Part 6 (1/2)

Mr. Penna sighed, ”Because I made a promise to your father, Maxwell, to let you learn for yourself about the lacarna. It may have been a mistake, but he was adamant that you form your own opinion of them.”

Max swallowed hard, ”My father? But why? Are they really that different from us?”

”Not so much now, but at one time, yes.”

”When was that? What did they used to be like? Why did they change?”

Mr. Penna laughed. ”Are you actually asking for a lecture? I never believed I would see the day.”

Max didn't laugh, which caused Mr. Penna to grow serious once again.

”All right, so be it. There are not a lot of detailed facts about our planet so I will give you what is common lore of Velrune. I will do my best to keep my own thoughts out of the picture. What you do with this information in days to come is up to you.”

Mr. Penna cleared his throat and began.

”It is said the Creators came from the outer reaches of the cosmos. When they came across Velrune they found it very appealing and decided to make it there home. They first populated the planet with a variety of wild beasts and plants. Little thought was given to the overall design, resulting in chaos. To bring order, they decided to create a more intelligent creature, one they could communicate with. They would need to make this new creature strong, agile and quick in order for it to survive. Thus they created the lacarna.” Mr. Penna winked at Eve. ”The first lacarna were different from what you see now, Maxwell. They were designed as an animal, like a large panther, but the Creators gave them the ability to change form. In this other form, they stood on two legs and could speak the language of the Creators.

”The lacarna's strength and intelligence soon brought order to the previous chaos. Velrune became a welcoming place, enough so, that many of the Creators decided it was time to live on it.

”It is unclear how much time pa.s.sed before the Creators decided to make us, humans. Why they made us is unclear as well. It is believed the lacarna leaned to far towards their beast-like natures whereas that the Creators wanted a being more like themselves. Whatever the reason, humankind came to be and time continued to pa.s.s.

”The humans multiplied and spread across Velrune. Their relations.h.i.+p with the Creators began to change as they began to wors.h.i.+p them as G.o.ds. It was during this time that the Creators living on Velrune became known as Immortals. The humans named them this to separate them from those that were said to exist in the cosmos.

”When the humans began to wors.h.i.+p the Immortals, they denied the lacarna the right to see them, thinking of them as nothing more than beasts. The lacarna grew angry and demanded to see the Creators. When the humans continued to deny them access, war erupted.

”It was a short war. The lacarna nearly wiped out the humans before the Immortals put a stop to it. They realized it was their error in letting the humans take things so far. It had not been their intention to be wors.h.i.+ped. To return peace they decided three things. First, the Immortals spread out to live with both the humans and the lacarna. Second, they inst.i.tuted a ruling body made up of members of both races. This ruling body they called the Protectors. Finally, they encouraged the two beings to live and work among each other.

”Over time, the two races did mix and things remained in order. However, after approximately six hundred years, the Immortals suddenly disappeared. Rumors as to the reasons behind their disappearance spread, each race blaming the other.

”As the accusations increased, war broke out again. This time the sides were more evenly matched. The lacarna had lost many of their beast-like qualities from mating with the humans and the humans had much greater numbers.

”The war raged on for several years, each side losing most of their population. Finally, both sides near extinction, the Protectors were able to bring about peace with the following proposal. The lacarna would stay in the distant wilds or dense forest areas. Any lacarna entering a settlement could do so only if accompanied by a human. Likewise, humans would stay in the open regions and in the settlements that had already been built. They were not to enter the forest unless escorted by a lacarna. The two races were free to marry one another but such unions were needed to be registered with the Protectors.”

Mr. Penna dropped out of his lecture tone and focused on Eve and Max. ”Those are the terms that each race lives by today.”

Max tried to process Mr. Penna's story. ”I guess I can understand the Protectors' terms at that time. But, why still today?”

”Many humans still fear the lacarna, Maxwell.”

”Yeah, but I'm not afraid of Eve. Besides, what does that have to do with what Tyco said about a law against a lacarnian riding a horse?”

”I am afraid any more comments I have would only break my promise to your father Maxwell. I will end this conversation with one last fact. There have not been any lacarnians in the Protectors for a long time.”

