Part 94 (1/2)
He groaned and thumped himself on the forehead. All he wanted to do was have good ideas and make them happen.
Basically, he wanted to be Lester.
Then he knew who he had to call.
”Ms Church?”
”We're back to that, huh? That's probably not a good sign.”
”Suzanne then.”
”Sammy, you sound like you're about to pop a t.e.s.t.i.c.l.e. Spit it out.”
”Do you think I could get a job with Lester?”
”You're not joking, are you?”
”Freddy found out about the buyout offer.”
”So I'm gonna be in search of employment. All I ever wanted to do was come up with cool ideas and execute them --”
”Shush now. Freddy found out about this, huh? Not surprising. He's got a knack for it. It's just about his only virtue.”
”However, it's also his greatest failing. I've given this a lot of thought, since my last run in with Rat-Toothed Freddy.”
”You call him that to his face?”
”Not yet. But I look forward to it. Tell you what, give me an hour to talk to some people here, and I'll get back to you.”
An hour? ”An hour?”
”He'll keep you squirming for at least that long. He loves to make people squirm. It's good journalism -- shakes loose some new developments.”
”An hour?”
”Have you got a choice?”
”An hour, then.”
Suzanne didn't knock on Lester's door. Lester would fall into place, once Perry was in.
She found him working the ride, Hilda back in the maintenance bay, tweaking some of the robots. His arm was out of the cast, but it was noticeably thinner than his good left arm, weak and pale and flabby.