SORCERESS 101 WolfsBane 20740K 2022-07-20

”Are you sure that it was the Army of the Undead???”

Schoolmaster Yin knows that his students will not dare utter blatant lie straight to his face. But he still cannot believe what he just heard.

”About that, we are not too sure either. We haven't met an army of the undead before. I just read about it in an ancient record back on my clan.”

It was Fan Lei who spoke sheepishly this time. His head was low, not daring to raise it and meet the gaze of the other party.

For some reason, Fan Lei was feeling intimidated in the presence of Schoolmaster Yin despite his amiable approach.

Maybe that is because of the huge disparity between their magic realm. Without even making a move, the warlock of a relatively higher realm can exert pressure on a relatively weaker magic-user.

Right now, it is not only Fan Lei but the rest of his friends were also feeling the same way. They feel like an ant facing a strong and massive elephant.

They feel like, if Schoolmaster Yin wants to make a move on them the other party won't even have to raise his finger.

With just a mere thought, he would be able to subdue the group and they will be utterly crashed without even getting a chance to retaliate or escape.

”Right, it's not your fault. What's important now is you guys came back safe. Regarding the matter about the army of the undead, I forbid you to tell another soul about it.

Whether it was truly the army of the undead or some unknown creature, I still need to further investigate it.”

Necromancy is already a forgotten practice, and its practitioners, the necromancers had long been annihilated. Thousands of years have already passed since the last necromancer ceased to exist.

Mainly, for this reason, the prospect of the group meeting the army of the undead is nigh impossible.

But since they were talking about Echurid, the place where the necromancers used to live before, Schoolmaster Yin finds the situation a little bit unsettling.

Precisely for this reason, Schoolmaster Yin can feel some sense of credibility for the student's deduction. Could it be really related to that forgotten practice?

Regardless if it was related to the necromancers or not, since the matter concerns the safety of his students, as the head of Magus Academia, Schoolmaster Yin would definitely get at the bottom of it.

”One more thing Schoolmaster Yin, I really need your help in saving my pet. Please, I'm willing to do anything just please save her.”

The main reason why Long Yue was in a rush to meet Schoolmaster Yin is to seek his help in saving Luna.

As such, after reporting the situation back at the land of Echurid, Long Yue did not waste any other time and pleaded for Schoolmaster Yin's mercy.