The atmosphere was heavy and melancholic cries of pain can be heard everywhere. The whole place was surrounded by a thick blood fog and the air reeks with a pungent stench of blood.
When the fog subsided, the aftermath of the onslaught of Harpies greeted them.
The entire ship's deck is a mess!
Wounded warlocks, as well as the remains of the torn bodies, littered the wooden floor.
When Janus saw the glaring wound at Mu Lingxi's forearm, the cat almost wanted to smack the girl straight in her head.
[You stubborn, stinky, little brat!!!! You really deserved a good spanking from this cute little paws of mine!]
He was caught off guard by Mu Lingxi's sudden action. He never expected her to jump away from his protection so he fails to react on time.
Janus can't understand why Mu Lingxi did that. As far as he knows, this little girl was not that heroic nor dauntless in nature.
Or maybe he was wrong???? After all, it was Mu Lingxi who also save him way back on the verge of drowning when he was still a kitten.
”I don't know what comes to my mind either. I just suddenly feel like I was compelled to protect him. Then before I knew it, I was already shielding him away from the harm.”
Just like her cat, Janus, Mu Lingxi also doesn't know what exactly makes her do that.
”Last time I check, this Prince Long Yue and I were like oil and water. We never get along well. But I think maybe because I used to know him??? That is why I don't want any harm to befall him right before my eyes???”
Mu Lingxi tried to rationalize her action but even she, herself was not totally convince.
[ Hmm... I'm sure there is something more about it. It is just that I cannot put a finger on what exactly it is. But I know, everything will eventually fall into places in due time. That is for sure]
Janus said in a way as if saying there is more than from what can be seen on the surface.
But actually, he has another more simple explanation for this 'life-saving thing'. It could be that this little lass really cares and fall in love with this Prince Long Yue upon their first encounter.
It is just that she had not yet realized it herself. Just like what others say. The more you hate, the more you love.
But Janus quickly push that thought in the back of his mind and did not dare voice it out loud. Lest he will incur the ire of this fickle-headed master of his.
”Here, drink this. It will help your wounds to heal faster.”
Prince Long Yue interrupted the master and cat duo and handed Mu Lingxi a gourd. The gourd has an intricate design all over its body.
Just one glance and it was not hard to infer that this gourd's content was not just a simple beverage.