Chapter 361 - unedited (1/2)

SORCERESS 101 WolfsBane 22630K 2022-07-20

NOTE: Be warned that this chapter is still UNEDITED and need a whole round of editing first. So if you are seeing this note, please don't unlock it yet.

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It  took time for Mu Ingxi to prcesed eveything that Mu Yanioxi jsut ltoled her. but when realization finally dawned on her, she had gis weid look on her face.

”So are yu saying the Cown Pronce was most likely tye oe wo plotted about kidnapping my brother???”

Nu LImhxi asked in conusin.

HIs broyther hd been very loyal to the royal familiy. He had goven them his life, his time and verything.

TO he point hat he nearly abandoe his only sister just to served traoay family and do his duty as a general.

So she could not undrstah the point wht the crown pronce wiuld eant his brither harm

why would they do that to their loyal subject???

heir mU Cla miht have galld out tothe grood graces f the royal family, patyially because of her fault en she runway from her arraned marriage with one of the orinces

but as far as he concern, that was still redeemable.

the roit betwem their two families was not that big enogh for them to plot against his borther.

”I don' think the CrownPrice could do hat???”

She had neve see the Crow Prince yete eer sic her transmigaration.

Bt from she could remembered him, the Crown rnce and his Borthr Gaiuyan use dtoe be really clsoed buddies.

hey been i to allot tovher, Fht wats to ortech the kindowm, side by ssed like a ood comarreds they are.

OS how he could be a suspecet??

”ww?? just because you had a little crush o him, dose nt mean tah he canno be a bad guy. righ?? Ae yu not oer hi yet???”

MU Yanuxou thrbwed her caiusn an ot of a the bos question

”It snt about me not getting over with my feling yo anyaone. Besides, it was yu who was s=dying to mary theCrwon  Pricne, rigt?? SO i Imay iasked, why are yru turnig your back in our prince caharming??”

”Oh we both know that wont gonna happen now. Beause apparently, someone ruined thatperfevt liite derem ofmine. But hrr is what I thin. I think that yu are indenaila t accept that the Crown PRcne mught be acualyy involed in yur Borther' Goustanys 's disappreance because the cow pirnce wssthe brotehr ofur soon to be uband...Are yiu really panning to rekindel your fist sewet love with Onrce LongFuzi and get amrried wth himeventually???”

”Diss thisng fist, w snone ofyour business, wh I wil marr i the future. Ad lasturly its ecause their were borthers, that I am protecting the crown pinede. Butahnkyou for your ibfrmation, that might prve to be hepful. ill be looking on it. I age oho now. As yu see. i still ahve to eet someoen.”

MU Imgxi said befeore sshe hurriedly made her way to his apoointment.


Hi, if you guys are looking for another taste of romance with a comedic undertone, you can please check out my other book

*Married to the Queen of Darkness (available on both English and Tagalog version)


Also, you can check out for Fallen Blue's work

*Oh My Ghost

* Dear Mr. Fate Changer (available both on English and Tagalog version)


If you do have time, please don't forget to add those books to your library. It will really mean a lot to me. Thank you so much!

And to my Filipino readers out there, I hope you can also support s101 in Tagalog version which I will be releasing one of these days.

Thank you again!