Part 3 (1/2)
In 1851, Giffard had constructed a small steam engine, of about three horsepower, and weighing only 100 pounds. He thought it could be used for driving a balloon, and with the aid of a couple of friends he set to work building an airs.h.i.+p, which was somewhat the shape of a cigar, pointed at the ends. It was 144 feet long and 40 feet in diameter at its thickest part, and it held 88,000 cubic feet of gas. Over the envelope was spread a net from which a heavy pole was suspended by ropes. At the end of this pole, or keel, as Giffard called it, was a triangular sail which acted as a rudder. Twenty feet below the pole hung the car, in which was the steam motor and propeller.
With this new means of driving the propeller, the dirigible began to show signs of proving a success, although as yet it could not develop any very great speed. One reason was that the engine was too heavy in proportion to the power it generated. Giffard's airs.h.i.+p under the most favorable conditions could only go at from four to five miles an hour, when there was no wind.
One of the problems Giffard had to solve was that of preventing an explosion of the gas escaping through the neck of the balloon, as it came in contact with the heat of the engine. To avoid this, he placed a piece of wire gauze, similar to that used in safety lanterns, in front of the stokehole and the smoke of the furnace was allowed to escape through a chimney at one corner of the car, pointing downwards.
Giffard's second airs.h.i.+p, of somewhat different design, was destroyed by an accident on its very first trip. He at once began working on a design for a giant airs.h.i.+p, which was to be 1,970 feet long, and 98 feet in diameter at the middle. The motor was to weigh 30 tons, and he estimated that the airs.h.i.+p would fly at 40 miles an hour. He worked out the scheme in every detail, but owing to the expense the dirigible was never made.
The first ”military dirigible” ever built was that constructed by Dupuy de Lome for the French government during the siege of Paris, and tried out in 1872. Its propeller was driven by a crew of eight men, a very curious proceeding, since the steam engine had been successfully tried.
A dirigible which was almost modern in design was meanwhile being constructed by Paul Haenlein in Germany, and made its appearance in 1872. It was long and cylindrical, with pointed ends, the car placed close to the balloon envelope, to give a very rigid connection. Its really noteworthy feature was the gas engine, replacing the steam engine that Giffard had used as a means of driving the propeller. The gas for the engine was taken from the balloon itself and the loss was made good by pumping air into the air-bags. The balloon envelope held 85,000 cubic feet of gas, and of this the engine consumed 250 cubic feet an hour.
This dirigible, on trial trips, attained a very fair speed, which would have been greater had hydrogen gas been used in the envelope instead of ordinary gas. But lack of funds prevented further experiment, and Haenlein had to abandon his attempts.
Ten years now pa.s.sed before the next notable effort at dirigible construction. The delay was probably due to the fact that no suitable driving power was yet known. In 1882 the famous French aeronauts Gaston and Albert Tissandier constructed an airs.h.i.+p somewhat similar to Giffard's models, but containing an electric motor. But although this dirigible cost 2,000 or almost $10,000 to build, it had the same fault as all that preceded it; it could not develop speed. The problem of finding an engine of sufficiently light weight and high power was a difficult one, which has not to-day been wholly solved.
The public generally had begun to think of the dirigible balloon as impractical and impossible, when in 1884 came the startling news that two French officers, named Renard and Krebs, had performed some remarkable feats in a balloon of their own design. An electric motor of 8-1/2 horsepower drove the propeller.
Several details of this dirigible are extremely interesting. The axis on which the propeller blades were fixed could be lifted in order to prevent them from being injured in case of a sudden drop. A trail rope was also used so as to break the shock which might result from a sudden fall. At the back between the car and the balloon was fixed the rudder, of unusual design, consisting of two four-sided pyramids with their bases placed together.
Renard and Krebs christened their dirigible ”La France,” and on August 9, 1884, they gave it its first public tryout near Chalais, with great success. They traveled some distance against the wind, turned and came back covering a distance of about 5 miles in 23 minutes. Never before had a balloon been able to make a trip and return to the place of its ascension.
But in spite of the success of Renard and his comrade, construction of dirigibles in France paused for sometime, and it was in Germany that the next attempts were made.
In 1880, a cigar-shaped dirigible, equipped with a benzine motor was demonstrated in Leipsic. It had been built the year before by Baumgarten and Wolfert. At its sides it had ”wings” or sails and three cars were suspended from it instead of one. This airs.h.i.+p met with a serious accident on its very first trip. A pa.s.senger in one of the cars destroyed the balance, the whole thing toppled over and crashed to the earth, the occupants miraculously escaping injury.
Not long afterward Baumgarten died. Wolfert constructed a new dirigible of his own design containing a benzine motor in which he ascended from the Tempelhofer Feld, near Berlin, in June, 1897. Wolfert had neglected to provide against contact of the gas escaping from the envelope with the heated fumes from the engine. An explosion took place in mid-air, and the machine fell to earth in a ma.s.s of flames, killing Wolfert and the other occupant.
[Ill.u.s.tration: GIFFARD'S AIRs.h.i.+P]
Next in the long series of attempts came that of an Austrian named David Schwartz, who designed a dirigible with one entirely new feature: a rigid aluminum envelope. This balloon had a petrol engine. It was tried out in Berlin in 1897, but an accident to the propellers brought it cras.h.i.+ng to the ground. Its occupant jumped for his life and barely escaped killing.
Up to this time there is little to record in dirigible history but a long series of valiant attempts and failures, punctuated all too frequently by grewsome disasters. But the nineteenth century was drawing to a close, the twentieth century with its era of mechanical triumphs was at hand, and the time was ripe for those champions of the dirigible to appear who should make it a potent factor in modern warfare.
Almost at the same time there stepped into the limelight of public interest two men, representing Germany and France, whose names are now famous in the aeronautic world. In 1898 there appeared in Paris a young Brazilian named Santos-Dumont, who began constructing a series of dirigibles whose success astounded the authorities.
In exactly the same year Count von Zeppelin, in Germany, formed a limited liability company for the purpose of raising funds for airs.h.i.+p construction. His first dirigible balloon was the longest and biggest that had ever been built. Although the envelope was not, like Schwartz's dirigible, of solid aluminum, it was practically rigid, for it was made by stretching a linen and silk covering over an aluminum framework.
Zeppelin's first airs.h.i.+p had two cars, with a motor in each, giving about 30 horsepower. On its trial trips it made a better speed than had yet been attained.
With the experience he had gained Zeppelin set to work on a new design.
It was five years before he secured enough funds for its construction, but it was finally ready in 1905. The most important improvement was in the motors, which were as light in weight as those of the first dirigible but had a greatly increased power. As before, there were two cars, with an 80 horsepower motor in each.
Even this airs.h.i.+p, in spite of its greater speed, was not an unqualified success, for it was discovered that it had too great a lifting power, so that when launched it rose at once to a height of about 1500 feet, and was impossible to operate at a lower level.
Santos-Dumont, meanwhile, in Paris, had been performing feats of aeronautics which had made him the acknowledged ”hero of the air.”
Santos-Dumont was probably far from being the scientific student of balloon construction that Zeppelin was, but while his dirigibles did not attain a great speed or represent a tremendous advance in actual theory, his public performances served one great purpose, they aroused the ardor and enthusiasm of the whole French people and of many in other countries for the sport of ballooning. Santos-Dumont had great wealth, and a sportsman's courage. He constructed in all 14 dirigibles, each time seizing upon the experience he had gained and incorporating it into a new model, casting aside the old.