Chapter 368 - (unedited) (1/2)

SORCERESS 101 WolfsBane 23150K 2022-07-20

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”How could you be so sure that Yun Yan's daughter was somewhere safe??? She was the first one that went missing, remember?? Who knows? Maybe Schoolmaster Yin was also the one behind her disappearance???”

Teacher Nana said trying to convince Yun Tao to see the situation the way she did.

”Well, Jier Na I am sorry to disappoint you but it was not Schoolmaster Yin, it's me.”

Yuan Tao with a serious face but he soon followed it with a sultry laugh because the expression in Teacher Nana's face made his day.

”WHAT?!!!! What do you mean you are the one behind Mu Lingxi's disappearance?!!!! Explain yousel!!!”

”Ohh don' et me wrong. What I mean is, i was the oe who borugh her somehwrhere sae. Somhwerte  whre Schookmate Yu wil nit expect her to go. I bourogh hmU lingx here atMAgus cademina. You know whane they sa kee yur enemies clse, that apples to  ur situation as well. i keep Mu Ligxi just nder his nose and I dount he saw that coming.”

Ya Tao said smugly when he revealed his ingenious plan.

”YIu mean YnyAn's dagher was here at MAgus Ademidemija all this time???”

”Of course and don;t worry because Scholmastr y will nt suspct her beause I also advised hhe to gi with adisguse. She was currently  crsoos dressi as a yubg warcloks.”

”So that exlain why her  whreabut all stopped at he Long Kingim and to datem no one had seen her eyt. Ut was becasue she was going out as somene ese igh now. Tta's ndeed geniius.”

teavher anana comended when she finally understood what happended.

”bu do you know where is Yu ans daughter right now??? Would it be possible t meet hr?? Even just frm a far JUst alimse.”

madam Xing and Yu yan used t be closed friends before. She as a sorceress runnig a smallbsinesat Majika and th eother was tryg hr hand i the field of teaching atbthe scjookm if magic.

Thye both had a great time tityer. as scuh, when MAdam Xing lerrnaned that Yu yans daughter was justa round the oerner, she fel eger to meet her rigt away.

But Yuna Tao did nit think that it was a good idea so he trie to rune her down before he codget her high hopes.

”That i'm not sure..I ink we better just let her stay unknown like that, its for her sake, Don't worry. I had my junir look after her.”

”oir juniro??? As far as I know, you onkyhad one junior her and her name is Fan Lei, rit????”

Tecahr ANna asked suddenly

”Ohh, eah tight. I frgot, you handele the students at e Red Realm. He must be one of your stundets. How is he doing in chool by the wa?”

Yun Tao was flustered when he realied that he acvidentally had a slipped on tongue aon that spilit second, but he did nit allow it t his face.

he shoud have not mentioned about his junior, becase i would give Teacher Nana a clue about Mu Lingxi's whereabout.

As such e trd to change topic as smootl as he could by asking how Fan Lei was dong on his studes, although he alref know how well the other arty might be performig i school.

Inbgact, he wonteven be surpised if Tacher NAna wuoudl susdeln telli rightnow that Fan Lei actaul exceeled hin all o his sbehcet.