The day Aiden Jones died began like any other.
Err... not exactly die
As in die totally...
But let us say he was not far from it.
Because before this day ends, he will be soooooo dead!
So he woke up in that morning just like what he always does and starts his day with the same old routine.
So just like how he always start his superordinary life, he crawls out of his bed and went straight to the bathroom to prepare himself and face another ordinary day.
Standing in front of the mirror, he ignores the bird's nest on top of his head and began his morning pep talk
”Alright, you hottie. You'll gonna rock this day and hit your daily quota.”
He said to his reflection before he winked.
Good thing that he does not need to share this bathroom with anyone right now. Because if his roommates see him talking to himself like that, they might think that he is a lunatic.
To call yourself hottie despite that hot mess on your reflection.
Which part of you speaks hottie???
Really?? Just where do you buy your confidence??
You must have a lot of stocks!
Then with another big smile he continued talking to himself.
”Okay, Aiden I know that you are handsome, and someday you'll get a beautiful wife to marry and start a family. So as early as now, you must have to start working really hard to earn a lot of money. And always remember that there are lots of readers waiting for your update. So, Ajah! Fighting!!!”
That is how he likes to start his mornings, every day.
Because whenever his alarm goes off at ; 7 o clock in the morning and he has no choice but to drag his sorry butt out of his bed, he will start wondering why does he always have to keep doing all of this.
He can't help but wish that his mother is still here. That he was back down to his hometown with his friends somewhere in the countryside province
Because up here, in the city, all he has is his reflection to talk to.
He must be lonely, you think??
Well, apparently he chose not to. He wants to face life with a smile. Go with the flow. Life must go on.
That is why he had that mantra.
This is to remind himself that there is always a reason to live life as happy as he could be.
That everything is gonna be alright.
He is important and he exists for a reason.
He always wants to start the day with a positive note, like that.
After saying his morning mantra in front of the mirror, Aiden tamed the hot mess in his hair and throw on some decent clothes to hit the cafe a few blocks away from the bed spacer that he was currently renting.
Apparently he was working as a part-time barista in a cafe. Well, so far that is the best job that he could get in the city considering that he does not have any college degree.
Besides, he also had this other source of income. He was a web novelist. He is an author wannabe. Just like any other aspiring authors out there, he also wants his books to be published somewhere in the future.
In fact, that is one of his childhood dreams. If he just had a chance to go to college, he might have chosen a course related to this passion of his as well.