Chapter 313 - MU LINGXIS IDENTITY (1/2)
When Schoolmaster was done reminiscing his past, he took the ancient chalice placed in his table and sigh.
Although two decades had already passed since that happens, it was still fresh in Schoolmaster Yin's memory as if it just happened yesterday.
”You and I will always be together, my Yu Yan. You can never leave me again. I won't allow that to happen again. You are mine. Mine only”
Schoolmaster Yin said endearingly to the chalice in his hand while he was caressing it. It did not take him long to have a change of character.
From the previous menacing character that he displayed right after Mu Lingxi's group left his office, he turned into an endearing lover.
After that, he carefully put the chalice down and observed it from his seat.
He looked at the ancient chalice as if he was staring at the most beautiful woman in his life.
When he was done being lovey-dovey with the ancient chalice, he went back to what he was doing before Mu Lingxi's group arrived.
When Yu Yan removed the cover of the ancient chalice, the other half of Mu Lingxi's soul that was trapped inside it was finally set free.
But unfortunately, it was too late for Yu Yan to do anything to save herself anymore.
Because it was only when she released Mu Lingx's soul from being trapped, did she realized that Schoolmaster Yin actually tricked her.
Everything was a trap!
There something within the ancient chalice that was pulling her inside, and she cannot seem to escape it no matter how hard she tries to resist
When Yu Yan that it was a dead-end for her and she can no longer escape it anymore, she used every ounce of her strength and power to save the incomplete soul of her child instead.
Using life preservation means that she inherited from her ancestors, Yu Yan burned the essence of her deity blood to protect Mu Lingxi's soul and send her somewhere safe.
When Schoolmaster Yin saw that Yu Yan was up to something, he tried to stop her.
But due to the clash of magic between Schoolmaster Yin's attempt to interfere as well as the activation of Yu Yan's deity blood, Yu Yan's mortal body was not able to take it anymore.
Her mortal body ended up bursting apart and her deity blood sprayed all over the place.
When Schoolmaster Yin saw this sudden turn of events, he was scared out of his wits.
The sight of his most beloved woman dying with his own hands was too much for him to bear.
For the first time, Schoolmaster Yin cried as he tried everything that he could do to save Yu Yan
At that very crucial moment, right before Yu Yan's soul was about to dissipate into nothingness, Schoolmaster Yin managed to save her.
Using his knowledge in soul arts, Schoolmaster Yin caught Yu Yan's soul and placed it inside the chalice. That is how Yu Yan ended up being trapped inside the ancient chalice
Yu Yan's deity blood dyed the entire Sanguine Tundra making the entire place soaked by her blood.
Over time, her blood dried up. Resulting in the surroundings of Sanguine Tundra to have that weird color of dried blood and ambient light of the same color of blood.
That place was literally covered by dried blood that is why it looked like that
Although things did not go exactly just like how Shcoolmater Yin planned it to be, he was still satisfied with the result.
Because in the end, he still got Yu Yan to stay with him.
But Schoolmaster Yin soon noticed that Yu Yan's blood that sprayed around the place was starting to coagulate and it was now flowing towards his direction.
It is exactly just like what happened when Yun Xue took the ancient chalice out of the old mansion.
When Schoolmaster Yin saw this and realized that the blood-like substance was after Yu Yan's soul that was trapped inside the ancient chalice, he was alarmed.
So he tried to hide the ancient chalice somewhere safe.