kicks he'd absorbed. He needed some R & R.

However, all his plans for taking it easy had gone awry when he'd gotten summoned back to Warfield, Ohio. It was a three-hour drive, and usually when he made the trip, he visited friends first thing.

This time, though, he waited around as a stuffy lawyer flipped through paperwork and a female a.s.sistant gave him the eye.

”Ah, here we are,” the lawyer said, rattling his d.a.m.n papers and looking at Cannon over the top of his reading ”I'm sorry for the delay. Since I had expected you yesterday, you've taken me off guard.”

The rebuke was wasted on Cannon. ”Like I said, I was out of the country.” s.h.i.+fting, he tried not to flinch from his many aches.

”j.a.pan, yes?”

Unwilling to encourage more chitchat, he gave a single nod.

Again sorting papers, the lawyer said, ”You're a fighter? Isn't that right?”


”The SBC?”

”Yeah.” h.e.l.l, he had the fight club logo on his T-s.h.i.+rt. He sat forward, his forearms on his thighs. He had no idea what this was about, but he wanted to get to it. ”Look, how much longer is this going to take?”

Frank Whitaker divided papers into three stacks. ”I only need a moment to get organized.”

Organized with what? Cannon knew this had something to do with Tipton Sweeny, a local p.a.w.nshop owner who'd recently pa.s.sed away. ”If I hadn't been out of the country, I would have attended the funeral.” And maybe seen Yvette, Tipton's granddaughter.

Just thinking about her stoked up his tension.

Without looking away from his papers, the fiftysomething, overweight lawyer said, ”I'm sure everyone understands.”

Cannon had only known Tipton as a local business owner, a staple in the community he loved. His granddaughter, Yvette, attended school with Cannon's sister. That was where any real relations.h.i.+p ended.

Except that Yvette had always flirted with him, he'd always avoided her...right up until the day he'd kissed her, the day he'd wanted to go on kissing her and more- after helping to rescue her from perverted thugs.

s.h.i.+t, s.h.i.+t, s.h.i.+t.

He didn't want to think about that, about her. So much time had pa.s.sed, and still she had the ability to blow his composure.

How was she? Still in California apparently, or she'd be the one here dealing with...whatever had to be dealt with. ”Didn't Tipton have other relatives?”

”Yes, I'm sure he did.”

So how the h.e.l.l was Cannon involved?

Cannon watched the a.s.sistant glide in, leading with her big b.r.e.a.s.t.s. A wave of perfume drifted with her. She handed more doc.u.ments to the disorganized suit and then, smiling at Cannon, moved close enough to brush her thigh against his. Smiling down at him, she touched his knee. ”Would you like a cola? Coffee?”

Trying not to be too obvious, he moved out of her reach. With women, he always stayed cool.

Except for that time with Yvette.

”Water would be nice. Thanks.”

”Of course.” She s.h.i.+fted her hand to his shoulder, stroked, felt his muscle beneath the soft cotton of his faded T-s.h.i.+rt and then trailed off. ”I'll get it right now.”

Being a guy, and therefore not immune to a comeon, Cannon looked her over more closely as she left. She had one of those supercurvy figures that got enhanced with a cinched suit, skirt and soft blouse. High-heeled pumps showed off her s.e.xy calves. Big b.r.e.a.s.t.s, full hips, twisted-up pale blond hair. She wore her s.e.xuality out there, almost bludgeoning him with her interest, her sly looks and the occasional lick of her s.h.i.+ny red lips.

Women hit on him, no big deal. But never in a lawyer's office under these circ.u.mstances.

Was she doing the lawyer? Were her blatant comeons to make Whitaker jealous? Cannon eyed the older man, wondering if he'd even noticed the dozen different ways his a.s.sistant had already made her interest known.

Not that he was cynical or anything. And not that he was biting.

At least...he didn't think he was. Still, when she came back in and leaned down farther than necessary to hand him the gla.s.s of ice water and napkin, Cannon went ahead and checked out her cleavage. Her skin looked soft, but that overpowering perfume a.s.saulted his nostrils until he looked away.

The lawyer stacked his papers and took off his ”Thank you, Mindi. I'll let you know if we need anything else.”

Accepting the abrupt dismissal, she nodded. ”I'll be at my desk.” Behind the lawyer, Mindi paused in the doorway, made a show of looking Cannon over from shoulders to knees, her sultry gaze lingering on his crotch. She gave another slow lick of her lips and...yeah, okay, he was maybe a little interested.

h.e.l.l, he'd been so involved in training, traveling for the fight and then the fight itself, he'd suffered selfimposed celibacy for too long.

But for right now, Cannon gave his full attention back to Whitaker. What could the man possibly need from him that took so d.a.m.n many papers and notes?

Finally, somber in his preparedness, the lawyer folded his hands together and stared directly at Cannon. ”You have inherited property and funds from Mr. Sweeny.”

Whoa. A surge of fear brought Cannon forward. His heart thumped heavily in his chest. ”Did something happen to Yvette?”

Bushy brows coming together, the lawyer slid his back on, sifted through the G.o.dd.a.m.ned papers and shook his head. ”You're talking about Ms. Sweeny, the granddaughter?”
