Volume 5 Chapter 5 (1/2)

When I thought about it, I realized I knew next to nothing about Himatsuri Asami. She had no trouble speaking with my mysterious mother and she had run away from her own home. But that was all I knew. I had no idea what she was doing there or where she had come from.


More than that, I didn't even know if she was the real Himatsuri Asami.

That was a shocking truth, but I couldn't stop thinking.

After stopping near the water's surface, the Siren took in a dep breath and opened her lips just a crack.

A high-pitched whistle exploded out and my entire body, down to the fingertips, stopped moving.

Was this the Siren's song!?

I couldn't support my body, so I slipped from the building wall and was once more swallowed up by the current. The only upside was that my fingers froze in place with the smartphone in their grasp. If I had let it go in the surging water, I never would have seen it again.

But what was I supposed to do?

I couldn't swim like this. Nor could I breathe properly. On top of that, I felt something like a solid gummy hitting my arms and legs in the muddy water.

Were those the parasites? The Remoras!?

They had not managed to actually attach themselves yet, but it was only a matter of time!!

”…Gh, bh…”

I could not even scream with control of my throat taken. Was it all over? Would I suffocate in the water and have my body infested with strange leeches?

But just then, something as large as a small island rose up below me.

It skillfully supported me so I did not roll off in the wind and current.

”What did I tell you? I will give you permission to speak.”

”Bwah!? Leviathan!!”

”That Siren has the twisted power to submerge an entire city in this lost sea. You should have known what would happen to your mind if you challenged her without my support.”


Even after all this, I had to rely on someone else's power, just like I was running away from home again!

”On the other hand, dragging the Siren herself down here is deserving of praise. Leave the rest to me.”

”…What are…you going to do?”

”She originally belonged to my organization. It was my failure that led to this chaos, so I will punish her myself. I will end this by crus.h.i.+ng her with my teeth. That is my duty.”

”Do not feel bad. This is a matter of my organization. No matter how much blood might be shed, you need not dirty your hands. You continue working toward your ideal.”

Was that how it worked?

Was that acceptable?

Was I…afraid of dirtying my hands? Was that why I claimed to be a pacifist? No. Who did the dirty work wasn't the issue. I had wanted to see humans and Archenemies getting along. It would all fall apart if I rushed to a conclusion and doomed an Archenemy to a sea of blood! Isn't that how it's supposed to work!?

I realized the truth at the last second.

And I worked to stop it.

Simple and heroic anger was toxic. The more you wielded violence, the more pleasure you would feel. The crus.h.i.+ng weight of the guilt would come later, so you would search out a new target to distract yourself from it. Once that began, you could never stop.

”You can't…do that.”

”Why not?”

”Leaving this to you would be the same as turning a blind eye to the Bright Cross so they could handle all the dirty work.”

The Leviathan fell silent for a moment. And then it spoke.

”If you reject every course of action, you will quickly find no path forward in your life.”

”…I know that.”

”But I will respect your decision. You have one chance. If you fail, then I will end it. So do not worry about what happens afterwards. Give it your all.”

I couldn't quite tell if it was trying to encourage me or threaten me.

I did not know what Himatsuri-san's goal was here. Or even if that really was Himatsuri-san. Was she taking on someone else's ident.i.ty, or was someone else taking on her ident.i.ty? I knew nothing here.

And what was it I simply could not back down on here? It was not some stupid macho desire that confused punishment with justice. What did I really need here?

To return the Remora-infected people to normal.

To ensure no one would be taken here again.

To end this conflict and confrontation with my stepmom.

…I would not take no for an answer. No matter what, I would make sure those three things happened. Anything else would count as a loss for me.

”I will support you,” said the Leviathan. ”We will be unable to speak, but the link will remain. I will do the best I can to fight the Siren's interference, but I do not know how successful I will be. So be careful.”

Strength returned to my numb and unmoving fingertips.

I grabbed the nail file I had used as a flathead screwdriver.

I wasn't afraid of the floodwaters. I could reproduce this in the simulator.

”I a.s.sume you can hear me, Leviathan. Take me to the Siren.”

Even without a response, I could tell it could hear me.

”Her brutality is concentrated in that song. That's how she sends people to this glowing ocean and messes with people's heads.”