Max shook his head. ”I don't understand, Mr. Penna. I don't understand why my father would have you make such a promise, or why the Protectors would place so many restrictions. I mean, Eve is one of the nicest people I know. The only time I've ever even seen her bare her claws is when she was protecting me.”

”I am glad you have Evangeline, Maxwell. She is pretty typical of her race.” Mr. Penna let out a soft chuckle. ”Not that I would ever accuse Evangeline of being typical.”

Eve's cheeks pinked a little. Mr. Penna continued.

”I have met many lacarnians, Maxwell; all friendly. Once, your father and I were even honored guests in one of their forest villages. However, many people only know what the Protectors tell them.”

Mr. Penna paused in thought, becoming very serious. ”About Evangeline's claws, Maxwell, never tell anyone that she has them. It is strictly forbidden for any registered lacarna to have them. In fact, their claws are removed before they are allowed to enter a city.”

Max stared in disbelief. ”That's awful...but, why then does Eve still have hers?”

A smile crossed Mr. Penna's face. ”My guess? Someone forgot to check when they first registered her.”

Max brought his attention back to Eve, who sat with her head bowed, scribbling absent-mindedly in the dirt.

”I can see now why you didn't want to come with us, if people really are that afraid of the lacarna, but why didn't you tell me?”

Eve raised her head. Tears filled her eyes. She could barely be heard. ”I didn't know how, and I didn't think you would be my friend anymore.”

Eve quickly looked down at the ground again. Max stumbled for something to say He hadn't seen Eve cry since the night his father died.

”Shoot, Eve, there have been times when I could have sworn you were the devil himself. The fire in your eyes when you get an idea for an adventure; that red hair of yours blowing about, yet I never stopped being your friend. I knew you would never hurt me. Finding out your long lost ancestors were wild beasts or that there are a few stupid laws your race has to follow isn't going to change that.”

Eve looked up at Max and stared at him for what seemed like ages. He began to wonder if he would survive until morning. He was pretty sure she would never hurt him. At long last, she made a sound that fell between a sob and a laugh.

”I think that had to be the worst attempt at trying to cheer a person up that I've ever heard.”

Max, relieved, let out his breath. ”That's what you get for making me try to, with your crying and all. Hopefully you'll remember this and never do that to me again.”

Eve laughed and wiped the tears from her eyes. ”I'll try my best not to. I don't think I could take that again.”

Mr. Penna, who had watched the two in silence, gave a slight nod. ”Well, things seemed to have worked out nicely. Not that I had expected any different, being Peter's son and all. Alright then, time for bed.”

Mr. Penna laid down and started snoring. Max had a feeling he was faking to avoid further questions. He shared a look of confusion with Eve before laying down himself.


Max gazed up at the night sky as he lay on the bank of the river. His mind drifted among the stars. He felt a light breeze blow across him, carrying with it a distant voice. Max propped himself up to listen.


Max smiled. Now he remembered. Eve wanted to work on her swimming tonight. This would make the third night in a row. She had come a long way since she first asked for his help several weeks ago.

Water was the only thing Eve feared, not even wanting to dip so much as a toe in it. If Max went fis.h.i.+ng or swimming, she would stay on the bank and watch. Now she had changed her mind, wanting to face her fear, but only when no one else would be watching. So, here he was, on the bank of the river, waiting for her arrival.

”Hey, Maaxyyy!”

Max sat all the way up and saw Eve running across the fields towards him, strangely illuminated by the moonlight. The smile on his face grew bigger. Eve definitely made life more interesting. Joyful and energetic, she always brought with her a new adventure. Whether it was climbing trees, investigating the quarry or chasing animals, she went at it with full force. He often had a hard time keeping up with her.

Here, at night, next to the water, that changed. The water made her cautious, almost timid. Here, he took the lead, guiding Eve carefully into the river. It was during this time that he had noticed things about Eve he never had a chance to before. To his surprise, behind her usual fierceness lay a delicate, quiet side. He thought she wore perfume, although he really couldn't imagine her doing so. Either way, he couldn't deny the faint scent of earth and flowers around her that reminded him of spring.

Eve's voice grew louder, shaking Max loose of his thoughts. ”Come on Max.”