Could it be that Long Yue was left within the weird garden of white buds????
That's too dangerous!
Those white buds were very likely the Devil Smile Flower. Although they have not yet to confirm it and there is no way they will be willing to go back there and dare to confirm their assumption.
In any case, being left inside that garden is nothing but a bad news!
What could have happened to him????
”Maybe he has got separated since we were running with our eyes closed...”
”Yes, that must be it... Long Yue should be alright... Don't worry... Let's look for him.”
The group console their friends, at a time like this, panic won't do them any good.
”Yes,,, we better hurry up...”
Long Fuzi and the rest immediately made their move and look for Long Yue. The group decided against splitting up. Although it would be faster to look for someone if they split up, they know that the idea is a bit dangerous.
Especially since they were currently within the treacherous land of Echurid. They won't be able to afford to take a gamble, while their group safety is at stake.
”Long Yue....!!!!!”
The group called out his name as they look for him. Getting the Scarlet Fire Fruit is this mission's goal. But ensuring the safety of their friend is still the topmost priority of the group.
On the other hand, just like what they suspected, Long Yue got separated from the rest of the group while running.
Since his eyes were shut tight at that time, he doesn't know that he was already taking a different route. Although eventually, he realized that his friend was no longer around, he did not dare stop running.
It was only when he can no longer here the eerie soft laughing in the background did he stop running.
He released his cat, Luna from his storage ring to keep him company. At times like this, he doesn't want to be left alone. It is better to have his cat accompany him, rather than having no one at all.
”Where am I???? Su Yan??????.... Long Fuzi!!!!!”
He tried to call out for his friends' names. But as he expected, no one answered. It seems that he drifted too far away from them this time.
He doesn't know where to go exactly but he was not willing to stay in one place either, so he started walking.