It was unclear how she worked with the Remoras, but I doubted the leeches were carrying around headsets. I guessed the airborne Siren located a target and used her song to instruct the Remoras to attack it.

Or maybe she could directly control them with her song.

”…So I'll settle this by taking out the Siren's throat. I don't have to prevent her from speaking altogether. Just like treating a cavity or swollen tonsils can change your voice, a small wound should take away her optimal voice quality.”

I knew this was a cruel thing to say.

It was like attacking the Achilles' tendon of a man whose life centered on playing soccer, but claiming it was okay because he would still be able to walk once he healed. Being taken from the forefront was the same as taking his entire life from him.

But that was a compromise I was just barely willing to make.

As long as I could end this without taking anyone's life.

I of course knew she was not going to like it.

The Leviathan's giant body parted the floodwaters, shot straight toward our target with enough force to split the sea, and approached the Siren floating just off the water's surface. Her eyes wavered up and down for just a moment. She was not sure who to attack: me or the Leviathan.

Normally, she would be more concerned about the 30m shark than a puny human.

Just before collision, the Siren's eyes dropped down.



With a yell, I ran across the Leviathan's back and leaped forward. And I held the nail file I used as a flathead screwdriver so I could stab the center of the grip into her slender throat.

Just then, the color gold fluttered around.

I had no idea what happened.

I simply felt a heavy impact pa.s.s through my entire body. It came from my jaw. Something had hit me there. My vision blurred, I lost balance in midair, and I fell into the water.


I had come so far yet I was dealt with like an afterthought…

My head was shaking.

I fought with my unfocused eyes to pull together an image.

I saw a ceiling.

As soon as I realized I was in the guest room of my mother's apartment, someone peered down at me.

”Oh, did you finally wake up?”


I wanted to jump to my feet, but my body refused to move.

What had happened back there? Was Himatsuri-san really the Siren behind all this? Or was someone else pretending to be her? If so, what was the connection between her and the Siren!? They wouldn't do that without good reason!!

”What's the matter? I wasn't there this time, but were things especially bad? Not that risking your life in that shark's place is ever going to be pleasant.”

…What did this mean?

Was she playing dumb? Even though we were the only two ones in the room? If not, did she really not know what had happened? But how could she not? Did she lose her memories of what she did as the Siren?

As far as I could tell, Himatsuri-san was the same as always. I guess I would say it seemed unnatural that she did not respond at all to what had happened.

”There is…something I want to ask you.”

”What is it?”

Puzzled, the beautiful girl, who had cabaret girl blonde hair and a champagne-colored dress, tilted her head.

”…How did I get to the apartment? I entered the glowing ocean from my actual home.”

She must have sensed an odd nuance in that because Himatsuri-san narrowed her eyes somewhat. And since she stood on the side of my mom, Magatsu Taori, it was not necessarily a welcoming light in her eyes.

”I don't know. Taori-san carried you back, but didn't say anything about it. So where was the exit this time?”

Since my stepmom, Amatsu Yurina, had been curled up at home, it should have been somewhere in that house.

I found it hard to believe my mom would approach that house now. Not to mention setting foot inside. So had the Leviathan set up multiple exits around the city?

…That was probably the case.

I didn't know how many people were being dragged there by the Siren's song, but if there was only one exit, they would all have to rush there. So what about when it was that industrial complex's blast furnace or that inn's detached room? Those places were off limits and Himatsuri-san and I had only managed to sneak out with Maxwell's a.s.sistance. Looking at the reality side of things, it would have made the news if 100 or 1000 outsiders appeared there. Besides, where were the Siren and Leviathan getting in and out? It seemed like multiple exits was the best way to think about this.

But I doubted I had left the exit on my own after pa.s.sing out.

So…had the Leviathan saved me?

”Oh, right. What happened to the Leviathan!?”

”Eh? That giant shark?”

Himatsuri-san sounded somewhat creeped out. That reminded me that she had not been with me at the aquarium, so she still saw it as a man-eating shark. She wouldn't know that it could speak human language.

But what had it done after pus.h.i.+ng me out of the ”today's exit” door? Had it returned to reality through a large aquatic gate near the aquarium? I doubted it. If it was to be believed, then its greatest enemy had finally been brought within reach, so would it really turn tail and run?

