Part 10 (1/2)

”Hum,” snorted Billy, ”four-eyes and red-top that's a nice combination for you! I'd like to do something to show that old chap that we can do just as much as anyone else when it comes to a show-down.”

This remark, however, was made sotto voce to Lathrop, as Billy really stood in great awe of the six foot-two of ebony flesh and muscle that was Sikaso.

But Stubbs was delighted at his selection to accompany the boys in their aerial dash for the ivory cache. He spent half the night by lantern light pottering about the great craft and stocking her up with provisions and equipment for the journey. By the time he had finished it was almost midnight and he turned in to join the boys in the land of dreams where Frank and Harry, and doubtless the others, too, were already busy shooting down Diegos and hippopotami and flitting through the air above the great African forest and performing all sorts of wonderful feats.

At dawn everybody was up and about and after farewells had been said the Chester boys and their st.u.r.dy old companion clambered into the cha.s.sis of their craft. Frank had already laid out his course, which lay about two points west of north. The boy calculated that this direction would bring them within a few miles at any rate of the cache. To find it they would have to trust to persistence and a modic.u.m of luck.

Old Sikaso, who had, of course, never seen anything even remotely resembling an aeroplane, stood apart from the excited group cl.u.s.tered about the big craft and gazed at it with astonishment, not unmixed with awe. The other Kroomen--the packers and camp-workers, however, gathered close about the machine and the boys had a lot of trouble keeping their busy fingers from uns.c.r.e.w.i.n.g nuts and loosening turnbuckles.

”Anything more like a pack of monkeys on a picnic I never saw,”

exclaimed Billy as for the twentieth time he chased a long, skinny native away from the propellers, where he would have a.s.suredly been decapitated if he had remained till the engine was started.

A few turns with the clutch thrown out showed the engine was running as true as on the day the Golden Eagle made her trial trip. The m.u.f.fler was cut out and the effect of the wide-open exhaust on the Kroomen was magical. Within a second from the time that Harry threw in the switch and the gatling gun uproar of the exhaust made itself manifest, not a solitary one was to be seen. From the greenery of the jungle that rimmed the clearing, however, their frightened faces could be seen peering, like some strange sort of fruit among the tropical growth. Only old Sikaso stood his ground.

But even that stolid old warrior grasped his great war-axe a little tighter and stood erect as if about to face an unknown enemy as jets of blue flame and smoke shot from the detonating exhaust.

”All ready, Harry?” cried Frank to the younger boy who was at his old station by the engines.

”Ay, ay!” came the response in a hearty tone. ”Then let her go.”

With a quick movement Frank threw in the clutch.

The mighty propellers began to beat the air with the whirring sound of a swarm of gigantic locusts in full flight, and after a short run the great aeroplane took the air in a long graceful rising arc.

Half an hour later, to the watchers in the camp, she was little more than a speck against the sky.

Frank, his eye constantly on the compa.s.s, kept the s.h.i.+p on a true course for the Moon Mountains which, now that they were flying far above the dense forest region, lay a rugged ma.s.s of blue and brown, piled like some giant's playthings--on the northwestern horizon.

Even from the distance at which the boys viewed them they conveyed an almost sinister impression in their rugged shapes. Their harsh outlines cut the sky in a serrated line like the teeth of a huge saw.

”Look, look, Frank!” shouted Harry suddenly as they were pa.s.sing high over a small clearing.

Both Frank and Ben peered over the side in answer to the boy's excited hail.

Far below them was a strange sight.

In the center of the clearing were four huge African elephants solemnly conducting a sort of Brobdingnaggian game of tag. One of the great beasts would tap the other with its trunk and then would scamper away till it in turn was ”tapped” by a blow that would have swept a small regiment off its feet.

Frank pushed over a lever and swung the s.h.i.+p in a circle so that they might watch the great animals to better advantage. Suddenly the boys saw one of the elephants, evidently seized by sudden rage, start goring one of its companions with its huge tusks. The attacked animal had no chance, and but for the boys would speedily have been killed.

”I'm going to give that big bully a shot,” exclaimed Harry, and he got out one of the heavy rifles from the rack under the starboard transom.

”Wait, I'll drop a bit,” said Frank.

In response to his manipulation the aeroplane dropped till she hovered not more than two hundred feet above the great animals.

Then a strange thing happened. The shadow of the craft fell upon the center of the clearing in front of the dueling beasts and the on-looking pachyderms, and as it did so the bully stopped goring its mate and gave a snort of astonishment.

Its note of surprise quickly changed to a loud trumpet of terror as the great pachyderm saw swooping above it what must have appeared to it an aerial inhabitant even larger than itself. Its note of fright was echoed in a chorus that sounded like an a.s.semblage of cracked trumpets as the others also sensed the impending danger.

”Now let him have it,” shouted Frank.

Harry's rifle cracked and the big bully staggered. Twice more the boy fired and the huge creature staggered on to its knees and then with a mighty groan rolled over on its side. The others, even the wounded one, had made off as soon as they had caught sight of the hovering Golden Eagle.