Part 23 (1/2)
”Correct, but, like their own energy, the energy they stole from another being also depletes over time. They must find one victim after the next to keep replacing their energy in order to stay alive.”
”Okay, I think I got it, except for one thing. How do they draw out the spirit energy of others?”
”I'm not sure. I doubt it's easy. The simple things I can do, like create the barrier, takes a lot of skill and concentration.”
Lysander shook his head. ”From what I've seen, it's simple enough. They simply lay their hands on the person and take it.”
Max's eyes went wide. ”You've actually seen it happen?”
Max's question drew both Melody and Eve closer to them, both curious as to what Lysander might have seen. Lysander bowed his head, taking a moment to think before answering.
”When I was a child, my parents and I were returning to Moenia from a picnic with another couple and their children. We lost track of time, returning after the sun had set. We made it within a half-mile of the city gates when a Spirit Leech, hidden behind a few rocks, jumped us. She grabbed the other man's wife, yanking her to the ground. Right before us, the Spirit Leech began draining the poor woman of her very life. I could see the color fade from the woman's face. Seconds later, my father and the woman's husband attacked the Spirit Leech, but it fought them off and ran.”
”We rushed to the city, informing the Protectors at the gate of the incident. Luckily, the woman survived, thanks to the quick response by her husband and my father. Three days later a patrol found and captured the Spirit Leech.”
”What did they do with the Spirit Leech?” asked Max.
”They tried and executed it.”
”Even though the woman recovered?”
”That thing would have finished her off if it had the chance.”
”How do you know?”
”Because, the curse not only affected their bodies, but their minds as well. They're mad, not caring what they hurt.”
Eve b.u.t.ted in. ”Well then, Alexandra must not be one, she seems perfectly fine to me.”
Lysander laughed. ”Fine! She's supposedly nine, but she acts like an adult beyond any of our years. Then there are her powers that even Melody can't explain.”
”Okay, but she hasn't tried to hurt any of us. She even healed my arm.”
”Her behavior is different from what I have heard of the Spirit Leeches. However, I have a hard time believing she is an Immortal. Either way, she must really need something from us to come out in the open like this.”
Melody crossed her arms, angry. ”I realize it must have been terrifying to witness such an attack when you were so young, but you can't apply one person's actions to everyone like them. That is the same att.i.tude the Protectors have always had and why our Order has never gotten along with them.”
”That att.i.tude is what has kept us alive and in control.”
”It's also what keeps you from having an open mind, about the Spirit Leeches, our order, and the lacarna. Perhaps you should give us a chance sometime instead of blindly following your beloved Lord Avram and his lies.”
Lysander stopped and faced Melody. ”Careful of what you say, acolyte.”
Melody huffed, but said nothing else. Lysander turned and started walking again. Max, Melody and Eve gave him a little distance before following.
Melody mumbled under her breath, ”Stupid, close-minded Protectors.”
Eve smiled slightly, but seemed thoughtful. ”What do you think about her, Max?”
Max shrugged his shoulders. ”Something is wrong with her, that's for certain. I also have a feeling she's not telling us all the reasons she's taking us to this forest either.”
”I don't think she'd hurt us though, Maxy, even if she is a Spirit Leech. I mean, how many of them have the Protectors actually run into?”
”I don't know, and I'm not sure if it would matter. They seem to make their laws on what they think is the truth about people without really getting to know them first.” Max shook his head. ”I believed being a Protector would be easy; that they did everything that was right and fair. Now it seems that what they think is fair is not how everyone else feels, including me.”
Eve sighed. ”I wish Mr. Penna had come with us.”
”Why? You know all he'd do is give us some vague answer that would make no sense and then tell us to figure it out ourselves. You, on the other hand, have no problem telling me what you think. You also judge people pretty well, if you trust her, I do too.”
”B...but, Maxy, what if I'm wrong?”
Max laughed. ”Then, once again, you'll have to get me out of trouble.”
Eve, laughing, punched Max in the shoulder. ”Sure, you join the Protectors, and I do all the work.”
Even Melody laughed now, forgetting her frustration with Lysander.
No one brought the topic up again for the rest of the trip to the forest. After two nights on the move, the lack of sleep began to wear them down. They skipped any conversation requiring much thought, focusing instead on following Alexandra.
Five days after leaving Alexandra's camp, they reached the Urania Forest, arriving late in the evening. Alexandra stopped short of entering the forest.
”We will rest here until morning. It is not wise to travel through Urania at night.”
Lysander gave one look at the thickness of the forest vegetation and slumped his shoulders. ”How far in do we have to go?”
”To the center, next to the mountain's edge. It will take a day and half.”
”Is that where I can find out how to open my father's box?”
Lysander snickered. ”And where the Lifestone is?”
Alexandra let out a yawn, the first they had seen from her. ”Yes, yes, now go to sleep.”
Skipping her tent, she found a spot free of rocks or other lumps and lay down. The others, glad for the rest, did likewise. They fell asleep quickly, but an hour later Eve woke with a start.
What was that?
Ears swiveling, she listened for signs of movement. All was still, with only the slow, rhythmic breathing of the others disturbing the night.
I know I heard a voice. Wait, I don't hear Alexandra.
Eve rose onto her elbows and verified the sleeping forms around her. No Alexandra. The voice came again, a faint whisper from the forest.
”Come back, please, come back.”