Something had to have happened.

Himatsuri-san was here and with no memory of being the Siren. That was a mystery in and of itself, but something must have happened. They would not just have parted ways peacefully.


”You look pretty grim. Did something really happen?”

I breathed in and out.

If she was simply playing dumb about being the Siren, then I might die here. Being nearby was enough for her song to scramble my brain and her straight claws had shredded the thick rubber rescue boat. That was superhuman ability, so my windpipe would be a simple task.

”What does the word 'Siren' bring to mind?”

But I still said it.

I couldn't put it off any longer. The Siren had attacked my stepmom and she could attack anyone next time. I couldn't let that kind of tragedy happen again. I wasn't just an observer. More than half of the fault for what happened to my stepmom lay with me.

So it was my turn to protect.

I would protect my parents, my family, my neighbor, and everyone else I could think of.

When she saw the look in my eyes, Himatsuri-san fell silent and sighed. Perhaps due to her manicure, her beautiful nails s.h.i.+ned like a blade as she moved her fingers.

I felt my heart pound extra hard in my chest.

But I did not take my eyes off of her.

Then she pulled something from her cleavage and tossed it to me.

It was a smartphone.

I thought I had destroyed hers and thrown it into the floodwaters to escape the Leviathan, so had she gotten a new one?

”Check the screen.”

I did as she said and saw a photo alb.u.m management app was open. She had apparently restored the data from a backup. A single photo filled the screen.

It was from a bit too close up, suggesting it was a selfie.

The limited s.p.a.ce was filled by two girls.


Yes, that was right. It must have been an older photo because the two blonde girls looked my age or a little younger and they fit themselves in the same photo by pressing their cheeks together.

”This is why I've run away from home. It's all very silly, though,” said Himatsuri-san. ”Her name is Minaki, written with the characters meaning beautiful, cry, and happy. I was told she was a relative and I had always believed it. We only met once or twice a year, but I always looked forward to the Bon Festival and New Year's because of it.”

Nothing about it seemed odd, but one phrase threatened to tear it all down.

She had said, ”And I had always believed it.”

”Minaki was apparently an illegitimate child. She was my younger sister.”

All sound vanished.

Every last decibel in the room faded away.

”Once I knew the truth, I could find all sorts of clues from the past. There was a cousin and an aunt, but I had never seen the uncle. These were supposed to be family reunions, but Minaki and her mother always showed up late so they missed the main gathering. …And I had never once seen Minaki speaking with my mother.”

…This was a family twisted in a different way from mine.

There was no point in comparing the two…

”You can say adults don't play fair as much as you want, but actually seeing that reality before your eyes is so much harder.” Himatsuri-san placed a hand on her forehead. ”…My father was a workaholic. He increased his social status to fight back against society and earned lots of money to fight back against his family. He put himself first and there was no benefit for us. So it was a shock to learn he had given his love to someone else, but that was honestly a trivial matter. I mean, without that mistake, Minaki never would have been born. It was a complicated feeling, but I could have put up with that.”

”What I truly couldn't forgive was that he was giving money to Minaki and her mother. Those visits I so looked forward to were really so he could hand over a bunch of cash. …That solved it. If she had wanted to, she could have brought it to court and torn my family apart, but my father solved it by tossing some cash onto the table looking as irritated as can be. That wasn't love. I couldn't understand it. To him, humans were no more than status symbols, like a foreign car or a brand-name bag! It was only because Minaki and I had grown too much that our mothers were considered a mistress and a wife. He had plenty of other people, but they were just like brand-name bags he bought just to buy and threw into the closet without even opening the box!”

No one would talk about that. Not Himatsuri-san's family and not Minaki-san's.

So how had Himatsuri-san learned about it?

…That was obvious: she had seen it for herself.

This girl had been more important than a friend and she only saw her twice a year: during the summer and during the winter. While excited about finally getting to play with her again, she had seen it.

Perhaps through a cracked door.

She had seen familiar people holding the worst possible conversation, she had seen people she cared about only able to bite their lips and accept it, and she had seen the trembling fingers reaching out toward the cash slammed violently onto the table.

And that could have been her.

Those people were like abandoned bags or shoes, some arbitrary order had decided who was the proper family and who was the mistress's family, and the two sisters were forced to keep their heads down by their mothers.


