SORCERESS 101 WolfsBane 17980K 2022-07-20

Aside from the one on one introduction of each subject teachers, they also left them with something to prepare for tomorrow's lesson.

Black magic Teacher Nana instructs them to make sure to prepare their wands and book for ”Learning How to be a Mage”  for they will be doing basic spell casting tomorrow. Many of the new students got excited upon hearing it.

For Elixir making, Teacher Shen said that they will be concocting the simplest Elixir available which is the ”Sleep Draught”. The formula in making this draught is written at the book that they supposed to prepare, the ”Elementary  guides on how you can concoct your first Elixir”Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

While Teacher Zhuo makes them memorized the 100 Common Mystical Plants for their Phytomyticology class.  The study material for this is also included in their book, ”Everything you need to know about Magical Plants”

It seems that Teacher Zhuo is planning to conduct a practical test on their first lesson, what a troublesome subject!

On the other hand, the female students were so excited after Teacher Wei promised them that he will be teaching them how to ride an Alicorn, provided that they will perform well for the beast taming class in Mytozoology. Many sure would burn the candle at both ends just for this one alone. The popularity of ”The Beast Book” will surely rise in the ranks overnight.

The last two teachers also wanted them to do advance reading regarding their respective subjects. The lesson about the history of seers will be discussed by Teacher Chao in their Augury Class and they will have to bring their copy of the book ”How to be a sibyl vol.1”

For Etiqqute and Literature, Teacher Jin will be discussing the introductory lesson on the book ”Introduction to the study of Runes and Relics” with is the topic of how to become a witch.

Just from the sheer volume of study loads that they will have to prepare for their first lesson, it was obvious that tonight will be a sleepless night as they will have to hit the books.

”Uhg! I feel like I am back to my high school days where school work and paper work were piling up like a mountain one after another.”

Mu Lingxi muttered to herself but her protest was drowned by the commotion among her classmates.

”Tch! I really hate assignments!”

”I'll make sure to score best for Teacher  Wei's class.”

” I will definitely outdo you there, I guarantee that.”

”Is it possible to ditch class? I think I won't be able to attend Teacher Jin's class tomorrow.”