Part 9 (1/2)
Algy did not press the question. 'I am a stranger in these parts,' he explained. 'Tel me, does the word Castil on mean anything to you?'
The man considered the matter. 'It may-and it may not,' he replied.
Algy perceived that he was not likely to learn much from this churlish fel ow. He had one last try.
'Is it a place-a vil age, perhaps?'
'It was,' replied the man. 'Are you thinking of going there?'
The man laughed. 'The cats wil be pleased to see you,' he observed.
'Cats?' Algy began to think he was dealing with a madman. 'Is this a vil age of cats?' he queried.
The man nodded. He seemed to be enjoying a private joke. 'That's right-a vil age of cats. The cats eat the birds. You wil be able to eat the cats.'
Roaring with laughter the man turned towards a motor boat that was tied up to the quay.
Algy took a last look round. Then, deep in thought, he walked slowly up the steps of the Escalier du Port. Looking back from the top he could see no sign of Bertie or Ginger. Only a young girl in black was walking along the Quai de Plaisance.
Chapter 10.
Shattering News When Bertie and Ginger, in the bedroom at Number 6, Rue Mariniere, heard the police at the door, they a.s.sumed, natural y, that they had been traced. Had there been any way of escape it is likely that Bertie would have taken it, but hastening to the window he found himself gazing down for a hundred feet or more on to a pile of jagged rocks. Definitely, there was no escape that way. Indeed, it seemed that there was nothing they could do.
Ginger's first thought was for Jeanette and her mother, who had taken him in and befriended him, for it seemed likely that if al eged spies were discovered on the premises they would find themselves facing a firing party as accessories.
'I'm sorry about this, Jeanette,' he said bitterly, taking her hand. 'I should not have come here. Nor should I have asked you to find my friend and bring him here.'
'You did quite right to come here, monsieur monsieur,' said Jeanette softly.
During this brief interval voices could be heard at the door, but the actual words could not be distinguished. The voices ended abruptly. A door was closed. Footsteps could be heard slowly ascending the stairs. Jeanette ran to the corridor, looked out and came back.
'It is Mama,' she said. 'The police have gone.'
Ginger could hardly believe his ears. He had quite made up his mind that the house was about to be searched.
Madame Ducoste came slowly into the room.
n.o.body spoke. Al eyes were on her face, which was as pale as death.
' Messieurs Messieurs,' she said in a low voice. 'It is tragic news.'
'You mean-they know I came here?' said Ginger.
'No. The visit had nothing to do with you. It concerned Henri.'
'Henri?' cried Bertie, incredulously.
' Oui, monsieur Oui, monsieur. He has been caught. It seems that the night before last he flew to these parts, doubtless to look again on his home; but in returning his engine failed, and he crashed.'
Algy glanced at Bertie. 'Where did this happen, madame madame?'
'Just beyond Peil e. Between Peil e and Baudon.'
'Was he hurt?'
'Yes, but not badly. His head was cut, and for a time he was unconscious. They carried him to Peil e, where a doctor attended him, and where he wil remain until he is wel enough for the police to take him to Nice.'
'And then, madame madame?'
'He wil be tried as a traitor.'
'This is what the police told you?'
' Oui, monsieur. Oui, monsieur. They came to inform me official y of his arrest, and to ask me if he had been here.' They came to inform me official y of his arrest, and to ask me if he had been here.'
'You told them no?'
'I told them the truth. He has not been here.'
'Yes, we know that, madame madame,' said Ginger quietly.
'You know? How do you know this?'
'Because we know the errand that brought him here. It was he who brought us to Monaco. His engine must have gone wrong soon after he started back for England. I'm sorry now that I did not tel you this before, but it seemed cruel to burden you with anxiety. I thought it was better that you should not know that it was he who brought us here in case by any chance you were questioned by the police. Then you could tel the truth, saying that you knew nothing of him.' Ginger looked at Bertie. 'I told madame madame that we knew Henri as a pilot of the Fighting French,' he explained. 'I did not tel her that he brought us here.' that we knew Henri as a pilot of the Fighting French,' he explained. 'I did not tel her that he brought us here.'
Madame Ducoste sank into a chair, tragedy written on her face. 'They wil shoot Henri,' she said in a dul voice.
Bertie spoke. 'Do you know where he is, in Peil e, madame madame?'
'In the sanitorium.'
'Is there a guard?'
'A gendarme gendarme remains always with him.' remains always with him.'
Bertie looked at Ginger. 'I've been to this place, Peil e. It's about six miles from La Turbie, as the crow flies, at the far end of the val ey in which we landed. It sits on a ledge, in the mountains. The sanitorium is just this side of the vil age.' To madame madame he said, putting his hand on her shoulder, he said, putting his hand on her shoulder, 'Don't give up hope. There is stil time for us to do something.' Ginger had never seen him so serious.
'But what can you do?' asked Madame Ducoste, helplessly.
'Leave the matter in our hands,' answered Bertie.
'It is rash to make promises, but we do not desert our friends.'
'I am sure of that,' breathed Jeanette.