Part 36 (1/2)
”That was one attempt, giving the lacarna the power of the Lifestone was another. Then, an illness struck us. Its cause unknown, but its effects devastating. We began to die off. In concern for ourselves, we all but forgot our creations.”
”Recently, a select few of us came to the conclusion that we cannot save ourselves from this disease. Our creations; however, might live on. In secret, we started to watch your proceedings. We soon realized that, despite the animosity between the two creations, there were those trying to bring them together. They showed more effort at a peaceful solution than we ever had.”
Max shook his head. ”I think we still have a long way to go.”
”Perhaps, but you are out of time.”
Alexandra c.o.c.ked her head to the side. ”What do you mean?”
”Few of my brothers and sisters are left. If we do not release you from this prison you will not find us before we are gone. Our knowledge of this world and where we came from will disappear. ”
”How much time do we have?”
”A year, perhaps.”
”Max shrugged. ”That should be plenty of time.”
”Unfortunately, there are complications. Those of us left make our home far from here, and we are too weak to travel. I am only here through great effort. Then there are those few who would see that our mistakes are buried and forgotten. Your trip to find us will not be easy.”
Max felt a chill run down his spine. ”There are those as strong as you who wish to see us destroyed?”
Max swallowed hard. ”But, you don't?”
Rhea smiled. ”No, though it was wrong for us to create such beings, you have every right to exist. That, and I want the world we created to be enjoyed. You deserve it after what my brothers and sisters have done to you.”
Melody looked questioningly at Rhea. ”What else is there beyond the mountains?”
”More than I can describe. Where you live is but a speck on Velrune. The life here, a fraction of the things that exist beyond your home.”
Rhea's body began to fade from view. ”No, not yet!”
Rhea scrunched her face as if she was thinking very hard, her body solidified.
”I have little time now. Listen to me well. In two weeks, I will open a pathway in this mountain, allowing you access to the rest of Velrune. Survival outside of these mountains will not be easy, but you must do it in order to find us.”
Alex stood. ”How will we find you?”
”I will try to guide you where we can, but I warn you to beware of others. They have set plans into motion to destroy everything. They will try to lead you astray. Avoid their lies and reach us before it is too late.”
Rhea's body began to fade again. ”My time is nearly over.”
Rhea held out her hand, the shards of the Lifestone rattled on the ground before flying to her and reforming.
”This will buy us some time. If you reach us, you may reclaim it.”
Rhea stepped next to Alexandra. ”I can do one last thing before I go.”
Rhea gently touched Alexandra's forehead. ”You carry the history of our creations, invaluable information to us and them. I know it has been a curse to you, so rest for a while my little one.”
Rhea removed her hand from Alexandra's forehead who sat frozen with a distant, lost expression on her face.
”Lysander, I have borrowed much of her memory to return to my people. It will lift a heavy burden from her, but it will also leave her confused. Please, take good care of her until you meet me again. Now, I must go. Good luck and do not delay.”
Rhea faded from view, leaving them all stunned. Alexandra shook her head.
”Where'd the beautiful lady go?”
Lysander picked Alexandra up, sitting her on his shoulders. ”Home I believe, which is where we need to head.”
Alexandra sat silently for a few seconds then started to sniffle. ”Wh...where's that?”
”Back in the city. You have lots of friends there.”
Melody ran over to where she had dropped Alexandra's pack when retrieving the salve. She returned, pulling out Alexandra's doll.
”Here you go, sweetie.”
Effie, Callie, Ca.s.sia, Anemone and Hannah gathered around them.
”Do you want a ride back?”
Lysander frowned. ”No! I mean, I'm fine with walking, thank you.”
Alexandra bent over Lysander's head. ”Aww, come on, it's fun.”
The sergeant joined them. ”First, I have not introduced myself. I am Sgt. Pax. Second, while I do not envy riding a lacarnian, I believe it wise that we return as quickly as possible to the city. We need to show a presence and prepare ourselves for re-establis.h.i.+ng our order.”
With reluctance, Lysander nodded. ”Agreed.”
Eve winked at Alexandra. ”You can ride on me.”
”Ooo, goodie.”
Lysander chuckled. ”I told you there was still a kid in there, Max.”
Max smiled briefly, but then nodded at Lalita's body. ”How are we going to bring Lalita back?”
The Protectors that had helped them earlier stepped forward and spoke to Effie. ”If you will permit us, we will carry her back.”
Effie nodded. ”Thank you.”
Sgt. Pax turned to a nearby Protector. ”Lt. Tabbar, see to gathering those below and make all haste towards Moenia, but stay on the ridge. We are going ahead.”