Part 13 (1/2)

A short while after his cousin awoke. He looked around and called Wa.s.samo, but could not find him.

”Netawis, Netawis (Cousin, cousin)!” he cried; but there was no answer. He searched the woods and all the around, but could not find him. He did not know what to do.

”Although,” he reasoned, ”his parents are my relations, and they know he and I were great friends, they will not believe me if I go home and say that he is lost. They will say that I killed him, and will require blood for blood.”

However, he resolved to return home, and, arriving there, he told them what had occurred. Some said, ”He has killed him treacherously,”

others said, ”It is impossible. They were like brothers.”

Search was made on every side, and when at length it became certain that Wa.s.samo was not to be found, his parents demanded the life of Netawis.

Meanwhile, what had happened to Wa.s.samo? When he recovered his senses, he found himself stretched on a bed in a s.p.a.cious lodge.

”Stranger,” said some one, ”awake, and take something to eat.”

Looking around him he saw many people, and an old spirit man, addressing him, said--

”My daughters saw you at the fis.h.i.+ng-ground, and brought you here. I am the guardian spirit of Nagow Wudjoo (the sand mountains). We will make your visit here agreeable, and if you will remain I will give you one of my daughters in marriage.”

The young man consented to the match, and remained for some time with the spirit of the sand-hills in his lodge at the bottom of the lake, for there was it situated. At last, however, approached the season of sleep, when the spirit and his relations lay down for their long rest.

”Son-in-law,” said the old spirit, ”you can now, in a few days, start with your wife to visit your relations. You can be absent one year, but after that you must return.”

Wa.s.samo promised to obey, and set out with his wife. When he was near his village, he left her in a thicket and advanced alone. As he did so, who should he meet but his cousin.

”Netawis, Netawis,” cried his cousin, ”you have come just in time to save me!”

Then he ran off to the lodge of Wa.s.samo's parents.

”I have seen him,” said he, ”whom you accuse me of having killed. He will be here in a few minutes.”

All the village was soon in a bustle, and Wa.s.samo and his wife excited universal attention, and the people strove who should entertain them best. So the time pa.s.sed happily till the season came that Wa.s.samo and his wife should return to the spirits. Netawis accompanied them to the of the lake, and would have gone with them to their strange abode, but Wa.s.samo sent him back. With him Wa.s.samo took offerings from the Indians to his father-in-law.

The old spirit was delighted to see the two return, and he was also much pleased with the presents Wa.s.samo brought. He told his son-in-law that he and his wife should go once more to visit his people.

”It is merely,” said he, ”to a.s.sure them of my friends.h.i.+p, and to bid them farewell for ever.”

Some time afterwards Wa.s.samo and his wife made this visit. Having delivered his message, he said--

”I must now bid you all farewell for ever.”

His parents and friends raised their voices in loud lamentation, and they accompanied him and his wife to the sand-banks to see them take their departure.

The day was mild, the sky clear, not a cloud appeared, nor was there a breath of wind to disturb the bright surface of the water. The most perfect silence reigned throughout the company. They gazed intently upon Wa.s.samo and his wife as they waded out into the water, waving their hands. They saw them go into deeper and deeper water. They saw the wave close over their heads. All at once they raised a loud and piercing wail. They looked again. A red flame, as if the sun had glanced on a billow, marked the spot for an instant; but the Feather-of-Flames and his wife had disappeared for ever.


Once upon a time there lived in the nation of the Chippeways a most beautiful maiden, the flower of the wilderness, the delight and wonder of all who saw her. She was called the Rock-rose, and was beloved by a youthful hunter, whose advances gained her affection. No one was like the brave Outalissa in her eyes: his deeds were the greatest, his skill was the most wonderful. It was not permitted them, however, to become the inhabitants of one lodge. Death came to the flower of the Chippeways. In the morning of her days she died, and her body was laid in the dust with the customary rites of burial. All mourned for her, but Outalissa was a changed man. No more did he find delight in the chase or on the war-path. He grew sad, shunned the society of his brethren. He stood motionless as a tree in the hour of calm, as the wave that is frozen up by the breath of the cold wind.