I had no idea what to say. I could only pray that Himatsuri-san met someone like the Cla.s.s Rep was for me. Maybe that was who my mom was.

All I could say was…

”…So are you not an Archenemy yourself?”

”Isn't that obvious? I'm just a human. If I had that kind of power, I would have killed that man already. To free us all.”

When speaking in terms of her mother, she had called him her father, but now she just said ”that man”.

”…It must be Minaki's mother. That has to be why Minaki has that power. And if they do have that kind of power, I'm impressed they haven't used their claws or fangs on him.”


I finally, finally felt like I had reached the heart of the issue.

The situation was not actually what Himatsuri-san thought it was. Minaki-san had thrown the city's people into the glowing ocean and had gotten Himatsuri-san herself involved.

But what was it the Leviathan had said?

Sirens belong to the sea, but they fly through the sky. So they might have a connection to beings on the land. The Leviathan's group had not cared what the Calamity did to the surface. But the Siren could not just ignore it. So she had challenged my stepmom who had put together Absolute Noah and she might be trying to find another way of overcoming the Calamity.

How could this be?

In that case, what was it the Siren - Minaki-san - had wanted to protect them by betraying her old sea organization, challenging Absolute Noah, and making an enemy of actual demon lords like Lilith and the Leviathan?

No matter how much she flapped her wings, her freedom had been taken from her and her head held down.

She was a bird trapped in a cage.

But had she still been trying to protect Himatsuri-san's family!?


How much would you have to care for someone to make that kind of decision? The slightest dark emotion or desire for revenge would have led her to abandon them. She would not be destroying them herself. It would be the Calamity destroying the Himatsuri family. If she used that excuse, it would have ended at the very first step and nothing would have happened.

But the Siren refused to accept it.

She would not allow the Himatsuri family or the people who lived there to drown in a sea of blood and suffering, no matter who caused it to happen. And to prevent it from happening, she had directly challenged a giant organization controlling the world from the shadows.

”…She looked forward to it.”

”No matter what the real reason was, Minaki-san still looked forward to seeing you, Himatsuri-san. She still looked forward to laughing and playing with you. That's the only explanation!!”

”Wait, what are you talking about!?”

…After all, there was no darkness at all in Minaki-san's photographed face. If she was putting on an unwilling act, there would have been something there, but I couldn't see any hint of it on her face on that cheek-to-cheek photo.

Who was right?

Who was wrong?

Himatsuri-san was not the Siren. So was Minaki-san still in that blue battlefield? The Leviathan had to have gone right back into those floodwaters after pus.h.i.+ng me back to reality.

How much time had pa.s.sed since then?

The Siren could not breathe underwater and the black smoke from the fires had filled the sky with carbon monoxide. Minaki-san could only remain just above the water's surface, making her the perfect target for the Leviathan. And the Leviathan would not overlook that opportunity. It would finish her off.

”Maxwell, Minaki-san is in danger. Is there any way to go save her!?”

”No. You can only access those uncertain coordinates once a day. You lack the rights.”


But Minaki-san had to know she was at a disadvantage. That was why she had remained above the clouds to hide in that safe zone out of the Leviathan's reach.

In that case…

”Minaki-san must have returned to reality. That's the only way for her to escape the Leviathan's jaws.”

She had to have returned.

The Leviathan was unstoppable there but restricted to an aquarium tank back in reality. You might be at risk in the ocean, but it could not reach you on land. Reality gave you better odds of protecting yourself and healing any wounds.

”Where is Minaki-san in reality? If she can move back and forth between the two areas, she must have some kind of hideout. And inside Kukyou City. She has to be there.”

Of course, I had to think of Minaki-san as a threat. Whatever her goal may have been, she had used her song to send quite a few people to that glowing ocean and she had infected them with the Remora parasites. She had also injured my stepmom.

I had to keep Minaki-san from acting before the Leviathan got to her and I had to prove something.

Prove that she had to pay for her crimes, but there were ways of doing that without killing her!!

”Wh-what are you talking about? Minaki is in danger? Was that girl dragged into the water too!? Hey, what do you mean!?”

Himatsuri-san grew pale and grabbed at me.

