Chapter 288 - LIFE EXTENSION (1/2)
It has been over a decade already when Schoolmaster Yin's clandestine past was made known by another soul.
Since he made sure to put every single person who learned about his dark secret in silence. Including the only woman that he loved the most.
Unbeknownst to anyone, not even to his closest friend, that Schoolmaster Yin is actually a practitioner of the forbidden art of Necromancy.
Others would have thought that he was just touching the basics of soul arts out of curiosity. But the truth is, this was his field of specialty.
He had been learning the art of Necromancy from a very young age.
And he never stopped studying it. Even after he got abolished in his practice of Necromancy, while he was still in his apprenticeship period.
Yin Shun, or more commonly known as Schoolmaster Yin is just like any other normal warlocks before. During his time, Necromancy was is not yet forbidden.
In fact, Necromancy was even the most lucrative way of learning magic. Because necromancers were highly sought, due to their unique ability to communicate with souls and bridge the worlds of the dead and the living.
It was for this same reason, that the young Yin Shun was enticed in studying Necromancy. So at the young age of nine, he already started his apprenticeship.
The Schoolmaster Yin was hard to come by genius during his time. He really had a knack in the art of Necromancy.
As such, he was able to make a reputation for himself even before he became an official necromancer.
Which in result, attracted more attention towards him. Many admired him for his talents back then. But of course, admirers and haters always come hand in hand.
So if the young Yin Shun had many admirers back then, it only goes to say that he also had the same number of haters.
During his last year of apprenticeship, he had a chance encounter with a talking oak tree that was hidden in one of the ancient domains that he ventured.
This was the same talking oak tree that was now serving as one of the school guardians at Magus Academia.
Schoolmaster Yin planted him in the middle of the Enchanted Forest during his inauguration as the new schoolmaster of the school
From the talking ok tree, Schoolmaster Yin learned about an old prophecy regarding the end of the world.
Being young and wild, Schoolmaster Yin really had a very adventurous nature. So he instantly developed an affinity towards the talking oak tree as soon as he met it.
Especially because he can learn a lot of secrets from the talking oak tree which in return made him more powerful.
But the more he became powerful, the more he craves for more. Until it slowly became his obsession.
Before he knew it, he was already addicted to the pursuit of power.
From there, he started furthering his knowledge hoping to discover a way on how he could defy heaven.
He wanted to be the most powerful warlock to exist in this world.
But knowing that he would be limited by his mortal life, Schoolmaster Yin started to focus first in developing a magic spell that can help him prolong his life.
That is when and he started his research about 'life extension'
But it was also at that time that Schoolmaster Yin's life started to turn upside down.
Right before he could say goodbye to his apprenticeship and become a full pledge necromancer, he finally perfected his research about life extension.
It was through using someone else lifeline and putting it to another person to extend its life.
Lifeline pertains to the lines that can be seen in one's palm.
As someone whose specialty lies in soul arts, necromancers had the ability to estimate how long a man can live.
All they have to do is to have a look at one's palm, and they can already read it from there.
In Schoolmaster Yin's research of 'life extension', he was able to perfect a black spell that will allow him to transfer one's life to someone else.
By means of utilizing those 'lifelines'
To conduct this so-called 'life extension'
He must first require a living 'donor' of the lifeline.
Then using a sharp dagger, he will have to literally carve out those lifelines from his donor. While chanting a specific black spell that he invented.