”What do you mean you could not understand her???”
Mu Lingxi asked in confusion when Janus told her the situation.
[It was just like exactly how you heard it, little lass. I could not understand a word she was saying. Luna was using an alien language and I don't know how she was doing that]
Janus almost clawed his fur out due to frustration as he tried to explain to his master what was happening.
”Err... Why don't you tell her to use normal language then???”
Mu Lingxi suggested.
Indeed, that was the wisest thing to do.
After all, it was not as if it was Janus' first time talking Luna.
Janus and Luna used to talk a lot before. This only goes to say that Luna knew how to speak the same language that Janus was using.
[Do you think I haven't thought about that yet??? Of course, I already suggested that to her. But it does not seem like that she was doing it on purpose. It was more like, she forgot how to use the other language as well.]
”You mean to say, that Luna only knew how to speak in alien language now???”
[That seemed to case.]
Janus could only slump his shoulder as the realization of their current situation continued to sink on him.
”Is that so??? Err... Don't you think she was just trying to show off??? Maybe she learned it somewhere and she was just doing it on purpose to let you know she knew more than one language???”
Janus looked heavenwards when he heard Mu Lingxi's next words.
That was the most ridiculous and nonsense conclusion that he could ever come up with
Trying to show off, you say???
Can't you get any creative than that?!!
Hmmmm.. I don't believe that Schoolmaster Yin does not have anything to do with this. He must have done something to my Luna!”
Janus' eyes glowed with malevolence when he suddenly thought about that.
Right at the moment that he first saw that Schoolmaster Yin, Janus already had a bad feeling towards him.
It was only because he needed the help of the party that was why he remained in silence and decided not to pay him any heed.
Besides, Schoolmaster Yin hasn't done anything bad to him before so Janus did not find the need to expose and spoil the other party's facade.
He had long known that Schookmaster Yin was some wolf hiding under a sheepskin but he just did not bother to mention it to anyone before.
Not even to his master, Mu Lingxi.
After all, he did not wish to appear prejudice about the other party
But now that he had his reasons to doubt the other party's character, Janus did not hold himself back anymore and expressed his doubts.
”Janus? Calm down. You should not be pointing fingers here. How could you be so sure that Schoolmaster Yin had anything to do with this??”
Mu Lingxi could not understand why her cat, Janus, was so sure about his opinion.
[Believe me, little lass, it was him! He had everything to do with this!!!]
Janus reiterated his words with much conviction in his voice.
”How could you be certain about it Janus?? He was the one who helped us, remember???”
It was not that Mu Lingxi trusted Schoolmaster Yin more than she could trust Janus' words.
It was just that she was not that kind of person who would trust and believe blindly to someone's words of accusation over someone else. Even that someone was her closest peer.
[Exactly?! He was the only one who touched Luna aside form us. It was not as if someone from us were capable of doing this Luna, right?]
”But it does not necessarily mean that Schoolmaster Yin is capable of doing it, either.”