She was looking at this the wrong way around, but I felt like I understood why Minaki-san would risk her life to protect Himatsuri-san. This was the kind of person Himatsuri-san was, so Minaki-san had wanted to return the favor. Even if they had different mothers, they were still connected by blood.

Telling her the truth would be hard.

Minaki-san was behind this and she was doing this awful thing for Himatsuri-san. And since she had put Himatsuri-san in danger, Minaki-san may have lost control.



Maxwell sent a silent message.

”If Miss Asami has not used up what Mrs. Yurina called the 'one-way ticket', she might access those uncertain coordinates to search for Minaki. She will meet the same fate as Mrs. Yurina when she stayed longer than necessary to search for you.”


Even Archenemy Lilith had barely survived. And now that the Leviathan and Siren were actually clas.h.i.+ng, the battlefield might be even more dangerous. That could be the worst possible place for a mere human like Himatsuri-san.

And if she entered a puddle herself, I could not go save her since I had already used up my one-way ticket.

…Was this the end?

As cruel as it was, I could not let Himatsuri-san die. I would make sure she stayed with me.

”Himatsuri-san, listen carefully.”

”Wh-what is it…?”

”I will tell you the full truth of this incident. And a lot of it isn't going to be easy for you to hear.”


As Himatsuri-san listened to my explanation, she held a trembling hand to her mouth.

It must have been hard to believe.

Her eyes widened, but she did not stop me.

”I don't believe it. Minaki was so kind and she never raised her hand against our cruel father…”

”Being kind and whether or not she used her power are two different issues. In fact, I think it was because she is more human than any of us that she couldn't abandon you.”

”But…that's right. What about those parasites? Minaki would never do that to other people!”

”I don't know about that. Maybe she had some reason to choose those specific people, or maybe she's lost control.”

Either way…

”If the Leviathan ends this, we might lose any possible chance of removing those Remora parasites. So the only way to save them is to contact the Siren ourselves. Without killing her, of course.”

”Of course we aren't going to kill her!!”

Himatsuri-san was rightfully angry. Minaki had had her head held down by both of her parents and the circ.u.mstances of her birth had prevented her from spreading her wings, so Himatsuri-san must have appeared so bright to her eyes.

”I know what I have to do. I have to dive down there and capture Minaki.”

”You can't escape the Leviathan like that. That shark is more comfortable in that h.e.l.lish battlefield than in reality. And the Siren wouldn't place her base anywhere within the Leviathan's reach. If we want a chance to speak with her, it would be better to lie in wait at Minaki-san's hideout in reality and capture her when she appears there.”

”We can't wait that long!! Minaki could be dying as we speak!!”

”The Leviathan might use you as a hostage!!”

I completely made that up.

I just needed something to prevent Himatsuri-san from succ.u.mbing to her emotion and diving into that glowing ocean.

But for some reason, I felt like the puzzle pieces had all clicked into place.

”Minaki-san's biggest weakness has got to be you, Himatsuri-san! She created that glowing ocean as the game master and the Leviathan intervened as a hacker. If you go where the Leviathan can reach you and keep you from acting, you'll just be wrapping the noose around the Siren's neck!!”

…Wasn't that exactly right?

It was true the Siren had created that place. But Minaki-san had no reason to bring Himatsuri-san there. Not even 1% of one. Meanwhile, the Leviathan had interfered to create exits from that glowing ocean. What if it had used that same interference to bring Himatsuri-san to the battlefield? That was only a plus for the Leviathan!!

That may have been logical.

It may have been the right decision.

But it made me want to scream at the Leviathan:

You piece of s.h.i.+t shark b.a.s.t.a.r.d!! You think that shows an understanding of human emotion and you still have the nerve to lecture me on my family affairs!?

”Please understand. The best way to contact and rescue Minaki-san is in reality where the Leviathan can't interfere. And I doubt my words can reach her, since I'm her enemy. I need your words. There's no other way!!”

”…But what do we do?”

Himatsuri-san consciously took a deep breath and even I felt a little calmer.

”I know Minaki has to be in this city to spread her song around. But I have no idea where her hideout would be. Do you have any ideas?”

”Did nothing like that come up in your conversations with her? Did she ever mention creating a secret base or having some location with sentimental value to her?”