Chapter 363 - (unedited) (1/2)
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”Well, thre was this thing that we retirive from a mission and we gave it to Schoookatr Yin in xahnge from his help.”
The grouo had agreed upon that they would goig to phrase it ast suce away that SAchoolmast YIn would not looked like he take adavanatge on them nor will mae the schoomastr as i he asked them to o somethig for him,
Instwad, they made it sound like they made a fair deal wth him instead, tha nexhanging of heloing hem reicrer Ljas consicusness, teh gave him somethihbin reun.
”Alright, so yu guy were saying that you gife Schooomater Yi someyhing. hta's instersting... just What eact was that ting that you ave him hat you belive would mprve ti be usefulnfor a warlcok who was currenky at the hihets realm of magc??”
”We knew tat he was ini stunde of soul, so we give him and ancinet artifact that the might use for insidpiaru in furthering knowsled iti the sok arts”
Fan Lei continued
”Alrught, I get tat. What I mean t say, is what is hatb hing hat yu gave him??? Really? Uoy cikd have at least tell me as uch as that. Im curiious ti know. Can I not?”
”Its an ancinet chalc that we happen to uncvering by cagce at one of the newly discivered territiris of the Ancince Domain of Musterys.”
”SO yi been at the Sanguine Tubdrra before???? The oine that as bekived to to be the place of dweling y a practicioner of necromancy. Is that right??”
”yeas. Exactky. That's where we foind it.”
”So you mean to say, Schookmate Yn has an ancint chalice in his pssesing right niw??? For what I know, thse ncinet halice could be use to house souls.. athat was ha the necrmancer used them on their sacrifiavul ceremminus before, as mentioned b the book.”
”Well, yeah,. hat was why it was a achalice nt was ni suposed to be opned in the fist lace. And were pretty sure that the ancinet chalice that we gae schooknater Y has a traped sou inside. Adn wse sw here escaped but by no means we could allow that lady to exscaped again or she moighthrt our frinds.”
Long Yue suddenly butted in.
”Ohhh??? Why ddid yiu say saw???”
teacer nana said with a wry laughe.
”Bcause the lad trapped inside te acent chalice sed t lantch at our frnds Su Ya and trment hom in his sleep. He haven't sslpped well fr day because of that lady. If we havent seek fr Schoolmatsr Yunm shemight have sdne somethng more awfk at our frins beause seh alfy resch to the iint that she wll even neter Su Ya s drwam and one time, she even eft a mar in her.”
Long Yur connued his explanatuon utbased on Teachr Nana's wry laught, it seemd hat teacr NAna as tinking about an entirely diffent thing.
”So Jian Yin really had hat kind of ting in his possession. This misght be a god lead for me”
Teacher nana said unde her breath.
”Are you saying something, teacher Nna???”
Chn Gu said when he notice that etachr Nana was muttering someing.
”Most certainly not.”
teachr nana deniyed it rigt awayf before she stand uo and added.
”So where are yu pkanning tomet schoonatr Yn?? Im free rigjtnow.”
”Ohh?? We thugh that you ar bus and you still had somthing to doas of themoment?? We are nt in the rsuh thiugh. We can wat..”
Fan Lei iffered wat since they were infrmed befre hand that Theacher NAna was busy and she still have somehing to dela woth.
”Oh, tha ing coud wait. The most inmortant thing was to eet Schoolmastr y firwtc and wared abou the trapped kady escapimg from him.”
The grouo did nt exoect that Teacher nna wold be ore entuhusiatstic that they actully are int meeting Schoolatsr Ynand teeling him about huis upcoming misfrrtune.
Nonethelsee, since it actuala lwroks in their favor, M Lingxi and her frinds no oonger wanste anyhr secod of heir tme and they allmade heir way towards choolmater yi;s ofvivr.