Chapter 307 MIDNIGH (1/2)
”Tonight, we will offer Aiden Jones as a virgin groom!” ;
Said one of the frat boys as he began the initiation of the fraternity ritual ;
”Wait!!!! Hold on!!!” ;
Aiden yelled to stop the frat boy from what he was about to say. ;
Everyone fell silent. ;
”Look, this is a stupid urban legend and if getting out of here means standing under a stupid tree at midnight, then fine! I'll do it. But I demand you to let me go right now or I swear to that freaking queen of yours that if you guys drag me to the graveyard against my will, then I will scream every step of the way...” ;
Aiden said with conviction clearly written on his face and voice. ;
The frat boy thought about what Aiden had said for a few moments, one of them whom Aiden assumed to be Boss Jay said, ;
”Alright Aiden Jones, we accept your conditions. But only if you allow two of our fraternity members to escort you to the graveyard. Then we will guard the cemetery gates to ensure that you will not run away. Once the church bells chimed midnight, you are free to go... so long as the Queen of Darkness does not want you for herself” ;
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And with that, Aiden left out to the cemetery to die. ;
The cemetery was deathly quiet and Aiden was already starting to regret ever agreeing to this stupid ritual. ;
Standing alone in the freezing cold, Aiden secretly hopes for a couple of kids to be hanging out amongst the tombstones for some Halloween Kicks. ;
But since entering the cemetery, he had not spotted a single soul yet. ;
”It shouldn't be long now” ;
Aiden said as he exhaled another turbid of air. ;
It was now nearing midnight and Aiden was already starting to shiver violently. ;
He focused on rubbing both of his hands together and blowing his warm breath to it to warm himself. ;
Aiden was currently standing underneath the branch of the legendary Hangman's Tree waiting for the urban legend to jump out and grab him. ;
He would probably be freaking out right now if the cold was not distracting him. ;
Apparently his black tuxedo is not designed to protect him against the cold of October night air. ;
Trying to keep his mind off the fact that he was standing alone in a creepy graveyard, Aiden focused on trying to pull Clark's suit down by another millimeter to his freezing cold hands. ;
Glancing down to his cell phone for who knows how many times already, he noted the time. ;
”It's already 11:55 pm... Come on Aiden, 5 minutes to go and then you can go home” ;
He whispered to himself as he also takes note of the signal on his phone. ;
He realized that the signal bars of his phone was registering zero and his gut churned with uneasiness when he noticed that. ;
As much as he hated to admit it, but the place was really starting to get to him. ;
Aiden nervously scanned the rows of tombstones around him. He had this weird expectation that a ghost would suddenly pop out and scare the living crap out of him. ;
Well, actually it had already happened earlier this evening. Except that it had not been a ghost but a very large owl. ;
That darn owl swooped down low over his head first before landing at the branch of a nearby tree ;
Of course, he had screamed at the top of his lungs and felt incredibly stupid when he realized that it was nothing but an owl. ;
On that split second, Aiden actually thought that it might be her. The infamous Queen of Darkness. ;